9:18 AM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009:
4:45 AM
OKAY OKAY. ONE WEEK DELAYED PHOTOS. hahahhha! LOVE LOVE CLIQUE. hanging out with clique is weelala(: hahaha! at first we thought it will be the four of us getting to out for movies and shopping(: but i'm glad markus and sherwin joined us. hahahha. headed down to queensway ikea to have our meat ball NICE NICE NICE. hahahahah! headed to IKEA later on, as markus wanted to get his wine glass. I SWEAR THE IKEA IS REALLY REALLY A FUN FUN PLACE. I THINK IF I WERE TO HAVE 24 HOURS, i would just walk around ikea and i think there's plenty of things that i can buy from there(: i stayed there for like more than an hour and have plenty of fun. hahhahaha i said, sherwin dumb dumb. hahahah! markus finally chose his wine glass, and he need a box to carry that, and he look damn funny. we walked one whoel big round to reach the counter, and on the way we are having super lots of fun. (HE'S HOLDING SOME TOOLS TO WASH THE TOILET BOWL) denise, box and i find the TWO STUPID GAYS REALLY GAY AND DRAGGY. when we three are ready to go, they are not! and they are happily walking around, CATCHING FLIES. HEHEHHE MINE TURN! I TOLD YOU THEY CATCH A FLY WITH THIS STUPID THING? and they intend to spend 2 bucks to buy this metal thing and burn the fly. that's how wolala they are you see. ahhahahah! TRY TO SPOT THE FLY! meet janice at vivo. MY FIRST M18 MOVIE, FRIDAY 13th! HAHHAHAHA! it was like the second time watching movie with darling, and it was still, HORROR!hahahhaha. look at markus. hahaha headed to F21, while waiting for janice..... do you know he's glaring at the camera screen? hahahah! he's looking! do you see? hahahah! headed to movie at 540. i swaer that we were super funny. this time instead of darling janice, i was sitting with denise, ADN DARLING, YOU ARE SUPER CUTE LA! AHHAHAHAHAH1 we were covering our eyes, head together, and scream and tremble whenever we are shock! hahahaha(: love you girls and boys so much! hahahaha! back to vivo. we saw this. janice told me they grow 2.5 cm everyday until they die. hmmm(: hahahah okay, that's all(: i just go back to my tutorial. I AM SUPER BUSY. i dun like it.
6:41 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009:
after writing how i feel, and chilled for a day. i've still decided to delete the previous post (: AND TAY KAWENG IS LAUGHING AT THE TWO SENTENCES WRITTEN. I DUN KNOW WHY! HE JUST FIND IT TOO FUNNY.
8:52 AM
Sunday, April 26, 2009:
damn. i got so much to blog, so little time to do so. i dun know what i am packed with, but i just seems to have endless things to do. argh, i got three more tutorials to go, when i suppose to do long ago. i got alot photos to post. hehehe i need to scan the application forms. sorry yongzhen! i need to run through the scripts! god damn it. its just the first week. anyway, what a come back for manchester united(: i was extra tire yesterday but i force my eyes open to complete the script and catch the match. but at the ending last 6 minutes i just dozed off at the sofa. but i still manage to witness the 5 goals made. woola! what a joy(: hehehehhe! okay, bye! i am someone's girlfriend tomorrow. just tomorrow! waahhahahahhaha!! okay, shut up shimin, its a role play. hahahahha!
3:41 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009:
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL WITH CLIQUE(: clique was fantastic. i love them so hell lot(: thanks god, we're all in the same class(:, except for babe(: but she's joining us for lectures. i'm finally same class as denise darlign but one whole year(: hahhaha! we were overjoyed. and i was overjoyed to see darling janice(: we were texting the whole day while going to school and where counting down, being super anxious to see each other at the bus stop with box(: hahahhaa! anyway, thanks for giving me such great classmate. i think time will add in nelson and clique too(: hahahha! second day was TIRING. went school with karwee. hahahha! i cant believe karwee was such a punctual guy. he reached like so on the dot. hahaha! oh yes, i should remember you are always a very puncutual person since the past. all right, i still find school really tiring, and project is liek starting this sat. stupid. argh. bye
8:11 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009:
when i switched on the radio, fm 98.7 the song, chance, was played immediately. and the most significant line that was sang aloud was, sometimes goodbye is a second chance. was it? that depend on how strong the bond was. wasnt it, love? and did i mention that, mummy khong drop her handphone into the toilet bowl? and its one of my fav E71. and the phone just go blank. okay, mummy.
3:05 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009:
DOG VS CAT BAOBEI VS STRAY CAT.Can you spot them in this picture?? or this might be clearer? hahahaha! i found this picture in my com for rather long already guess. and thanks to me for taking such cool photo right?! hahahahah! look at my cute bao bao(: ![]() met karwee, michael, matthew and friends to bring them around. and thanks huh kar wee, i did wear pants! stupid. class was fine, thanks to you lur chik heng. hahahhaha! stupid damn fool, and i got good group mates this time round, i am sure(: hahahha! and i'll be seeing darlings tomorrow. i cant wait. i just miss them so much(:
10:44 AM
Sunday, April 19, 2009:
when you are in the worst night, god will play on you by having your favourite team to lost to everton, through penalty.
