9:10 AM
Sunday, May 31, 2009:
happen to drop by a unique person blog. from his blog, i shall quote a line from his blog which i find it really meaningful friends are siblings that god never gave us. how true this is, especially when you found trueful people around you. when you feel that they are jsut another sister or brother just from different parents. like how i feel that god had gave me three sister. and one from vietnam. how powerful? hahahhaa! alright, zhen,linh and xin. three sisters that god had given me. so people, do cherish friends around you (: it was not given to other people but you. it meant something, fate. thanks for that quote. hahaha.
7:17 AM
Friday, May 29, 2009:
should i start to make plans for my vietnam trip for this comign holiday?? even before my papers start??? pre-test mood. weeeehhaaaa. i just miss linh so and so much(:
4:11 AM
Thursday, May 28, 2009:
baby girl is angry that we got her hair cut. she's ignoring the whole family and sit on the sofa for the entire 2 days. okay, baby got me and mumy's genes. hahahah shall upload baby's botak sooon! she got big eyes upon that! hahahahah and alright, manu lost the champion match yesterday. and nelson is laughing OUT LOUD, at me. hahahaha! but its okay! i still love them(: and i realise, i got soooo plenty of work to becomplete. and its already like friday soon? and today, while travelling to ssdc, i walked the path which fsome always meet. damn, i really just miss linh so much, really so much. and i want to meet zhen and xin:( misses girls.
10:17 PM
Monday, May 25, 2009:
I SCREWED MY WHOLE, CALLING TEST. STUPID PIPE LEAKING. kill kill killllllllllll hahahaha and "L"ucker. i spend one whole day on one tutorial and hell shit, there's the wrong chapter. F the person that set the tutorial quesiton. cant you put chapter 8 or 9 on the paper? who knows which chapter to do! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF angry, you think i got so much time?!
7:45 PM
cousin wee jiejie(: i hope you will give birth to a new baby newphew or niece for us(: hahahahha! okay, did i mention that i did not complet my work that i am suppose to on saturday? andi went MJing with jason houwen and damien. hahahah! and its a peace peace mJ, with no winner and no loser. hahahaha! OKAY, BACK HOME FOR PREPARATION. mummy is angry with me, becuase from the start of the wedding, i am taking plenty and plenty of photos. hahahhaa! jiejie's wedding was held at the OCBS building that i worked part time for a month. hahahah! the place seems so familiar(: CAM-HORE IN THE TOILET, while w understand why mummy is angry?! ahahahaha! sisterkhongs. the best shirely jiejie in my heart(: she's super funny luh i swear, she made me laugh througout the whole dinner. they always made me flash back to the time when we were just a child, how we played in uncle's place. CHILDHOOD MEMORIES is something that you can never get back once its over. but i'm glad i had a good childhood memory with them(: and i met my OLD OLD BEST FRIEND(: hahahah! we walked hand in hand and give xiao gu a big fright. hahahha! she doenst know how close we were since young. too bad, i didnt manage to take photo with her. right min sister? hahahhaha! her name is JIA MIN, by the way(: okay, that's all. with big big blessing to cousin yiwee jiejie and cousin in law. may your happiness be long lasting. did i mention about their relationship? they dated each other for 5 years, with 3 years of distance relationship. not everyone can maintain distance relationship. but they manage to overcome all the barriers and meet each other everyday through webcaming. i salute to their love and may your love go on and on.(:
7:35 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009:
alright, this is some super belated photos. hahahhha! this is taken when we had three hours break in between a make up lecture and we deicided to head to kap for lunch. it was after so long when i first consume MACDONALD. hahahahahha! okay, i had nuggets(: anyway, it was fun. hahahahhha! we chatted through out the three hours. all personal experience and personal relationship was said for discussion. hahahhaa! too bad box wasnt there(: we LOVE MACDONALD, idun(:(: elearning.................. |