3:17 AM
Friday, December 31, 2010:
GOODBYE 2010 SHALL MAKE A REALLY REALLY LONG POST. for the 10th years of 2000. Time flies and i cant stop thinking that i am turning 20 in 3 months time. oh well, i am not upset about it! hahahahahah! i have decided to make a really long post for this special last day of 2010. 2010 had been great, really great. with all the ups and downs, tough and smooth, i had managed to move on and appreciating everything around me. everything that had happened were remarkable. its marks on another part of my life. there is definitely no loses in 2010 but in contrary remarkable gain. With Khong family, 858 Clique, Fsome, Big Clique, Softballers and more, all stays a put. it had been a huge blessing to have them around me. At the end of every year, i reflect on the entire journey throughout the year, feeling the changes in me and everyone around me. stepping up to another stage nearer to adulthood with various life experiences had allowed me to grow stronger physically and mentally. knowing that things changes and appreciate happiness. i had never regretted anything that happened nor the decision made despite the right or the wrongs. anyway, still at the ending of this awesome year, i am moving on to the new phase of my life. but first, i would really like to pass different messages to all the people whom played a huge role in my life, moving on with me through the ups and downs and people whom i really really love and loved. ![]() ![]() KHONG FAMILY first of all, the people that contributed to the largest portion of my entire 19 years of youth. daddy and mommy khong had been the best in my life, giving me everything that i have ever wanted. no complains but continuous givings. People that treated me totally like a princess. Place that i will miss every single minute. after going out for work in 6 months, you will know that nobody can give in to you as much other than your parents and siblings. nobody can be ever better than them. ![]() and not to forget a special dedication to my big sister that is always there for me, protecting me and loving me. i can have countless sisters in the world, but nobody is comparable to my big sister here. ![]() and of course, my little precious honey girl that entered the family 2 years ago, who slept with me every nights lately bringing in all the cute little laughters to the family. i love you daddy mommy sis and bro and, baobei!:D up next, my dearest min sister here. being with me for my entire 19 years too. its great to have get back the closeness with her this year. knowing that she knows every little things about me since young, there is nothing to be hide from her. love you min!(: of course up next, my loveliest 858 clique, being together since 9. love being with them because we witness the growing up of every single one of us. with the weight gain and lost, long hair and short hair. from the change of round spectacles to contact lenses, straight hair to curl hair. every single thing makes us feel comfortable and that's why i am so in love with them. of course once again, special dedication to my closest 2 sisters out of the clique, yong zhen and geena. thank you so much for being through with me for 2010. having the stay over, chit chatting throughout the night on the bed. like what we always say, true friends, true feeling. inside our heart and no one know better than us. love you girls so much! i always feel that they are a special gift given to me from god because it is really tough to maintain relationship from primary school. how many people can be like us? i always know. (: next is for sure the closest heart to heart sisters in my life. cheers for the start of 7 years of our friendship. together since secondary 1. not forgetting the line "seeing 1 is similar to seeing 4. once we see 1 the other 3 will pop out" hahahahaha! our world are always revolved around ourselves. having to meet before hand to go to school, sticking together during classes, heading to lunch after school and meeting up in the night to tour around NTUC. inseparable, i know that . and living within ourselves, we ignore all comments from others, carrying on our crazy life style, enjoying the sarcastic comments, giving ugly names and heavy laughters. i love you girls so much, life would be nothing without you girls. hahahahaha! awesomes are unique because, i had fun with them every single time. really, its every single time. we come together, closer just within this year but they makes me anticipate the outing every time. they made up my night life with prawning, crabbing, drinking and everything that we can do. but the best, is always the one sitting at the road, kite-flying and chit chatting. (: and of course! there is always special dedication, Gracey! ![]() and of course marcus. someone special because our relationship filled with fights and arguments. countless of them. we argued most of the time but we always have the ways to make it up. no friends can compete the fights we had but maybe without that, we can never be best friends. hahahahaha.even though we can carried on this way, i still appreciate that (: my gooooood girlfriend. solo friends are always great. somehow, there is always this chemistry between me and wan yee since years ago. knowing that we clique really well. i guess it is build up during the pitcher and ![]() bestie