8:56 AM
Monday, April 28, 2008:
oh please, let the weather cool down? i dun like the warm weather. its make donuts sooooooo frustrated. i dun like melted donuts :( SMILE MR DONUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no sigh no sigh NOOOOOO SIGHS! IWANTTHETALKATIVEVIWAWA That go curse and swear when he dun get his tiles :) DING DONG. i will make the weather cool! he might be part of me
11:48 PM
Sunday, April 27, 2008:
i'm in the school library now and i am not suppose to blog, but i still want to (: heh! 1) i love my lovely donuts 2) i love marigo YOUGURT (peach flavour) 2) i love pocky (strawberry flavour) heh (:
10:08 AM
Friday, April 25, 2008:
i told xian kai that this that i will make a post about him. hahhhaha. after usign about near to 8 years of msn, then i realise that we can use pen to draw out instead of just using keyboard. oh, how dumb. hahhaha. i knew how to use this after talking to kai, hahhahah! and i think its super duper fun! hahahhaha. some example. he doesnt know i took all this photos! haha. kai is the new one i knew (:
9:13 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008:
TA05. ![]() BCOMMM AGAIN! okay, i shall just use this short time while other people is doing presentation. this photo was taken yesterday during ITB lesson. this is my project group. i mean mostof them are (: i know i look sleepy, that's becasue i'm sick yesterday due to the sudden change of weather. INTRODUCTION! from the top. BAVANI! my goodie goodie pal in NP that got me a packet of pocky during lecture. that's like really SUPER SWEET of her. i nearly dozed off during lecture (: AND MOST IMPORTANLY, I LOVE POCKY! heh, strawberry flavour (: next. the guy with the head poping in front. MARKUS! hahahhaha. i was too surprise to know his name when i first spoken to him. same name as soh? uh huh (: but he's definitely very different from soh. he can be a veyr big laughter boy you see. next, the very left, LEE FENG. he's standing up and what's the most unique about him?? do you know how tal he is??? 196CM! tfour more cm to 2 meter. i need to really life my head to talk to him (: in the middle. JANICE(: friendly socialable girl! we're doing to dye hair again soon soon, with bavani too! last but but not least, JOSHUA, my group leader. dun think he's a chinese, he's a pure mix blood guy. hahaha. he's a carign person too (:
8:29 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008:
it BORING business communitation again~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
9:51 AM
Tuesday, April 22, 2008:
i told xian kai that i'll be having a short post before i sleep. how funny. hahahha. yes, something just got into my mind for this whole day. i had a good day today, upon meeting up denise. my greatest pal in poly! we started those normal topics like guys in our life. she started telling me. we both agreed that our perspective towards relstionhip is different. and there i realise how i took things on. i dun agree when i'm not serious in it. i dun agree but i totally dun feel anything towards it. i dun agree even i had a little feelings towards it becuase i'm afraid that it might just fade off very quickly. but once i've agreed, nothing can stop me from having it and i'll give in the best i can, being faithful like aways =D and once i agreed, i'm giving in everyhting. fling, is definitely not the word that appear in my dictionary. that's a new way i knew about myself. or i should say, i knew it long ago. so again, sorry to you. i had read your blog. i had to apologise for it. i'm sorry.
