9:31 AM
Sunday, August 31, 2008:
okay, i'm seriously waiting for my hair to dry. its already 12:32. and i manage to finish bathing by 12.30. i imagine me, having a bold head. how great will that be. i can just clean my face and just lie flat on the bed and fall asleep. instead of sitting here. i just had another good day like usual. met geena and yong zhen(: better than anything elses! hahahhaha! i dun have the time to post any photos. i shall when i'm free. okay, i promised myself (finger crossed in my heart) that i shall not spend anymore money today. for your information, i estimated that i spent near to 600 BUCKS this week. okay,i got no idea why i had spent so much! but i will still say, i'm a spendrift. its easier said than done. i spend 80 bucks again today. this whole week i got myself plenty of stuff(: i'm mentally pampered(: okay, i shall be working and will not be spending anymore money! i swear(: i believe daddy wanted to sponsor me half of my expenses today. maybe he wil be giving 300 bucks? i pray hard to. but he will be giving me my weekly allowance like usual since its a sunday. brother khong messaged me to asked why i'm not home when i'm working tomorrow. daddy asked actually. i'm glad(: BUT I;M NOT HOME. if not i will have my basic weekly allowance of a hundred bucks. at least it add up to my wound in my card. but too bad, i'm still not home. and when i'm home, daddy to soundly asleep, like bao bei! hahahhahah! i shall get everything tomorrow! hahahahha(: okay, that's all. i shall go dry my hair now. i feel like asking yongzhen to dry my hair for me! hahahahah(: good night! and i learnt many things from myself. in order to happy, its best for you not to think so much. maybe i dun need any explaination anymore, i dun need you to say you are not. yes or no might not be that important. a casual message once in a while is enough for anything. a causal dating out for a coffee is cool as ever. that's what friends can do to catch up everything. when i'm bored i can just ring you up. when i go shopping, i can just spot something that suits you so much and ring you up to tell you that. how great that can be. i dun need to get bothered by that's not what a friend should do or should not. because, i still treat you as the bestest friend like ever. i'm serious. anyway, i seriously cant get angry with you. angry for a minute and it will be over so real soon(: i'm seriously thinking, i still hold the close connection and i seriously still likes you pretty lot, good friend(:. like we can crap so much when we were out. we can talk everyhting in life even if we had not meet up for a few months(: you will seriously realise in life that there are not many people that you can really click with. its not everyone you can find them comfortable to talk to(: that's what friends seriously are, isnt it? that's the best thing i learn today(: i'm seriously glad(: i loved everyone that is close to me i am feeling so great like usual(:
8:30 AM
Saturday, August 30, 2008:
okay, when i am editing the photos taken on teachers' day, the whole program hanged. so i decided to just upload the photos to sakae first and shall upload the rest tomorrow(: okay, this whole week was a fruitful week i would say. i didnt accomplish most of the things that i want to do in the list. but i did one, which is still the one of the most important thing that i should do, which is to meet up with fsome and catch up everything. i met fsome nearly everyday, especially linh, i'm kind of sick of seeing her! hahahhaa! i think she will kill me. no no, she will say that its likewise. thank you huh! hahhahaha! linh and i were craving for sakae early in the week. so we dated a day out. oh damn, i dun even remember which day of the week is this. it hink its a wednesday? ha! okay, i bet with linh that the sakae at north point is close due to renovation, but she insisted. and so, she wasted my 65cents of bus trip i think(: went over to cause way instead. SAKAE WAS GOOD, but its sinful. can you imagine about 30 plates of sushi will be like 60 pieces of sushi and it wil be like 3 bowl of rice each? wao, that's really sinful, trust me! hahahhha! but yet, i had a duper good time. like usual, i think i really crack too much jokes during lunch.     see, how sinful it is?  she's full   YYYAAMMMMMMM SUSHI!  i manage to take photos! hahahhaha!  my best skill okay.sushi is over. wanted to catch meet dave, but there's no more slots! okayxp. and AGAIN LIKE USUAL, WE SPEND MONEY LIKE CRAZY. WITHIN A DAY,
AT CAUSE WAY POINT. sinful sinful. hahahaha! but at least we got membership card from the face shop! hahahahah!(: okay, we decided to really STOP SPENDING money on the day and we heading to amk to meet zhen and accompany her home from work. but its still half an hour early. at the same time there's pasamalam going on at cause way point. and so, we went in for a walk. and guess what? IN PASAMALAM, WE SPENT ANOTHER 46 BUCKS! kill us please. WE REALLY STOPPED! REALLY. so we went to amk(: photo crazy time!     i am practicing some photo cracking skill huh! haahah!
9:51 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008:
i am not longer looking forward on the coming trip that i am yesterday. i am sad becuase i cant make it, i am sad becuase i want to make it. but i am no longer(: YOU KNOW MANY MANY THINGS FROM BLOGS. you cant blame me for thinking this way. Is there any reason why? and i'm super glad now, that my work start on monday(:(: it sound so super fun! weeeee! i see you as friend that i love and trusted(:
9:13 AM
for this once after so long, i am really physically tire before 1 am. its only 12 i would say.
