8:25 AM
Sunday, November 30, 2008:
curse emo songs in the night. HS! you know what song? 依然是朋友。 you will like ******** this song when you hear it in the middle of the night. because it wouldnt make you feel happy okay! hahahaha:D and GREAT! i am not going to school tmr:D for the two hours, i am going to skip:D so, no school tmr! and, MANU WON MANCITY! weeeeehaha! i am like duper happy over it! i enjoy watching soccer with daddy! we will just cheer and scream our lungs out with munmy and didi who only caught half of it:D okay. good bye! Labels: i am very bothered by that song
1:41 AM
really dun want to be offensive you see. but i am really F irritated by the stupid wedding under my block. F it. Because its terribly disturbing and i seriously cant take it. music was played at its maximum. singers were yelling at the top of their voice. MCs were speaking as if like they were in their live concert. BH! and this jolly well just lasted for two whole days. its was deafening even after i shut the window and on my air-con. and they were really playing those rock music. lasting from morning 12 pm all the way to now, evening. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! two cotton dun help much you see! hell irritating. but still, blessing to the married couple:D ohwhatrandomshit am i in. okay. get lost. bye.
1:49 AM
Saturday, November 29, 2008:
![]() a good day to end the week:D i had my day with everyone:D loves. vincent and wan yee:D it was very long since i met the both of them. i think near to a month? yeah:D i love them just so much:D wan yee and i was complaining that the photos taken with vincent was COUNTABLE. 5 fingers can finish counting. UPSET. hahahahha! so we agreed to take mroe mroe more yesterday:D haahaha. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() bestie is damn cute i swear:D love him so much:D ![]() ![]() we love bestie's bag soooo much. gucci gucci. hahahahhahaha:DD: (is it spelled like that again??) hahahhahaha! ![]() ![]() ![]() i had a very good day with them like i said:D went down to town after pooling with clique. yes i went pooling iwth clique and its super fun! i did so many and many stupid and funny stuff which i shall blog about it later:D met bestie. and can you imagine i was right in front of him and he cant see me? ShiMin: you cant recognise me ah???? bestie: HAHAHHAHA! abit abit! HAHHAHAHAHA! that's the difference me with and without my bangs:D and wan yee say i should have my bangs FOREVER! hahahhahaha:D okay. we caught quarentee. okay. the show was not bad. but i did not end with a good condition after that. i had headach even until now. its already night the other day you see. hahhhaha. went over to NYDC to have dinner. BAKE RICE WAS GOOD. ahhahahah! and big mama wasnt working! went over to have camwhore. FUN FUN FUN! i just love them so much larh! and wan yee and vincent cant stop argueing. damn funny:D:D i want to meet them just so soon again:D Labels: vincent wan yee and shimin
4:48 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008:
i want to organise a softball girls outing:D i seriously want to. ihappen to see a group of volley ballers today and i realise i missed my girls so much:D Labels: very much
5:10 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008:
i am seriously, super happy right now. there's a certain joy that is undescribable:D i serious owe JANICEDARLING A BIG LOVE:D or maybe a kiss i bet:D hahahahaha! i love her sooooo much. i am F troubled two days ago. and i promised smelly friend no F. SO i change it to wee wee trouble:D hahahahhahahaha! yes i am just that bothered that day:D I called darling xin last night. can bet what? we talked on phone from 11 pm all the way to 2?? hahaha! yeah:D I LOVE HER SO MUCH LA YOU SEE! i wanted to message her this morning to tel her i miss her! hahahahhahaha:D we really crapped super super super lot! its like a million years since we two spoke to each other:D hahahhahaha! i swear, half of my burden was down after speaking to xin. at first i cant say out in msn. i just cant fix everything back into words. so i decided ON PHONE IS BEST:D and i jsut poured EVERYTHING OUT:D hahahahha! love you xin:D:D yes, back to darling janice. hahahahhahaha! WE WENT K BOX TODAY! wa damn. IT SO SUPER FUN CAN! i seriously lost 3/4 of my voice. hahahhahahah! but i bet i still can sing another 3 hours. hahahhahahaha! i love my voice okay! AND JANICE got nice voice tooo! yes, the trouble wasnt totally down actually. den we start chit chatting as she accompanied me to clementi mrt! we talked so much during the small walk. and believe it anot, the small chat just wash all my trouble down to the train. because darling said out how i am feeling and what i am troubling. and now, i find THERE'S NOTHING TO BE BOTHERED:D because, i really really realise what's the life i want and how i want my life to go:D i am not going to let anything change and i swear i am determine about that:D i am not goign to push myself into something that i dun want to:D and i am going to do WHAT I WANT:D and i know what i want:D i can feel that i am flying now:D hahahahaha! last but not least, HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY BAVANI!!!!!:D Labels: super happy