1:19 AM
lepak.lepak.lepak.lepak. hahhahaha! i learned this new word from ngee ann poly. oh hahaha. i think many people would had alreayd know this word. hahhaha. i havemany many photos to be uploaded. BAO BEI WAS BEIGN LOVED BY EVERY SINGLE PEOPLE (: everyne that sees bao bei carries her like a babay. she is a baby. hahhaha. school is really getting better like i always said. i'm tire of saying this though. hahhaha. actually... i'm really bored "lepaking" at library while waiting for my volley ball training to start with JUN MEI. (: main thing i'm doing now is just trying out new fujisu lap top of denise's. hhhahaha. its really nice to use! hahhaha! okay shut up. when i got home den i shall upload photos of bao bei's and friend's. goodbyes. (:
9:11 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008:
BAOBEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do you believe that you wouldnt find the thing you're search head to toe but once you've drop off the idea of looking for it, it will just pop out infront of you? yes, please believe that. conclusion: when you try hard to look for something and yet cant find, drop the idea of looking for it. it will just appear. this happen to me this morning when my mp3 charger bomb out (: okay its already near to mid night, i'm suppose to finsh my work so that i can go out tomorrow, but i feel so hesitant to touch any of the work. i dun want (: hahhaha like i say, i need time to adapt schooling again. and school is really getting better as each day comes by. and like i say, school is getting better. that's me, janice and bavani. most probably be the sticking friends in poly(:(: and this is the BCOMM lecture of mine. i took this photo secretly (: hahhaha! i wanted to kill him initially. hahaha. ZHEN ZHEN ZHEN! zhen came over to NP to look for linh. supposely i should be out with denise, but of course! i went with them. we went for the dance concert (: NP DANCE IS SUEPR SUPER GOOD! ITS FANTASTIC!!! sometiems i wish t dance like them.hhahhaha! but i know i dun have the talent! haahhaa. seeing htem reminds me of janice and samantha! if they were to get into NP join dance, talented dancers. zhen got very engross into the dance. and.... we saw RENFRERD? whatever his name is spelled. haa. i dun like him that much though! hahahhaha. horny............... hahahhaah! desperate....... hor hor! hahahhahaa. and i met dear in the night today. I LOVE LOVE LOVE DEAR! she's always somoene nice nice to talk to (: happy one year! hahahhaha. dear is one of the perosn that had changed alot alot since the day i know her. i told her that. (: she had a good boyfriend, bing shun. treat her well bing! (: he's her life (: i'm getting one too! hahhahahha!
1:03 AM
Thursday, April 17, 2008:
okay. its like FINALLY~~~ i can get home at three. everyday i was home late late and dun even have the enerfy to blog. okay. let's talk about school. SCHOOL WAS NO GOOD NO GOOD. but like what dear says, it do take time. and ican feel that it is getting better and better. today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will definitely be better than today =D okay, some photos of me and my friends denise, taken during lecture. okay, i seriously dun enjoy poly that much. but again, like i say, i'm going to take my time to get use to it. independent. i agree this greatly. dun even depend on any friends there. and i wonder why i use to feel that it is cool to see people carryng laptop around. its super troublesome and i seriously hate it. I MISS SEC SCHOOL. really. i am. out of 10ppl out there, 9 told me they prefered sec school. =D just like me. i miss FOURSOME GREARTLY GREATLY! SUPER GREATLY! i miss SOFTBALLERS SUPER LOTS! I MISS DEAR! I MISS BESTIE! i dun like my poly friends! heh. no no i like them, but they still cant be compared to any of my sec school friends. ian, this is specially for you! we had been in the same calss for like four years? but i didnt get to talk to you that much! but now in poly, you're treating me real well! hahhha. thanks so much great friend! ANYWAY, I HATE BCOMM! oh its crazy andi dun even know what the lecturer is talking about! i think he's more like talking to himself instead. i do hope school gets better! ooooohhhh!!! i'm meeting FOURSOME!!!! heh =D i really miss baby baby i listen to it everyday. Labels: i miss baby baby
9:24 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008:
"da fang de shuo zai jian dou ye bu hui jiu yi bei zi bu hui huo hui." goodbyes
9:21 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008:
BAO BEI KHONG. ORIENTATION IS !$#%^$&^#^@ really, i swear, orientation of horrible. i sneak off half way today with BAVANI. hahaha. forgotten to introduce my very new friend. all right, i wasnt very close with her. but i will try to. ithink i got to shoo off my anti-social mind set already. bavani is a nice girl though andi think i will be having a new experience hanging out iwht a indian good friend. okay, i'm not being racist, i'm jsut saying i'm having a good indian friend. okay. shoo that off. today wasnt that a good day! i walked near to half and hour to search for a bus stop with 852. and i'm sweating like CRAZY. i'm close to tears due to anger. but i told myself i will control and would not let the tears roll down. due to the heck care phone call. its myself that think it is an heck care manner though. okay, i've decided to pack my room and throw whatever that is not necessary. i'm really goign to stop making those lousy phone calls asking and asking causing myself to be such a irritating person. YAY. i like finally met dear in this humid night! the weather is horribel and dear was sick sicne the camp. we saw bing shun! hahahah! okay, random. anyway i got a good good chat with dear and byt he way THANKS FOR THE NECKLACE =D its my birthday present! hahahaha =D thanks dear. ohyay, i'm meeting foursome tomorrow! hhhoooooraaayyy!!!! and, daddy khong love bao bei more than anyone of us.
