8:49 AM
Monday, June 29, 2009:
i just manage to finish the one and only tutorial. so i've decided to stop and make a post. wanted to post the birthday photos of sister's and mummy's. but i find ou tthat i am too lazy to upload, becuase my eyes lid was HEAVY, very. but i've just recalled i've things to upload, because today is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. oh man, i attended the elective module, UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIP. and i can't believe that i've definitely learnt alot in the very first lesson. i would recommand that the tutor was good. and he make me somehow understand guys a little better. i've start to recall how i use to blame for not remembering anything when i remember every single bit of detail deep in my heart. i start to get really upset and cry throughout the nights becuase of thsoe small matter. but what enlighten me today is tutor says, "GUYS WOULD NOT TEND TO REMEMBER THINGS THAT WERE MORE EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL." I really wonder was this true. was this guys??? i remember i really use to get angry because why i can remember but not you, and i will take it to heart that it is becuase i am not important and i dun stand a place. i guess majority of the girls will act like me becaues we always remember but the guys that are important to them dun. just like girls can remember every single small detail like "OH REMMBER WE CAME HERE AND IT RAIN?" The guys might just go like " did we?" and girls will just get really flared up and give an definite answer that the guys dun remember becau esthey do not take it to heart. but now then i realise, it might not. tutor says, guys are made to be like that. their brain function this way that they can't remember things that are more emotionally based. NOW, I FEEL THAT I AM REALLY SILLY, is really.
9:21 AM
Sunday, June 28, 2009:
let me first wish the two most important ladies and closest ladies in the world to me a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! their birthdays were just one day after another(: two celebrations(: but shall upload the photos when i got the time(: but still SHENG RI KUAI LE HONEYSSS!!!(:
10:12 AM
Saturday, June 27, 2009:
bought WIIIIIII as sister's birthday present this year. time check, 1:12 am. mel, dan, sean, big khong small khong and medium khong is happily playing now, trying to keep the volume to the minium. HAPPY.LAUGHING.
8:41 AM
Thursday, June 25, 2009:
suddenly, out of a sudden, when i shut the door, i thought of it 明知道, 但为什么还这么还如此执著
12:35 AM
okay, i better start posting my photos again after some really seem so emo post! hahahahahah(: i'm over with the pre one week emoness. hahahahha! back to photo time. oh man, this photos seems quite some time already, its a friday(: out with NDP PEOPLE, G3! never thought that the night will turn out so well. had dinner at swenson then slacked at explanade(: ![]() and i really had a good day with them. happy working together G3(: and i went for terminator salvation at 12 with N(: since both of us had not caught it. i bet some funny thigns just happen. hahahahah suppose to meet topher for drinking that night. I AM SORRY TOPHER becuaes my movies ends at 2 and after going for tao huay, its like near to morning already. I HOPE TO JOIN YOU AGAIN, and i want to see you real soon before you go into army. it had been a year more since i see you. okay, school is reopening in a four days time, and i still dread to do my tutorials. how! ding dong.
12:38 AM
Tuesday, June 23, 2009:
dun worry about the previous post! hahahahaha, ladies once in a month will have mood like this. and the most it will last for a week, but not so long for mine. mine only lasted for a night(: hahahahah! and definitely, i am more than happy with my life now(: hahahhahah. i would say poly clique is definitely AWESOME IN MANY WAYS. like i always thoguht i couldnt get, but stupid self, I GOT LIKE SO WONDERFUL ONES in less than 2 years, though poly only got three years. hahahahah! AND I AM GOING FOR XIAO LONG BAO BUFFE WITH THEM TONIGHT(: more excited than anything. hahahahah. my mood is good, though its raining really heavily outside. and i miss CYNTHIA LIM YIEPOH AND DENISE TAN BEE HWEE. hadnt seen them since holiday! MISSES. and of course, life wouldnt be any good without fsome, and i finally spoke to linh, but just a few sentences. hahahahhah(:
9:04 AM
Monday, June 22, 2009:
PMS ENTRY, trust me! sometimes, i just hate certain contridiction that happen in life, hapens in human. every single time, i thought i had forgiven, but still when small little thing just spark and everythign just occur again and again in my mind. why are there so much contridicting thinking, contridicing words and ironical people? i remember the most common one, practice makes perfect, but yet, nothing is perfect in the world. does this one depends on different point of view or different stage of acceptance? i hate this the most, kept hold of all opportunities as chances is fought by yourself that's why it comes by. but yet i believe, certain things we have to leave it to fate. then how? opportunity? or leave it to fate? does this apply again on different stages or views? then again, why do people lie to themselves in the heart again and agian, which i would say, I DO. i thought i am unhappy but yet i am not, becuase i laugh nearly all the day and i am really really happy with my life. i thought i am happy but sometimes i guess i am not, because i cried while watching a show when i see the girl tried to hold back her tears, so hard. okay, i guess i know why, because i am easily emotionally affected. yes, very. and who is always the key for this whole thing? emotion? busy life? stress? sometimes, i just want to go back to the life with fsome, where lives are kept simple. everyday schooling with the same people, hang out with the threes after school. head home, bath and meet them again at ntuc, sit at playground and rot the whole day, talking and laughing. liek nothing can replace the lives with fsome, becuase they are my best friends. and of course, not to forget, yong zhen and geena and 858 clique. people that i always miss hanging out with. and really, sometimes, i miss softball and softballers, so much. OKAY, I GUESS SOMEHWO THIS IS ALITTLE EMO. and people will start to burst into me agian, BUT I AM FEELING BETTER AGAIN, and i am going to laugh agian i dun know why!!! Hahahahhaha. i am serious when i say i am feeling better. that's what good about blog and maybe the main purpose of blogs(: hahhahhhhhaha good night, i am really goign to sleep super early at 12 dot. i slept at 2 yesterday when i promised 12. night.
8:30 AM
Sunday, June 21, 2009:
finally i am home. i am going to die in my bed at twelve today with my mask. i dun care. i am going to lay there all the way until 5.55 pm tomorrow. okay, very funny, i am just joking. but i am really going to sleep. is the holiday going to be delayed for one more week? daddy is telling me about this. i guess very soon i have to touch my tutorial. but i skipped nearly all the lecture before the CT week? how am i going to do then? that's the consequences of saying, "HECK CARE" hahaha! nonsense, bye!
5:59 AM
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY ADONIS TOH! Guan hao and jason texted to join adonis's birthday celebration at the dot of 12am(: brought bao bei down, because they want to play with her, especially jason toh and guan hao. hahahaha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hahahhahah! super funny random shot by them! adonis appear and gone again. i guess he went to change his pants. hahahahha! is it guys wear boxers when they are home??? hahahahhahaha! i guessed that(: haha! SPOT BAO BEI IN THIS PICTURE! WHO IS BLOCKING HER??? jason really love bao bei alot i can say. hahahhaa! he wants to takephoto with bao bei. next time i bring her to you and take more photos when she got hair okay, jason! hahhahaha anyway, HAPPY BRITHDAY AGAIN ADONIS! HOPE YOU HAVE AGOOD BIRTHDAY, AND YOU ARE 18 ALREADY! SHENG RI KUAI LE! |