9:11 PM
Thursday, July 31, 2008:
okay, right now i am in school(: presentation day. sooooooon, it will be my turn. haha happen to read zhen zhen's blog and i decide to make a post i realise that i really miss foursome like crazy. i got this feeling that we can plenty to update each other. zhen happen to have problem in her dancing. xin more or less updated me a little yesterday. linh have problem with her test lately. oh dear. i cant wait to meet up. i know we all have plenty to update(: okay, say farewell to miss xu. chye ning called last night and told me miss xu is leaving for japan. brother khong told me that too. qisheng messaged a minute ago telling me that he is going. dear called even less than a minute ago! hahahahha! okay, shall i? presentation seems to get more fun, because of photo shooting, nuahahahhahaha! get lost!
7:31 AM
I SERIOUSLY NEED TO SHUT DOWN MY LAPTOP IN ORDER TO CONCENTRATE ON MY PRESENTATION TOMORROW. oh~ damn~~~~ so this is consider the post of the day huh? anyway: DUMDEEDUM CHEE WEIJIE, you are not allow to quit as a maid! WHAHAHHHAHAHAHA! i love you being MARIA!!! so, no! heh(: shimin is beign so mean(: and LIM JANICE, TAKE CARE OF YOUR THROAT, before you die tomorrow! hahaahhaa! CAM WHORE TOMORROW!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHA! bavani: stupid indian movie. OOOOOPS! dear: I WNAT TO SEE YOU AND I CANT HEAR YOU! MOST IMPORTANT LINH: THINK CAREFULLY FOR BUISNESS! most impt xin: WALALLALALALALLALAL! LILILILILOWLILILOWLIWLOW I AM SOOOO SURPIRSE! I KNOW YOU ARE TOO! and dun cry for herokay! hahahahhaa! 10 MINUTES CHIT CHATMEANS SO MUCH! most impt zhen zhen: you didnt reply my message LALLALALALALLALA! okay people, offing my laptop. GOOD NIGHT oh damn~ bestie replied. do you think i can off my laptop? muahaahahha! GOOD NIGHT(:
8:26 AM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008:
okay there i come again with a new post of the day. i am going to blog everyday as i can(: its definitely a way to distress, and i still cant settle down wiht my work. tell me why. LAPTOP IS DAMN DISTRACTING. okay look at this. ![]() yes, look at this. this is MY HAND WITH BOSS'S HAND. boss is CLAIRE, she is a girl okay. i dun know should i say her hand is big, or my hand is really small. but the hand with black sleeve is really my hand. okay, i actually feel pretty fortunate to have small hand(: "i feel no hand" HAHAHA. and you tell your best friend i got small hand. yes, you did old best friend. okay, today i had my final day with my CATS module friends and areobics friend. i dun know when can i see them again. i bet i'm gonna miss them like crazy. and so, i wrote each and every of them a letter. they were super touch! (: guess what? THREE OF US EACH GIVE DADDY A HUG, me give an extra kiss on his cheek(: and he gave us each 50 bucks(:(: he's not buyign the kisses and hugs okay. hahahha! yeah! and, TOMORROW, THEMUMMY:TOMBOFTHEDRAGON BLAH BLAH IS SHOWING!!! wa!!! i cant wait for it man! i had catch the mummyand mumy return for umpteen of times! and now the final one is coming up! i cant wait!!! and its a deal! and sister khong and booked 5 tickets on the saturday night (: the khong family is going to catch the show together! yay yay yay!!! khong, is my whole life. i have a good day, and i'm gonnna pon school tomorrow:)
6:13 AM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008:
LIM JANICE, only make me feel like blogging even more. because she make it sound so fun, yeah? i know she will say she didnt. wahaha. guess what. EVERYONE IS SHOCK ABOUT MY RED POKERDOT FACE. OKAY, that's the result of facal okay. dun get too shock because i will get upset! hahahahahha! okay i am joking (: but this face seriously make me dun feel like stepping into school. i can see that everyone is concern because they asked. MUAHAHAHAHHA! and i spend near to ahem bucks for that facial. yes. it was a shock. spendrift. YA LA YA LA I KNOW LA. (:(: and guess what i went to formal shopping with sister after facial. spend another hundred for that:) i didnt manage to get my heals. pathetically sad. (: and, i finally see someone that is good looking in school. muahaha, but i'm seriously not interested(: EXAM IS JUST SO NEAR. and i'm still watching tv. and the show get me real pissed off with those stupid characters inside. and guess what, there's so many nice chinese songs recently! and i know i suddenly miss my old best friend that i use to share ALL NICE SONGS. ALL OKAY. i dun have to care what's the song because i know best friend will surely love it! but, i had lost contact with best friend for like for dun know how long. now, i'm sharing all ncie songs with sister khong(: my current line: WAO LAO "WEI" the WEI is the first sound. like how malay and indian pronounce it(: and meaning, that's how bavani pronouce it! wahahhahahah! i am loving them more and more:), best mates.
