6:51 AM
Saturday, October 31, 2009:
happy halloween 2009! the mighty had fallen sick:( not terribly sick, but sick. good night
5:58 AM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009:
you are really pissing me off. dun test my patience just because you know i am always holding back towards you.
9:33 AM
Saturday, October 24, 2009:
titanic for the 11th times? the most romanic love story
1:21 AM
"God made woman beautiful and foolish; beautiful, that man might love her; and foolish, that she might love him” vietnam (day 5) eat and play again. this is linh's dog. cute? or my bao bei cuter? hahahahah! went for beef dinner. with 7 different type of beef and seven different methods of eating. hahahah(: STEP 1
i followed actually the same step, but erm, instead of jsut one type of beef, i tried to squeeze all seven types of beef into one roll. and want to see the results?
all right, i think i took really long to upload this. night:D
2:24 AM
Friday, October 23, 2009:
“If i want daddy and mummy to be home. idunliketobehome, alone i am feeling terrible bad
1:02 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009:
One day at a time--this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.” VIETNAM (DAY 4) hahahahha! this seem so everlasting. day 4 breakfast was good:D hahahah! like i say, everyday i eat and eat and eat. hahahahah! YAY! AND I HAD MY HELMET BOUGHT! i think i didn't mention that right? hahahaha! i was asking linh to bring me to the shop for me to get my helmet. do you know, once you reach vietname, i think this is the main and significant item that needed to be purchased? hahahahaha! i was so happy when i got the "la pi xiao xin" helmet! but what's the saddest thing was, i didnt bring it back to singapore. i left it in the room. i was extremely upset. i realise that when i reached vietnam airport. sigh! got to get linh to send it back to me. hahahaha! went to fetch linh's sister from school! and there we go again. lunched at some korean restaurant. the portion was extremely filing. hahahaha! yay! went for full body massage after lunch. hahahahha! it was my very first try for full body massage and i swear its super embarrase because you have to really go in naked. and the ladies touches your whole body. i swear, whole body. i had never exposed my body in this way before! hhhahahaha! then went for yogurt! hahahaha! i think the yogurt taste better than those in singapore actually. hahaaha. and i think if i am an entrepreneur,i think i will set up a shop similar to this in sing. and it will be opened 24 hours so people can hang out there. its really a good place to chill. wait for day 5. sorry xin for the delayed photos! hahahaha
6:31 AM
Sunday, October 18, 2009:
“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.” vietnam ( day 3) hahahahha! bingshun asked me yesterday. "what did you do in vientnam?" hahahahah! i was like "eat? shopping? eat?" hahahhaha! he was like "eat shop sleep?" hahahahah! yes! i was basically doing there everyday there! that's reason out the weight gain. hahahahha! but i still enjoy it because of the special lady i am with all 7 days. linh told me cane one taste nicer, but i feel that bottle one taster better:D fsome, misses. |