6:33 AM
Monday, November 24, 2008:
how can love develop? how do one fall in love with another? how can one's heart starts to feels for another? i dun know why, but i start to feel difficulties for this. and i am searching head and toes for an answer for this. haaleyyloooyah. shimin, you are definitely good at giving harsh and hurtful but yet useful advices to other people. but you can never let those things you said reflect on yourself. why? because, its easier said than done. Labels: tell me how baby
7:53 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008:
hehehhehe:D i got a few pphotos taken in school. no no. there are more. but i just want to post this few first. this was last last friday after BMGT lessons:D lesson was NOT cool but clique was cool:D hahahhaha! BIG DOT MOLE DAY FOR EVERYONE. thanks to darling for that. she drew a mole for every single one. markuusss on the leg. BIG FAT MOLE. me on the little palm. her on her "mai" haahhaha! and cynthia and denise same place as me:D damn cool:Dhhahahha yeah:D and i met fsome last ngiht! ANOTHER SUPER COOL NIGHT! oh i love them like do re me fa so la la la! xin jsut got back from OBS. and damn, she's rahter super tan now! hhahahhahaha! just like a ah nei! hahahahha! she's gonna kill me! hahahahha:D:D:D:D i was comparing my colour with her all the way. but she love her super tan colour now! hahahhahahah! I LOVE HER YELLOW OBS SHIRT! ITS SO NICE YOU SEE:D:D:D and the four of us crap so much under the void deck! talk nearly throughout the dark night:D weeeeeeee! i just love catching up with them! i spam linh's phone again when she was sitting right beside me! "SPAM!" hahahahhaha! and you can see the look from her face:D hahahhaha! i enjoy unlimited sms! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! talked on phone with mr smelly throughout the mid night, not again but for the first time. i think becuase we knew each other for rather long, so we have plenty to crap. hahahhaha! and i love his voice in the phone! its so different from reality! hahahahhahaha! damn funny! and i love to fall asleep like that:D AND, ALL THE WAY GOODY FRIEND! siyuan is having his dragon boat competition today. although i am from ngee ann but i got more friend participating under singapore poly. SO I SUPPORT SP THIS TIME! all the way!!!! siyuan mingzhou and guan hao if i am not wrong! i am praying hard for you! hahaahah! and, i want to meet dear so much:D miss her bad-bad-ly! :D:D that's alll! bye peeps!
5:48 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008:
actually, i am running out of words of what to blog. i got nothing much to say. but i just feel like blogging. hahahahha:D i had been dreaming alot lately. alot. thinking alot too. i am seriously wandering what and how i am feeling. i am nothing go round though:D and having unlimited sms is so super duper COOL! i had never try message so much in a day, spaming and spaming people's phone. the feeling is so WAO:D hahahhha. i was messaging amanda in class when she was just sitting next to me. shimin: SPAM! ( one word only okay) amanda: SPAM YOU BACK! amanda: dun sms so mcuh la! shimin: shut up la! this is the kind of msg we are sending you see? hahahhaa! and i am spaming linh's phone like nobody business. she offered me all her thousand free smsES and we are crapping more than what we do. haahhaha! i am waiting for xinxin to come back from OBS so i can spam her phone too! hahahhahahD: and of MRSMELLY! spaming him every single msg. and i promised 10 msges for him early in the moring:D hahahahha! i told manda, if i signed the wrong plan and there are no free sms. i will die immediately. hahahhaha i spoke to mommy so much just now.:) i told mummy how i am feeling. and mummy always give me the same old advice and said the same old words. haahaha:D but i still love talking to her. and she will be holding my 8335. at least i know this number is still around me:D and know what? i seriously think i had the best father in the world. seriously, just the best in the world. if i dun have this dad, i wouldnt be here today. i love you daddy khong:L wo ai ni:D Labels: love daddy
