11:38 PM
Monday, November 30, 2009:
last day of novemeber. thumps up!(: for happy, good life, good month.
9:59 PM
Saturday, November 28, 2009:
Friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief. Swedish proverb I LOVE GRACEY It had been really quite some time since i officially met dear out for big shopping. actually, its also enjoyable just to meet dear down the void deck with our milk tea as the best companion. for the past few months, i always thought that i will drift apart from dear because we really did not meet up for really long, up to 6 months maybe. but when we start to contact, i would really say, i love you gracey! (: hahahahaha! the feeling is different when you did not meet up and once you met up i would say(: met up in town for shopping! good good good(: we did not take any photos until when we are heading home. haha i'm glad that dear is going really fine now. sometimes you will wonder what you wish for, for your best friends around you? for me, i always wish that they are living good, going fine with their life. as long as i know they did, i'm more than happy(: dear and i have more "deals" in hand. we will be hanging out more than often soon. after our mid test(: hahahaha!! love you dear!
7:31 PM
Friday, November 27, 2009:
Friendship being a beautiful feeling in itself is makes people fall in love with their friends not because they are beautiful but also because their beauty is enhanced because they are friends. okay, i am being very efficient this time round. super(: hahahah! since zhen and xin have already blogged about it! hahaha(: a good good good good good good good day out yesterday night with zhen and xin. haven been seeing them for quite some time. and its really awesome to see them!(: headed down to cafe cartel with xin for dinner. yay, i really love the rib there! hahaha! zhen met us at 7. accompanied her to dinner and slacked at starbucks. chit chatting for the whole night. best ever! of course, zhen have the most colourful and fascinating life right now, dun worry we are always there for you darling! and i know you will be happy. just be confident and be certain of what you want okay? hahahahah! we miss the playground becuase we always miss the time being together like how we did in secondary school. i'm glad that linh is coming back. more things will be up ahead(: i really really love you girls fsome! thanks god for giving me such wonderful friends. i know i always say that. but we must always be grateful for what we have right? and say thanks and say i love you to whoever that deserve it(: and what's the best thing about them? "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Walter Winchell" they will never walk out of me.
9:57 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009:
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller yeah. time to blog again(: i think i should blog asap since it is e learning week(: hahahahaha! everyday is busy busy and busy. worst still is when there are so many deadlines for project project and project. but again what's so good is, i am seeing darlings everyday!(: hahahaha! happy happy happy. its only project then we are able to get together! hahahahah! we were cursing and swearing because of the two busy girls that were not able to meet up during holiday. right darling J? hahahhaha! met up really late after school one day to finish up our company law project. went over to denise's place! we really love the green and red wall in her house! green! i really dun know what to say, but i really really really love darlings very much. i remember once i was driving and thinking about the day we graduate. with the four of us plus cliques wearing our graduation uniform, holding our cert. i was tearing while thinking, becuase i really dun want to leave poly. and the only reason of the reluctance to leave poly is because of clique. i am just so afraid that we will not keep in contact after graduate. though i am confident we will not(: love clique! alot.
11:21 PM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009:
daddy bought a new Honda Civic WHITE for sister khong. oh dear, envious!:D hahahaha! awaiting for my turn, patiently(:
5:07 AM
did i mention that most probably linh is coming back to singapore? oh dear, i am still not very sure about it but i cant help to be happy whenever i thought of it(: i cant wait for fsome to reunite. i cant wait i cant wait i cant wait. i cant wait for xin to finish her a level, i can wait for linh to come back. i cant wait for them to make a stay over at my place again. i cant wait to her zhen's story. i just cant wait to see them(: and of course, i cant help loving them!
3:27 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009:
i need some tanning. i want to go dark. i want to get burnt. i think it is time to change my skin. (: sun tan at raining seasons? or maybe tan in thunderstorm? hahahaha. okay you think you are funny. yes xin, let's go sun tanning. and bury zhen under the sand until she confess! haha
5:57 AM
Sunday, November 22, 2009:
he need to be out. he need a red card, out out of my life
4:23 AM
Happy Birthday Marcus Soh(: i miss my girls actually. i asked soh too, does he miss the time back at secondary school, of course softball. i cant deny, i really miss softball. much more when i see the school field. memories there is more than what time can erase(: or it can never be erased. anyway. birthday fight of course. i still want to say, qisheng has a really lousy idea to get soh down his house. but he still came down after many vulgarities and yelling over the phone. cake fight also. screaming and running. i am not dirtied(: laughing* went up to soh's place and clean up. what's the most funny thing up there is when the few of us settle down at the dinner table and listen to kar wee's jokes. its funny not because of the jokes but because of his expression. him, laughing at every single word he say. making all of us wanting to give him a tight slap cross the face. but after every joke, he insist on saying the next. and the story end when every one decided to stand up and walk out of the kitchen. funny yes kar wee? hahahaha! anyway, i still had a good night with the guys though. i hope they remain like that forever(: and of course hope you had a good birthday marcus. |