8:51 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008:
To Shermaine. ★Mannan.♥ =) LovedSuperman,The Greatest Change Of Life says: i'll never leave your hand,u are everything for me,i can never see you sad,forever i'll be on your side,you are the one,you are my soul,if without you,what the reason to live in this world. hahahhaha. a love poem from mannan.(:
8:17 AM
JIA YOU FOR MY GIRLS AGAINST NANYANG GAME TOMORROW! i'm always there to support you!!!! what's the meaning of "TAKE CARE"? is take care just a very common weird for people to say good bye? but how come there can be two different feelings when two different person say take care? ha, there's really a very weird thing though. no its not. its just depending who is the one saying it, isnt that so?(: take care. Labels: take care
3:51 AM
HAHAHA. the world is just so small. LEIWIN called a minute ago and tell me she's in the same class as MADELINE. hahahaha. I told you, the world is supr suepr small =D
8:55 PM
Wednesday, April 09, 2008:
AGAIN. LAST HAPPY ** BIRTHDAY TO YOU DADDY KHONG. hahaa. its 12.oo am exactly =D the food at jacks place is really nice you see. we had a great great time fighting over the oysters. hahaa. and i wanted to eat SNAILS. WOOOOO. but mummy khong dun allow. heh. daddy khong went toilet and the best serveri ever see came to serve our table and asked if we would like to play a birthday song for daddy. WE NOD NOD. i wonder how willl dady react. and guess what? it is just exactly like how foursome celebrated my brithday. the whole jacks place played the birthday sng while daddy khong was out of the toilet. HE WAS SUPER SHY. SUPER SUPER SHY! I DIDNT manage to take his photo. but his reactions was hilarious. hor. he just clenched his fist as if like he's celebrating chinese new year where we go like "GONG XI GONG XI" and kept laughing and laughing. i know he's very happy. and mummy khong told me he kept two notes that i wrote to him early in the morngn to wish im happy birthday inside his pocket. ooooh i am really very touch =D after the cake was up and the song ended. a cute little three years old boy shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" TRUST ME. he's real cute and guess what? its his brithday too!
yes people, believe in fate. i always believe that. Labels: fate
3:39 PM
soh, can you teach me how you taught momo to wee wee at the exact place. though i see how you smack him in his ass. hahahaha. daphne, can you teach me how you taught ah boo to wee wee at the exact place? do your scold? do your cane? do your smack smack? i cleaned four of BAOBEI'S wee wee all over the house today. hahaha. bao bei going PONG PONG! orientation was all right. i get to know someone i saw at FOC. hahahha. someone me and geena had saw. it was so coincidence that he appear to be in accountancy and in the same group as me. and i know someone whom in the exact class as me- JANICE. but indeed, there's reallya lot of NERDS in there. JIU WO!!!!!