6:11 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008:
everyday was good. getting better each time. but more tiring each time:D oh yes, here to say. HAVE A ENJOYABLE TRIP xin xin to OBS. i wonder how tan you will get to be when you are back. hahahahha oh i am missing her already. its so long since i met up with her. i hope she enjoy her OBS. its a most well experienced trip i ever had:D and also. HAVE A SAFE TRIP TO ENGLAND SOH:D hahahhahah:D make sure you enjoy yourself too! :D do you think you can read my blog from there? wahahhahahahhaha! and you will be missed of course:D and yes! i got a new line already:D WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. and i can keep my 8335. i am still usign it:D weeeeeeeeeeeeee. super happy! I AM BURSTIGN EVEYRONE'S PHONE. I AM BURSTING LINH'S PHONE NOW! MR SMELLY! AMANDA! AND CYNTIA AND JANICE! HHAHAHAHHAHAH! SUPER FUN! WEEEE AND WEE AND WEEEE:D:D
5:39 AM
Monday, November 17, 2008:
maybe god can help me to think of a solution to my problem now? i am super troubled:( troubled like the world is topping on me. oh dear. i need a change in plan. a HANDPHONE PLAN. my message is bursting like the balloon. BOMB! i need a change for free UMLIMITED SMS. i want to sms like nobody business. do not have to limit myself to 1000 free sms. everyday 30 msg that's all. and yet, have to pay 100 bucks for that:( yucks. i need a change. a change to 11243545975931 sms for just 25 bucks. i need to save for daddy after wasting 8 years= 96 months of money for every month over hit of messages. never fail, i swear. BUT, i dun bare to forgone 8335. i need this number, i love this number. it followed me since i was primary four when i first get my phone. every single one that is close to me memories this number. fsome and clique. i dun want to change number. oh dear. but what can i do? stupid singtel dun allow me to change to the student plan as my line was just renewed month ago. now i understand why daddy insist dun want to tell me when my line was over when i kept pursuading him to change a plan for me, i begged him. he jsut keep smiling and let things pass. and now he give me that smiley smiley look and ask me how do i know. and i got to pay 450 bucks if there was A BREACH IN CONTRACT. oh what the fucking blaw concept. and tell me what can i do when i really really dunw ant to change this number can i continue to use two lines? maybe i can sign for a singtel line for two years. then hold onto 8335. after two years, i renew my 8335 to the student plan so i can use back my old number? oh hell, by then i was alreayd like 20 years old. oh no, 19 for exact. bloody hell. i am super bothered. save me people.
7:28 AM
Friday, November 14, 2008:
daddy was damn super good. i love him like THE BIGGEST DONUT IN THE WORLD! i dun know what random shit is this but i just love him:D min: 爸。。。。 我明天去CAMP, 我没有钱, 要吃, 住。 还有我们玩GAME 要搭车,要TOPUP。 爸。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 papa gave me 35 bucks:D weeeeee duper happy! at least he paid for my camp already:D eat and all i can play then. online.. online.... "knock knock" min: WHAT? "knock knock" min: haiyoooo what????? tsktsk tsk. i heard some noise from the little gap at the bottom of the door. weeeee???? i saw paper moving in and out in and out. taking a closer look! hahahaha! daddy is giving more money for my amazing race tomorrow. open the door! daddy was giving super big grin outside my door step:D hahhahahaha! i love him like lots:D he know i will spend during camp :D love you man daddy. Labels: best man in the world
6:38 AM
yay, sogou is once again available for me:D thanks, love:D weeeeeeeee. AMAZING RACE. i might lost the little bit that i had. Labels: i am fcuking tired
1:33 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008:
okay. shall update another post today about the dance wave night at SP last saturday:D went to support my darling with linh and soh. :D now i know the purple shirt guy is zhen's eye candy! hahahaha! he's really not bad looking wor! hahahahha:D do you see zhen and jamie? :D ZHEN ZHEN!!:D i dun have my official bangs yet that time:D hahahhaha! soh took this photo. he is the photographer for the night. and oh man, this photo is like #$^%&^&$# see my bloody hair. hahahah:D i love this la! soh went off to look for marcus and after that to qisheng. and so me and linh went for our supper at cause way point delifrance. :D stupid waitress you see. i think i can sue her for my photo damage. hahahaha! bloody hell. she like told me this a minute ago. #$^%&!@$^ hahahahhahahah! |