8:38 AM
who says that the person that made something comes to an end will never be sad? never be sadder than the other party? she/ he can be sadder than anyone elses.
11:22 AM
Saturday, April 18, 2009:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR PHUA HOU WEN, THE "SUPER CUTE, PRIMARY SCHOOL BEST FRIEND" hahahaha! i am praising you, you see?! hahahaha! i did manage to post the photos on your exact birthday okay! time check: 2.34, 19th april! hahahaah(: thank me! thanks for your invitation to your birthday chalet(: dun worry, i believe we all had a good catch up and good time. especially with miss leiwin. hahahhaa(: i'm loving it. i always love my primary school mates so much. seven of us, always together(: sadly to say, toh tee siong was sick that day and was not able to attend, but toh, you dun think i dun know where you are that mornign huh! damien knew it ah! you better explain! hahahahah! anyway, take care huh! sicko is not allow to come close to bao bei(: hahahah! the best four sisters ever. Since we can maintain this friendship for 9, 7,6 years, i believe we are still going on strongly. houwen was so afraid that he could not accompany us and keep coming over to apologise and serving us with food. dun worry, you are a good host houwen, and we love you birthday boy(: hahahah! BIRTHDAY NIGHT(: he wants to be the main lead for every single minute and every single event okay! hahahah! i saw this super adorable baby boy. but he kind of ignore me, BUT ITS OKAY! i'm goign to have one of myself(: hheheheheheh! please add geena and jason into the pic(: and, i think i got some cramps or maybe cockraoch on my face (choi) becuase the photos are not very well taken. haahaha and so, happy birthday. i shall say more things about you, though i am not sure do you read my blog yes. hahahahah! thanks for being a good budd for like 10 years?! huh 10 years? i knew you since i'm p3 right? hahahahah! i think i got some memory problem. i cannot believe i had knew you for 10 years. hahahaha! thanks for always being the cutest and funniest boy in class. i got many of your unglams photos(: of how "overweight" you are! hahahaha! i shall keep it and we shall have a good laugh in the future with you wife and children okay! hahahaha! anyway, thank you for always tolerating me throughout the 10 years. i know how untolerable i am since pri school, with all my violence and attitude. hahahah! but thanks god, you are still a best friend next to me. thanks for always doing stupid thigns to make eveyrone around us laugh. you know you are successful in that! hahahaha! and i cant deny, you love to sing, like so much! K SESSION SOON OKAY! and of course, more MJ! i can been playing with you so much recently! hahahaha! i am not going to say you are good player, for in case you boast it in front of me again! ahhahaha! anwyay, 10 years and its still going. i am hopign for 15 years and 20 years okay! HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!!
10:07 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009:
i wanted to post the photos of houwen's birthday chalet, but, it take a long time to post, so i shoot off the plan. by the way, I HAD PASSED MY BASIC THEORY TEST! wahaha! thanks for those that accomapny throughout the test(: i am glad. xie xie xie xie ni. it so scary, when you sit in front of the touch screen thing and use your finger to tap tap tap tap.... and submit. it dont tell you the score. it just appear PASSED/FAILED. so when you decided to tap on the submit sign, you will really think twice. i left with half and hour long to go, but i've decided to take the risk because its really difficult to breathe in those exam room with test atomosphere! hahahah! i am not, tryign to make it scary, but you wont want to stay there, especially when you have two really ____ guys sitting next to you. they smell like cigratte. really. they just smoked before they came in the room. and thanks to you, jimi, i've booked my final theory and future PLANS! HAHA. and i am sure, i would not get use to the day, without mummy at home. mummy is going sakura with friends tomorrow. mummy with friends??? mummy dun go out of house so often. so without her, eveyrthing will go strange. but at least mummy got outings, which is good.(: and i'll be having movie marathon tomorrow! WOOHOOO! LET'S JIA YOU SMELLY BEST FRIEND! HAHAHAHAHAH!