11:54 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATHER KHONG! okay this is the first wish! i bet we will had a good dinner tonight =D all right. i left with three hours and fiftenn minteens to sleep! hahahahha. i had a real good night. BESTIE, WAN YEE! i know your will be reading my blog! hahhaha! i had a good prata-supper night with your! A SUPER GOOD CHAT + super scary chat! hahaha. we can really be a super good gossip! OOOOOPS. i cant imagine we chatted from 11 to 3??? hahahhaha! not very long actually. but, i want super la bestie.hahhaha school orientation is tomorrow and i got to borrow shoes from dear since i realise i dun have any shoe avaliable. hahahah. i hope i had a good day though. i want to see BAOBEI. but sister khong lock her inside the room wiht her and mel i bet! stupid stupid! hahahahha! daphne, its BAOBEI! NOT MAO MAO ALREADY! hahahaha! you can bring ah boo and meet bao bei! hahahha=D since i cant be there tomorrow, i shall wish TORRENTS! ALL THE BEST FOR THE LIVE OR DEAD GAME TOMORROW. play your best, i know you guys will do well. JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU! I MISS FOURSOME. Labels: i dun like to watch up early
5:00 AM
Tuesday, April 08, 2008:
2 minutes after the previous post, mummy says change mao mao's name to BAOBEI. hahahahha. so let's welcome BAO BEI KHONG INTO THE KHONG FAMILY. offically become one of us=D
2:33 AM
let me welcome the new baby into the KHONG FAMILY. MAO MAO KHONG! hahaha! okay people. please let me explain why she's call mao mao. its given by mummy, i went to bedok to take mao mao with jie jie's boyfriend. she's super cute and i LIKE IT IMMEDIATELY. she's only two months old. and her birthday is on 8th FEB. how great. so didi one will be on jan, mao mao on feb, mine of march and daddy khong's on april! i called mao mao BABY in the first place. she react to this name okay! i went to mel's house later on so that mao mao can make new friend with angel. angel is super big and she's super small! she is really very very small. so we changed it to PUFFY. because of her bomb-like fur. but mummy keep calling her PUPPY instead. so, we changed it to FEBUARY. since she's born in that month. then mummy start to complain saying she dunno how to pronouce again. and she wants a easy name so she kept saying she want to call her maomao. finally jie jie and i gave in to her. SO LET ME WELCOME, MAO MAO KHONG INTO THE HOUSE! Labels: baby mao mao KHONG
5:17 AM
Monday, April 07, 2008:
i want to protect you i need to ensure everything is safe before i go. i cant love you another minute. i need to go Labels: i need to go
4:48 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2008:
yay, wan yee said my new perfume smell great! WAHAHHAHHA. many things had to be change
3:55 AM
YEAH.really i do! today is the first time i see him ever since he enter into army. hahahha! his nice "botaka" head. i've been touching whenever i go up the escalator. and he keep yelling me to stop! hahahahah. caught shutter with them today. uh huh. its jsut the english version of the thai shutter i watched 4 years ago. wan yee went too! and how funny when the two of us start to talk back about the past. i remember i watch with dear and shilka! dear was pinching shilka whenever she got scared. hahahah. qisheng was badly scared by me. he told me that! hahahaha! SORRY! =D okay. i am so surprise to recieve that comment from jay jee in friendster. did you read my blog??? if you did =D how please i would be! hahahahah! and i really do wonder why jay jee is not here today! marcus lee told me he's busy. wooot. and i see the better side of jin hao! hahahah! i thought he's forever cool and wouldnt speak out! but he's really good today. he talks to me and laughed=D he's a charming lad. the handsome pitcher. i still love softballers alot =D by the way, thanks jay jee, thanks jun long, thanks lian wei! my best seniors! and of course! none other then my super bestie! =D and to bestie chee: help me with the two names please!!! hahhahhahah! and i just ate a tiramisu ice cream. is it spell like that? hahahah! i dunnno! but its SUPER THUMB LICKING GOOD! =D that's all! today is good=D
10:33 AM
Saturday, April 05, 2008:
peiyi told me that i'm being missed in work. oh my, i'm really pretty touched. okay, maybe its time for me to really start to get back to work.
