11:59 PM
Thursday, December 31, 2009:
i wonder why people always have new year resolutions?? hahahahah! must there be one during all year ends? so should i reflect my year tooo? hahahhaha(: 2009 is just as perfect as every other years i had. there's always up and downs in every year dont we? haha(: just learn to be content and remember those good ones(: i'm happy enough to know that i have all my friends around me. fsome, 858 clique, dear, smelly bestie, soh, wanyee and more people that are important to be are still by my side. new people like LOVELY CLIQUES entered into my life 2 years ago and glad that we still remain as who we are right now, being together. getting to know you guys in poly really changes my whole poly journey(: to speak honestly, i really cant remember any unhappy stuff that happy in 2009. to really force out one, is linh leaving back to vietnam. hahahaha(: my wish is khong family remain as lovely as health as happy as united as ever in the new year(: and everyone around me to be as happy as ever, and stay by my side, never leave.(: GOODBYE 2009(:
9:12 AM
Wednesday, December 30, 2009:
ONE DAY GET AWAY TO JB WITH CLIQUE. directly after the next day of our common test, clique set of to JB. the most anticipated day for this holiday! hahahahhaha(: we had been planing for a trip down to jb for so long and its finally fulfilled. hahahahha! met as early as 7. SUPPOSINGLY. hahahahaha! but only janice and i reached. hahahhaha! and we set off at 815. at cause way point. we had a big trouble while traveling to JB. because instead of taking bus, how cute we are, we decided to walk there. and we walked on the wrong path, which could be fine if we were that unlucky. but luck is on our side, so we manage to walk to the malaysia custom. and we swear we are not going to do that again. hahahahha! REACHED JB! AND they found this i dun know should say is stupid or really interesting horse riding game! hahahahah(: we made a belated birthday celebration for markus deal to the date clash with common test. i'm sure he's really shock and totally did not expect anything like this. right nelson?? wahahhahahahah!! but really thanks to markus, sherwin and nelson(: i know you guys are taking really good care of me when i'm feeling terrible at that time. especially sherwin that took care of everyone! hahahahahha! of course to you too markus and nelson(: a good day, i bet to everyone. and we met that night again after a rest. hahahahah! how crazy we are to be so sticky for one whole day. played mj over at nelson's place. and big joke happen again to leonard. did your friend actually follow you home? hahahahah! love clique! |