12:10 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008:
oh my god. i am not knowing whether i am suppose to jump up and down, overjoyed. or should i be sad, knowing that i will not have so much time for myself anymore. PUZZLED is the word. okay, early in the morning, i received a call from success, the company which my sister use to work in. they are having jobs for me. some kind of admin job. it sound fun but yet scary. working some admin jobs for some local bank at raffles place. okay, i'm glad, becuase i dun have to go on the street asking, IS THERE ANY JOB VANCANCY? which i haden start doing becuase i found myself not resting enough.(: i'm gald because.. yeah, the fact that i have found job huh. bad thing. i had so many things to catch up and the job will cost me a month time. i have camps coming up. i need to go out with fsome, i need to meet up with everyone under the earth. er, not everyone, i mean it! hahahhaha but yet, i am still glad(: that's all(: and i am meeting MISS DEAR YEO TONIGHT(: and i simply cant wait. and, out of a sudden, i miss miss teng wan yee alot! hahahahahha! i want to meet her up as well(: i want to go chit chatting and talk everything again! ahhahahha! i'm going to date her out real soon! (: i want to take photos with her hahahhahahah!
2:55 AM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008:
okay, i think i better start blogging what happen yesterday. supposingly zhen zhen wanted to go for her injection and linh and i accompanied her. but ended up, she's still reluctant to go and so, we end up shopping around amk.    hehehhehe. okay, and another idea pop up, linh decided to catch a movie! hahahah! we dun even know what show is showing. zhen insist on watching horror movie! hahahahah! and end up we caught 4 BIA! HAHAHAHAHAH! we were not certain what the show is about and we actually went up to the man that is tearing tickets. he said the movie is nice(: hahahha! and i happen to bump into SHIRLEY! OH I MISS HER! and she gave me another fright even before the movie! hahahhaha(: 4 bia is four different thai horror stories. 1) people, if some one messaged you out of a sudden telling you that he or she want to know you. its best you throw your handphone immediately out of the window. and never reply the msg, AND NEVER TRY TO CALL BACK THE NUMBER(: and dun think the person is interested in you. you wouldnt even know its a he or she. never try to take a photo and send the person through mms, because if you ask for a photo in return, he will send you the one you sent him earlier. becuaes, he is right beside you! 2) never bully anyone that you thought is weaker than you. he or she might just put a curse on you, trust me. never throw his bike either! 3) never go sailing when you are going camp. never sleep in the middle when four of you are sleeping, sleep in triangle might be a better suggestion(: ha! never talk about scary stuff while sleeping in the tents(: 4) never take an areoplane, never be someone's affair. especially someone rich. so far, the show is not bad. but, it will cause you to be out of sleep in the night. trust me becuase i lost my sleep last night! ha! oh i miss weixin! but i know she's really busy with her work! JIA YOU OKAY XIN XIN! three of us!       okay, and, i manage to get myeslf a bag(: super nice one! ha! and i still enjoy having the durian pancake(: went home later on, and decided to drop by buddy hoggy to find bestie, father andy and pris! they are still studying for their coming exam. BESTIE LOOK REAL EXHUASTED when i see him, he seem to be totally wear out(: take good care okay bestie! those are random pictures taken by ANDY! hahahahha! JIA YOU BESTIE, FATHER ANDY AND PRISCILIA!     