4:02 AM
i decided to have my feelings blog out. that's what blog are for isnt it? no one can understand how upset i really am now. this is the very first time i felt this way. can i still regard myself as a softballers? i knew not, and i doubt so. was it a right thing for me to go down for the selection for the SEA game. is it spell like that i dunno. all right. i went down with val and chye nign after the speech day. i'm still looking so and so forward for it. upon arrival, pressure gained. many and many of tgk girls and nan yang girls. HWA CHOONG GIRLS.(who was those ex nan yangs) and nan hua girls. i thought everythign would just be fine. but it turned out to be real bad. i got a good experience. i see what's the real meanign of tough training. for the rest of the players. those tough trainings was great. but for people who had not trained for near to one year like me and val, the tough training is really killing. in additional of some girl's problem on chye and val, it kills them. and for me, i swear, my TOES is killing me. it feels that it would break any moment. my boots is really too small. really really too small for my feet. this is the first time i hope i hadnt grow.( only for my feet) the training was really really, i SWEAR, tough. now i understand what coach means of tough. the coaches were scary. they were coaches of tgk. the sun is powerful. you were great mr sun. you killed all of us. we got not enough water. RUNNNING AND RUNNING AND RUNNING. JUMP AND JUMP AND JUMP. what's worst. the three of us decided to gave up. that's what i can never never accept it. i actually gave up after 1 and half hour of it. its really jsut not my style of doings. and not what a sportlady should be doing. excluding sports, in life, i had never gave up things that i'm getting it or doing it. perseverance is always what i had been doing and desiring. but i actually gave up half way through. i hadnt tried my very veyr best. perhaps i really still can force myself to stand on the field for the next hour. if i had do it, maybe right now i wouldnt feel that way. i hate it. I HATE TO GIVE UP. what i had really realise, i do love softball. my passion for it. but yet, i might not be worth calling a softballers. looking back atthose nanyangs, tgks nan hua, they're still enthu into it. they had never shouted stop. but i couldnt take it. i dun understand why i felt so tire but what i can really say, my toes is really really killing me. i cant run with the pain hurting me. thanks bestie, as a sportman himself, he understood why i performed like that. he thought what had went through my mind too. the girls there had been training all the way, they can take it. but for us, upon not exercising for a year. need some time to really pull ourselves up to get back the usual performance. thanks bestie, i know you totally understand this. but again. i still felt bothered. me and val promised that it would jsut be a day for us to "play" but the truth went out that we two get real serious into that selection. again, i regretted for giving up. that's definitely not my style in life. okay. end of my frustration. i need a day to really cool down. jsut one day =D that's the reson for calling at 4 plus.
3:45 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2008:
i am not supose to be petty. that's becuase i really cared too much. which, i shouldnt had.
9:15 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008:
can i have a softball girl outing? like the sentosa one? like the swimming at daphne's condominium. like the one we went bowling??? oh damn, i really miss my girls.
11:58 AM
My primary school pals were great. super great. extraodinary great! okay, my vocab is limit. and i dun bother =D hahahaha. but i just love them too much =D since they can last, i can 120% assure that foursome were last till all the four of us got married and give birth to our own children and being the GODMOTHER of maybe 4 from zhen 6 from linh 5 from xin. hahahhahaha. most probably i will be the one having children of 9. to form a softball team you see =D hahahhaa. how funny. becuase i heard this line from a show a watch during camp while waiting for night walk. "some people are born to be a mother" and both zhen and linh agreed that this line apply to me. WAHHAHAHAH! yes, i will be a good mother. i assured myself now=D no one believe how much i love children you see =D okay, its three in the morning. good morning people. i'm joking. good night. HAPPY APRIL FOOL DAY by theway. i got a great funny lame joke. and i need an alarm to wake me up at twelve tomorrow. Labels: you don't know how much i missed you |