chee. there are more happenings even this year with me and bestie, having to meet up more often. though the number of meet ups had reduced each year but i know some part of you will always think of me whether you need someone, making me feel really treasured and appreciated. reduced meet ups are always make up with the over night talks. likes it and loves it bestie:D ![]() wont miss you out jun xiang. someone whom i spoke to almost every single days since 3 years ago. coming together out of no where, because of a bbq gathering. and there i made a great friend whom really really treasure me. thank you for listening to me and taking in my temper. you are someone that knows me well and understand me. thank you for being so great! ![]() big brother out here. remembering the first time knowing him was during secondary 1 softball orientation and somehow he is just like another wanyee, whom i pour my heart and soul into. and guess what? lian wei is someone that witness most of my grief. i never hesitate to cry in front of him though i really dun like to cry in front of people. hahahahah. somehow this special feeling always made me trust him this much. because he is someone, that really really understand and give me the advice that i really need. you know that lian wei! ![]() recent meet up with 4s2 had been the best! spending christmas and new year celebration together to talk about all the past. laughed at everything and made up the atmosphere. though i have said fsome do not revolved around anyone, but 4s2 had make up the best part of our life too! ![]() BIG CLIQUE OH i had been missing big clique since the start of attachment. missing the time sitting in lecture halls with them so much. heading to canteen to grab our lunch and to run away from lectures together. hahahahahah! different clique different feelings. they made my poly life in 2010 wonderful. hahahahahha! this special guy out there. someone who had never forgotten me since 4 years ago(: he is he best mate i had made working in fish and co after olevels. hahahaha! being paired up as the best partner in the restaurant had made me likes him a little more than anyone! i will never forget how we washed the dustbin together and my first trip down to a pub with you(: up till 2010, he had never forgotten me! :D:D OUCH. spend hours and hours to slowly dedicate all my love messages to the special ones had make me come to realize that i had many many people whom i really loved in my entire life. like i said, i am always blessed with so many people out there. they always say, 1 is enough but having more than 1 is definitely more than like a bonus. and i am afraid that i am missing out some people. anyone??? there are still some small misses out there which had entered my life in 2010 such as my new friends in Ernst and Young. and one main thing that is missing from all the dedication above, was the PRINCE CHARMING of my life. yes, i am left with that to be completed, wont deny about that. wahahahahahha. i have decided maybe its time. but i am someone that believes in fate more than anyone. so, i shall wait and make that as my new 2011 resolution. hahahahahahhahaha!! having to said all, i am ending 2010 in this way and i am looking forward for the new phase in 2011. i know it will be a great year ahead. (: (:
9:02 AM
Sunday, December 26, 2010:
MERRY CHRISTMAS 2010! finally met up with WanYee after so long. Dinner at Billy Bombers and had our short and nice christmas dinner. it had been very long since we had met up. maybe more than 6 months? but one thing about our friendship, it never change a single bit after so long. Since secondary one, we are in such good terms and despite the rain and storm in Softball we still remain this close(: thank you for being so awesome:D though we might not be having constant chatting all days, all weeks, but you are someone that will really put in heart and soul to listen to me, and someone, exceptionally that i trust alot(: thank you wanyee, you are great!:D topic never change. it always revolves around the past, current and future. bringing in the past to know what we had gone through is good. i am glad that my dearest is still doing fine, and she is always someone that had an unique personality among people i knew. i know you had a good dinner as i do. love you!
6:28 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2010:
Such a baby person(: babies never run away from my sight. there are so many kids in the house on Isabel's second year birthday! sooooo in love with every single of them especially the twins brother. their picture are on both my msn display picture as well as my phone's profile picture cant stop falling in love with them. can you see that the boy on the right has a little blue black on his forehead? hahahahah! ![]() 3 kids were playing the wooden blocks next to the door. i walked passed them and take a look at them. to my surprise all the three boys look totally similar! me: "oh my god, is there some problems with my eyes?? why are all the kids having the same faces???" lady next to me: "ermmm... because they are all my kids" me: OH MY GOD, REALLY?! seriously, cute. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i hope for more more more kids popping out int he family because it will just make the home chaotic. new year will be much better with them around. |