okay, that's all for today(:
8:51 AM
Monday, August 25, 2008:
okay, this post is specially meant for sister khong. jie, i love you so much than what words can describe(: sister had just ended with mel. a two years relationship. i know it is hard for you accept the fact since you had depend on mel so much in the past. i understand. i would never deny that mel is a nice person. after spending days with her, even during hongkong, i can definitely say that she is a very nice person. but since you had decided to totally end this relationship, go ahead of it all right? yes, i know you know mummy and i dun recognise this relationship, but we still want to see the happiest you. i understand that two years is long, mel definitely left a heavy footstep in your life. even if she is no long in your life, one thing for sure, there is always 5 people plus a dog waiting for you everyday at home. one thing for sure, pa will definitely still pay for your oil fee, ma will still cook everyday for you i will still be there to chat with you didi will still irritate you ah gong will keep reminding you to put your car key on the table bao bei will still jump about seeing you home. the thing for sure is no matter who is leaving your life, khong family will never leave. they are stil over there with the broadest shoulder for you. these will never change in your whole life. till you find a better relationship in the future. you are always the best sis in the world. you are always my best sister. the sister that love me more than anyone else. the sister that will carry me on her back and carry me down the stairs when there is so many cockroaches. you are still the sis that wil protect me whenever someone bully me. you are still the sis that will drive me home whenever i am lazy to take public transport home. you are still that sis that will demand me around( hahahahha) you are still the sis that will kiss brohter khong with me you are still the sis that will hit my breast as if it is fake one you are still the sis that i will hug to bed when there's thunder you are still the sis, and still the best sis in the whole world. you are still the sis that is afriad of balloons you are still the one and only sister i love the best(:
10:06 AM
Sunday, August 24, 2008:
another, super good song, WAN YEE! hahahahha(: 刘力扬-眼泪笑了比想象中更痛 你真的没回头 我命令眼泪不许失控 回忆不跟你走 都挤在我心中 我就有责任让它值得被珍重 谢谢你曾让我难过 谢谢我没有想太多 当爱情左盼右顾的时候 我眼泪都笑了 谁还想哭呢 再勇敢的站着 找回光和热 面对你的时候 我不会舍不得 因为你已是过客 因为路有些曲折 是美的 你眼泪都笑了 谁还会哭呢 来不及完美的 就唱首骊歌 想起你的时候 我不是卑微的 反而我没有遗 憾因为我已爱过你深深的 心碎成了沙漠 就快开凿绿洲 我没有时间不知所措 你温柔的双手 本就不属于 我又何必在乎它以后属于谁呢 super nice song(:
7:00 AM
stomach illness is killing. especially when it lasted for days. it started since my INFA paper which was the last thursady, and it continue until now. it is bad because no medicine can helps it. it is bad because it is not those pain that you can get done with it by going to the toilet. you see? and so, i'm heading to the doctor after so long tomorrow. okay, i'm suppose to meet jun long for the pass two days. I'M SO SORRY JUN LONG! i couldnt make myself free, especially with those stomach illness. i'm so sorry! i really want to meet you up and i hope i can next week okay? i'm so sorry:( and its so coincidence that i happen to meet daphne while having dinner with family last night at long house(: i saw somoene looking at me and i saw its daphne! hahahah! i got up so fast that i give my parents a fright! hahahah! mummy: 嗨哟!我还以为你看到什么。吓到我。 HAHHAHAHAH! I think i got over excited that time! ahhahah! and i see dear AGAIN! while going to my grandmother house. i cant help but to think that it is so fated! i saw her twice with aunty dear! haahaha(: and dear finally see BAOBEI! oh i miss her soooooo much(:(: okay, i think i shall talk about what happen on friday. oh, its one of the best night i ever had after so long! hahahah! guess who can make me enjoy the night so much? of course its none other than fsome. i cant get through xin's phone. so i leave her two message and go ahead and met zhen and linh at the same usual LAO DI FANG. like usual, NONSENSE+NONESENSE+ NONSENSE we talks about everythign under the moonlight. we talks about schools, we talk about exams, we talk a bout BIMBO. hahahhaha! and jsut evrything(: i had never felt that great you see. recieve xin's msg later on and met her at mrt station. headed to her house because miss khong needs the toilet. hahahhaha! TOHWEIXIN, smell so bad after her tiring day! hahahha! she admited it herself, and i cant help but sympathise xin. i beleive that she's really having a tough time in JC. its killing i would say. she even lost her voice. sighs. but i know your hard effort will be paid off xin! i will pray hard for your promo! like usual at xin's house its nothing but noise. weixin's father " ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR! gang gang hao!" hahhahahah! it really just make me feel so good upon hearing this. becuase even her parents know its nothing but the sticky four. xin headed to do her project while the three of us craps the whole night. i think i did nothing but make them laugh. hhahhahah! soemtimes i would really hope to head back to secondary school. although everyday its the same routine. but i enjoyed much more during that times rather than only studying. i miss seeing fsome every single day(: i love them just so and so much(:(: and the joke of the night! shimin: i really think OBS is a super good camp lor! i didnt regret going man! linh: wa.. after i come back from the camp, my brother scold me like crazy lor. shimin: hahah! why? cause you get very dark huh? linh: ya lor! (joke started) shimin: 哎呀!一生中应该黑一次才不会有遗憾吗! 好过有些人一生中要白一次都不可以咯! weixin turned over and give me that super WA LAO FACE! hahhahahah! its lucky she didnt point out her middle finger! hahaah! did she? i dun remember! but i know everyone ended up laughing at this joke(: and olympic had offically ended(: that's all, good night!
8:44 PM
Friday, August 22, 2008:
okay, i'm finally done with the photos again(: there are photos for two days. one after two paper. another group is after the whole examination. okay this is after exam when we headed to holland village for swenson.(:     what to eat? hahhhaha! we love the menu i tell you(: hahahhaha(:  say wao  wao  wao!!  i rmb this is what weijie ordered.  and this is waht i ordered(: after lunch is crazy time!!  shoot fuck marry is the best game of the day(: hahahhahah! weijie fret not! hahahahahha!  okay, this is another group of photo after two modules was done. we went over to AMk for soup restaurant. it is soooo fun at bus 74 (: AMANDA!!