12:05 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008:
LIM JANICE IS HAVING A BLOG! wahahhahahah! i'm like telling darling that JANICE! LOOK AT MY BLOG! our photo is uploaded! and now, she's having one! hwalalalla! i hope her rashes get better(: okay, the most scary presentation is today. how dumb, because i went to school just for that presentation at 10 and i can leave. PRESENTATION HAPPEN TO BE GOOD! oh damn, i'm so sad when MR chee say that the imagine is not resize properly in the website. HOW SAD! hopefully not many marks is deducted from there. but over all, it actually turn out well. good job gentlemen and ladies:) and cam whoring again. hhahahaha! BUT I DUN LIKE, BECUAE I DUN LIKE MY FORMAL SUIT. and guess what? i'm goign to get myself formal top and bottom later, with sister khong with her credit card! wahhahahahhaha! SPENDRIFT, yes i am.:) and josh is complaining i hadnt been linking him with his blog, OKAY SIR! xP. and, i am going for facial, lovely lady. still, i enjoy staying at home! WAHAHHAHAHA! and i spoke to sherwin last week, dun know when. i realise i am really taking my time to look for a good one. yes, four years already. but it still not the time for me to get a new and good one. until i really find one(: i dun feel any rush, boy. i just need time, and i'm still not settle down with all my work, yes!(: maybe 2 more years will do, i'm sure:) its definitely not because i'm still not over him, but just that i dun feel that it is the right time yet, i still enjoy single life(: understandable? hahahahah! and, i realise sherwin is a nice friend +boyfriend, yes big papa? hahahahahah!
4:01 AM
Saturday, July 26, 2008:
okay, i am so not in the mood to study. complete the web design ;) a sense of satifiscation:) i seriously enjoy stayin at home and i dun know why. and guess whaT? i told mummy in the afternoon that i want to catch the mummy return! and now, channel 5 is showing! how great:) hehehehhe. okay, i am so into blogging i think. and i promised shilka and dear that i will get our pictures uploaded! yay, i enjoy editing those photos too!!! i realise the photos we taken is so nice:) this is like two weeks ago? yay. DEAR, SHILKA, MISS KHONG:) ![]() ![]() my pretty pretty dear! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i told you we are veyr into it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() photos from shilka! and so that's all. and i miss foursome like crazy. i hadnt meet them up this week. and i really miss them like crazy! i think all of us is damn busy. zhen came over to get the camera. upon seeing her i realaise how much i really miss her! xin xin message me too(: oh dear. i'm so sorry xin for not meeting you today. because i really feel like staying at home today. next week okay?? we shall go for ball throwing. and i msis linh;( okay. that's all. my mummy returns starting! there i go good night :) Labels: jackdaniel
8:17 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2008:
okay. it is like super late already. but i'm stil doing my work + uploading photos! i know i am not suppose to that because exam is coming. but since the photos is edited. why not huh?! hahaaha! this is also photos for like three weeks ago? HAPPY HAPPY DAY THAT TIME! we went daiso! and daiso is really a super fun place to PLAY AND PLAY AND PLAY! two of my darlings :) greatest pals in poly! take a look!! |