8:26 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009:
i, need to start studying for my basic theory test coming up can anyone accompany me one thurday and dun mind waiting for me for 2 hours? :D:D:D:D:D i would be super glad(: and did i mention that my sister says that karwee is a good looking lad? hahahahah(:
5:11 AM
"SHIIMN, CAN YOU POST, YOU ARE LAGGING!" in many sense, i am missing linh already. the previous post were meant to have photos only. i know if everything were posted together making a long and naggy post, poeple will just ignore the words, like i always do(: hahahaha! so this is specially made for fsome. the one week stay, sharing the same room with linh was undescribable. like i said earlier, not many people can understand as you had never stayed with your best friend for one week. we had eveyrthing to talk about. the feeling of talking your heart out with the lights is off. you chatted and laughed in the dark, feeling how your best friend feels. everyone have their own trouble, and it needed to be said out. the feeling of watching your best friend sleep and waiting for her to get awake so you can tell her waht you dreamt! that's what happen. linh woke up earlier than me and once i open my eye, i just screamed and tell her the wonderful dream i had last ngiht, dream that i would rather stay asleep. hahahaha! best friend that you got to wait for her to finish her bath so that you can get your turn. best friend that you got to say good night every night before turning in best friend that you do facial together. eveyrthing is just so fantastic. and what's best is when fsome came to stay together at my place, in my small little cosy room and we got to share the bed and comforter, pulling here and there. (lucky my stitch comforter is big enough) hahahahha! having the four of us to be really exhausted and shut down at 5.05, with any words and we jsut went to our dreams. hahahahha! like i say, its hard to get true bestest friend in the world. but yet, god gave me three dearest one, and i am really contented. at lesat they are people that i can count on and whom i believe in. thanks god, there's nothign i would ask for more(: xie xie ni.
9:58 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009:
RETURN OF DARLING GIRL, NGO MIEU LINH(: DAY 1. (sunday) three of us were overjoyed to hear that she is coming back and decided, or should say, of course we will be fetching her from the air port. we got the wrong air line, and so, she just pop out without us knowing. hahahahah. We all headed back to my home, becuase linh will be staying at my place for the week(: linh need a rest after the long day. (: first sleep over at my place was not comfortable for her. she was awake a few times in the middle of the sleep, while i sleep through out(: hahahahah! DAY 2. (monday) movie night(: Actually i couldnt really recall what we did on the second day. haha! but i know we went to catch confession of shopaholic in the late night with sister khong and mel(: there's somehting important needed to be said, but i shall make it at the another post, so as people wont miss out! hahahaha and okay, every one is very much in love with bao bei khong. especially linh. DAY 3. (tuesday) SCHOOL DAY we went back ngee ann today to settle some of her education matters, and she do miss ngee ann. we went shopping as well(: headed home to test on this little little sticker thing, i had never tried before. having everything to talk, having everything to laugh about(: DAY 4 (WEDNESDAY) PREPARATION DAY LINH decided to make her handmade delight "vietnam po pia!" hahahhaha! early in the morning she met zhen to get the ingredient. OBVIOUSLY, i cant get up, and so, thanks zhen for acc her! wahahahhaha! BUT I STILL WAKE UP EARLY, at 11? 10? I DUN KNOWLA, but i didnt help out in anything, butjust taking photos. hehehehe. hahaha! okay. linh went out to meet her friend(: while i decided to stay home and clean up my room, because that girl complain its super messy! and it was messy since the day i enter poly. that's what make is cosy isnt it, xin? ahhahahah! (sorry, that's just an excuse of being lazy to clean up) hehehhehe! so i went all the wya to get this interesting thing that i once saw it at big aunt's place. and until now, i stil find this stick fun(: haahahah! MAGIC CLEAN! RAMEN RAMEN DAY 5 (THURDAY) STAY OVER! NOT TO MISS OUT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY DADDY DADDY MAUCK MAUCKS! yours will be another post okay(: linh helped me to clean my room the whole afternoon(: she gave makign her popiak a miss to pack my room for me. and i swear, she really helped me clean alot. and she really threw many of my stuff. linh, i will try my very best not to mess my room up before year 2 start okay! heheheheh! okay okay. headed to xin's place first. until daddy and mummy is down asleep, they all headed over to my place. and linh FINALLY START HER POPIAK! ESPECIALLY ZHEN. she's famour in rejecting vege! ahhaaha! LOOK AT HER FACE! i cant help it when i see this photo. ahahahha I LOVE THOSE WEAPONS INSIDE.hahahha! oh man! hahaha! we finally stop our game at 5.00 am and decided to catch some sleep. hahahaha! sister khong took my camera, but handphone still exist! hahahahah(: i JUST LOVE ALL THESE PHOTOS TAKEN THAT NIGHT FSOME, BEST GIRLFRIENDS.
![]() ![]() ![]() that's the best night in the whole week. because none of us is missing. DAY 6 (FRIDAY) went china town with linh that day! and sadly, she never get anything! hahahah! but we manage to eat CAFE CARTEL! ![]() daddy also bring her to dinner that day. DAY 7 (SATURDAY) LAST DAY TOGETHER:( ZEECIOUS! went to support zeecious on the dance performance on saturday at tampines mall, open plazze. zeecious did well! zhen you dance well! zee-cious(: last day, no photos. i dun like saying goodbyes. so i didnt bring my camera to airport. daddy and mummy both send linh to the air port. i hugged her goodbye, and darling, i will miss you so much. and i will call you everyday! this one week is the best week in the holiday i ever had. thanks to you darling, wiht all your accomapny and laughters.
wooot! finally, finsih everything. time check: 3:14am already! hahahahah! okay i shall set off! goodnights! |