2:56 AM
Friday, April 30, 2010:
i believe we can pass the test of time. its just sooner or later to struggle, or to be disqualified? i rather struggle, than to be disqualified.
3:55 AM
Monday, April 26, 2010:
SNGJESSICA(: this is some day before school reopen. finally met up with jessica after so long! i think it is somehow the first date we had ever since primary school. hahaha. by the way, jessica is my primary 1 first best friend i ever had. hahahaha! to come to think about it, its pretty funny we use to classify our friends into best friends, good friends and normal friends. or even gold, silver,bronze, to be seen from our autograph book. i cant help it but to laugh at how we used to behave. hahahha(: but the time with jessica will remain deeply inside me. how we use to run away from our buddy system. how we hide in the ladies and the male buddy to be begging outside for us to come out because it is time to return back to class. what a misery we cause to the buddy. hahahahah(: still, a good night jess, with very much love. miserrryyyyyyyy.
9:23 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010:
oh my god look at this! hahahahahah!!:D ![]() this is the first time i feel that my blog is so boring and empty. not so, just because i didnt update. so i shall. hahahahaha. one of the best thing that ever happen in april was, LINH IS BACK. officially back from vietnam to her study time. i guess no one know how wonderful it felt except for the three of us(: we spent the entire day together, and it just feel like how we are 6 years ago(: catch up was good, together was always the best. i love, fsome.
9:51 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010:
i am considering, should i move my study table back to the original position. back off from my television? i swear, this position is packed with distractions. lalalala. life had been good. shopping is always one of the best past time for girls. and my shopping partner is back from vietnam. hahahhaha! and first session had just past. saving plan, tarnished. hahahhahaha! i swear, marvelous cream is awwwessommmmmmme. especially sharing it.
12:30 PM
Saturday, April 17, 2010:
my muscle ache to the maximum. i have bad toothache. who can help me rub off the 8 blue blacks on my knees?
12:14 PM
Friday, April 09, 2010:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY(: us:"DADDY! MAKE A WISH!!" daddy:"all my wishes had came true. i had everything i want(:" i am so happy that all your wishes had come true daddy and you had all you wanted. i love you daddy. more than ever.
8:06 PM
Thursday, April 08, 2010:
Rebecca(: 6th April caught up quite a lot but not alot photos are taken. hahahaha(: but anyway, a nice dinner becca(:
7:56 PM
Our eyes say it all when i first saw you, i looked into your eyes when i look into your eyes, i know i am falling for you. when i look into your eyes, i know we are in love. when i look into your eyes, i know you are leaving. when i look into your eyes, i know i am hurt. when i look into your eyes, i know i still do. when i look into your eyes, i know i am feeling different. when i look into your eyes, i know you are no longer there. our eyes are the most powerful messenger. it leak the secret that is hidden deep down inside. at the same time, it can purely tell you how you are feeling(: and i know, my eyes told my heart so.
9:23 AM
TheRedQueen ![]() i do not know why. haahahahaha! BloodyBigHead!
9:29 AM
Tuesday, April 06, 2010:
GENTING 2010 April start off with gratifying and pleasant trip to Genting with Khong Family(: like every year, we are accompanied by the whole company, of daddy's employees and families. but this year trip down to genting is more fruitful than any other previous years. due to the content that was reflected on myself(: This year was definitely a much different year. i am sorry when i come to realize that i did not inform any single of person that i am heading off to genting. not even weixin and yew zhen. hahahaha(: i am so sorry, because i really did not realize. i just hope to get off to genting as soon as possible and just switched off my phone when the clock strike. i know this made some of you really worried, i am really apologetic. beyond any doubts, there are reasons to be so keen to set off to Genting. the period at the end of March was really confusing, troublesome and heart-breaking. do not ask me why, i will not state out. and that gradually led to the urge for the 3 days get away. just want to be out of the place to somewhere only with me and my family(: and no doubts, the trip is fruitful as many thoughts were cleared and i am more certain of the path that i am working. love? friends? family? study? hahahhaha. guess what. at times, you can never come to a clear decision due to many distractions coming by and when you've made up your mind, you are still easily taken away. so the best thing is to get away, think and be firm. and i am very sure you will know what you want(: GENTING was more freezing than any other years before. the step out the bus was chilling and everyone were shivering down their nerves. everyone except for the ones that claim that he's not cold. i am referring to my lovely dad. hahahahaha! i swear, the best choice made to genting was to bring along my book, The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks along with me. the counting down for 7 hours to retrieve our rooms are beastly and that's the worst thing that ever happened there. but with the companion of the book, the last three hours pass pleasantly. the best thing was what i learn from Geena. when you do not know what you want, troubled, upset, vex, the best thing is to get to a place, settle down and read. but i handle it with more contents. i sat down on the cozy small couch, covered with a thick jacket, in the chilling weather, and a fade light from the lamp, a cup of Hot Chocolate (that's the best, by the way), a few bites of soft mayo bun and drift off with the fantasy of my book. what could be better than that? nothing(: Come to the real good part of the entire trip was that this time round Khong family really spent time together. Abundant of time. i think for this, i shall let photos say the words. and the funny thing just came when the cable car started moving out. it was of slightly faster speed and it stopped leaving us hanging in the air when we are only a few meter away. daddy got so frightened than blood just rash up his entire face. his face was really RED. it caught the entire family laughing in the car, joking and teasing daddy. hahahaha! he was really funny. he was grabbing the pole as tight as he could and remain silent through the entirely trip downhill. back to hotel THIS WAS REALLY GOOD. we are glad that we got a better room this time round with the washroom that come with bathtub(: i got no idea is sister or brother khong that brought up the idea of soaking our legs inside. and luckily sister brought along the foam from the body shop. hahahaha! it really the sweetest time with sister and brother(: ARCHERY! brother finally tried playing the superman rollercoaster after much persuasion or by force? lalala. okay, daddy was fantastic. aiming hit up to 100%! thumps up daddy! to know more about the 18 levels of hell. hahaah! do you know litter and wastage of food punish up down to a specific level too??? overall it was really good. daddy hugged the three of us awake the next day. i was first. then when i re-entered the room. the three of them were cuddled together like some 3 in 1 babies. hahahaha(: thank god that i had such a lovable daddy the i know given in his best to love all of us. and of course my motherly mummy! :D this trip make me feel the closeness of the 5 of us. especially with brother khong who sometimes i hardly talk at home when i return home late. he was soooo sticky for the first time and do you believe? the three of us actually slept hand in hand because somehow the hotel room seems to be pretty creepy. hahahaha(: i love you, khongfamily(: |