7:07 AM
Sunday, November 28, 2010:
hello dear! (: shopping day with dear was great. dear spent like NOBODY BUSINESS OKAY! hahahahha! buy, buy and buy! but still it was great:D met awesome later in the night down to karwee's house again, to chill. this time it was together with jun long and yihao. hahahaha! its always nice being with awesome somehow(: oooooookay. sometimes, it always happen unexpectedly that who will be the one that hold you up. even for that short simple moment, thank you.
7:19 AM
Sunday, November 21, 2010:
roller coaster rides are fun. but it can make you really sick.
9:34 PM
Friday, November 19, 2010:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCUS(: KEKEEE. i am taking years to post. but still Happy Belated!:D nice that his birthday falls on thursday, so we headed downed to Zouk for his birthday celebration despite our works and school the next day! :D hahahhaha. first time trying zouk. okay fine. but, i still dun know how to TRAIN THERE. dear and i still failed to find out after wasting an hour walking around town. hahahahaha Near Zouk has a nice chilling place where many people choose to drink before entering the dance floor. i still think we drink pretty much. not me maybe but them. 2 bottles finish in such a short while is amazing plus scary. hahahaha. anyway! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BIRTHDAY BOY! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() come the individual. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hope the 7 of us will remain this close like always. and have an awesome 7 birthday celebrations every year. starting from this year! and of course. the girls. ![]() ![]() ![]()
5:36 AM
small world. please believe that the world is small. something so amazing happened today which i really couldnt help thinking how small the world is. there are an estimate of 20 interns that are selected from my school to Ernst and Young for attachment. and one of them, is Sihoon that i happen to know only during internship. Finally see Darling cynthia and headed down to Eskimo to get bubble tea and Sihoon decided to follow us. We are both taking about our dad and she happened to asked if her dad's car were to send to my dad's workshop will it be any cheaper. and she get that idea off her mind as her dad's car is always send to her mum's relative's place for maintenance. but when i happend to mention the name of my dad's workshop she rang her mum immediately. Sihoon: Ma, pa always send his car to where ah? sihoon's mum: Alan there lor. ME: ALAN? MY DAD IS CALL ALAN! (WHISPERING NEXT TO HER) Sihoon: i thought is send to your relative's place? Sihoon's mum: Yes, my Cousin's husband's workshop. Is her mum's surname toh? Sihoon: is your mum's surname toh? ME:YES! OMG. (opening my eyes really big that my eyeballs almost dropped) i rang mummy khong immediately ME: Ma you got a cousin who and who send her car to pa ah? mommy khong: ya. the who lor. ME: ma, i am working with her daughter now. that's how small the world is. when you couldnt imagine someone so stranger to you, only to know her during this 2 months of internship turned out to be your so far yet so near cousin. and it was knew by such a casual 10 min chat. believe it or not? please believe, anything can happen in this world. ANYTHING. still cant believe it.
6:58 AM
Sunday, November 14, 2010:
![]() so in love with it. i had found the meaning in my own fondness of it. my life is just like a big piece of jigsaw puzzle. i am fixing it and putting it into picture with every step that i am going. and right now, i know i had completed at least 80% of it. but no matter what, the final piece right now, will be hanging on my neck. till when i know it is the right time, i will place it back to where it should be and complete the own big picture of mine. a picture that i am looking for to complete my entire life(: so in love with it.
5:38 AM
Friday, November 05, 2010:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE YOUNGEST OF FSOME, MISS TOH WEIXIN. ![]() we are going strong, not to worry. i am always happy to see us together, as one. the thing that are very special about fsome is that, we are always noisy. but when come to dining time, we never talk. and the best thing, we had not realise it for the 6 years being together until the night. this is because of the comfort of the silence. true friends, never feel awkward when come to silence. someone once told me that. (: and, true friend dun see the prettiest side of you, but the ugliest side of you. like this! (below) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() on the actual night. head down to butterfactory to celebrate xin's birthday. it was the first attempt to butter and it was awesome i would say. much better than the previous time. i remember i refrain myself from going club is because of that night. i am sorry, but that's how bad it was. the waiting time and the crowd was horrible. but after the ngiht at butterfac, club seems to be much better. ![]() ![]() ![]() (: tohweixin. love you sweetheart! you are finally 19 after i had turn 19 for 8 months! and when you are 19, i am turning 20 soon! hahahahahaha! thank you for being such a lovely one for the past 6 years. your company is always great. from 1a1 to 4s2 to softball to every now and then. your willingness to always listen to me always touches me deep inside. from the past till now, you always do. really open your ears to let me pour in. i know you are definitely one fo the one that know me upside down. hahahahaha. thank you for holding me when i needed someone to. i will never forget your grab of comfort telling me "shimin its alright i am here". i remembered how i rang you up bursting into you that i am not alright and you got to come out and accompany me while we study chemistry together. this is how great you are. do know that(: thank you for everything. i believe your 19th birthday wish is coming true. and i am glad you are finding the real one, coming so near to you. be happy like always okay. counting on lovely. Happy birthday!
9:59 AM
Thursday, November 04, 2010:
the bell rang. it actually reflect myself when i look at you. whatever happening to you now reflect what would happen to me if i would to walk the similar path. it is amazing how one can continue even when they know the path are not going to be smooth. or instead, it is a tough one for sure. there is only 1 reason out of the many. but why? life is full of contradiction and is ironical. lines like "some things couldn't be explain" but yet it is contradict with "there's a reason behind every action" it just depend which line falls on your situation and that reflect more meaning to you. isn't that so? but, how crucial happiness is to everyone? |