1:06 AM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008:
REALISE:COLBIE CAILLAT how long do it takes for you to realise?
Labels: sometimes it really take time for you to realise
6:00 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008:
okay! GREAT! TIME TO POST AND UPLOAD PICTURES AGAIN! woot! working is super super great recently and i'm loving it like CRAZY CRAZY. OH I MEAN I REALLY enjoy working day after day. i did closing and we took many many photos. some were older photos. =D and i think its time for me to introduce some of my work mates to everyone since i had already work there for like three months? and i hadnt talk much about them =D ![]() ![]() hahahaha. ash, nadz and shermaine! ![]() she's one of our hottest lady in the restaurant. she's super ON! SHIRLEY! OH SHE'S THE BEST LA! yeah, she the best mate i had in fish and co and i love her like crazy! she's older, but i sitll love her! these photos were taken when we went shopping!hahaha! ![]() ![]() okay! those photos were take a long long time. those photos later on were taken recently! ![]() this was taken during closing! SUPER GIRLS POWER! they're super great le huh! ![]() ![]() netty resemble cousin peiqi. ![]() ![]() ![]() here's my second best best buddy in fish and co! she's of the same age as me! and we CRAP ALOT ALOT! she.... hmmmm.. somehow allowed me to learn many many things in life. i get to know her life and she wasn't close with her parent. not even her closest mother. she has friends, but not close friends like i had foursome, dear and bestie. i had the best family in the world and bestest friends that i can really put my heart to trust and cared for me. and i get to know that she has no one to trust but only god. i remember i once asked her "can god ever give you an answer?" peiyi : "no" shimin "then???" peiyi:"i dunno" oh mine. this conversation really sadden me so much. i realise how fortunate i really am. all rigt, i'm gonna get close with peiyi. i want to let her know that in this world there's always someone she can trust. i want her to put her heart to trust me. and,i love her!=D and do you know how small singapore is??! when i was having supper with peiyi at macdonald, we happen to look at the ablums of photos in my phone. and we get to find out there, ONE OF HER CLOSER GIRLSFRIEND IN HER CHURCH, WAS ACTUALLY MY COUSIN- HANNAH! hahahha! how small the world really is. and! this litle girl here got so pretty today when she dressed up! hahaha! and she was so and so shy when seeing AHEM! hahhaha! now i really understand how a lady acts infront of a guy she adores. hahahhha!b okaylet's continue! ![]() SILVI! ![]() hahhaha! happy silvi! she's just another nicey lady full timer =D ![]() shaz! a playful girl! ![]() ![]() hahhaha! lim lim behind! he's one of the cheeky guys that treated me the best in there actually. whenever there's nice food, i''m always the first one that got it =D ![]() ![]() ![]() hahhaha! that's allmy workmates. hmmm... not all! hahahha! still got many many not in. especially the most important one! wahahhahah! but these is htose i manage to take! i believe there will be more more more comign up during the fish and co chalet! i will bring my camera there! hahahah! and yay! FISH AND CO PROM DATING CHALET! hahhahah. we're suppose to find a date there! and... i got to pair up with topher =D just like what i wanted and expected =D happy happy! okay! busy march will be coming! and i'm looking forward just for EVERYTHING!
3:15 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008:
hahahahaha! i tell myself i want to make a post before my dinner! I LOVE YOU ZHEN! love you man! hahhaha. yeah, i decided to meet up zhen since i'm not working AGAIN today! hahahha! accompanied her for dinner and CHAT NON-STOP. really no stopping. met jason half way and he joined us. how lovely! hahhahaha! oh i miss xin too man! she's having school and cant meet up with us this afternoon! but soon xin! we shall catch the movie together okay! yeah=D went to zhen's house and how funny things can go. we started playing dancing game and make a big joke out of it. both of us wanted to have our hair redye again! yes. and bestie encourage me to dye the colour! he support me!hahhahah! nice nice! yay! okay, i shall dicuss it further first =D weeee! and, BROTHER KHONG GOT HIS HAIR CUT. whaahhaha! being cut i mean =D he's complaining now! hahhahaha =D okay. stop stop, dinner time =D i'm looking so so so foward for MARCH! it wil be a perfect month! =D how... cold your answer is. do you feel that? Labels: i still dun suit to be initiave
8:15 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008:
oh man, i'm so and so in love with this song! Artist: Taylor Swift Album: Taylor Swift Title: Teardrops On My Guitar Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about And she's got everything that I have to live without Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny That I can't even see anyone when he's with me He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right, I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night [Chorus:] He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe? And there he goes, so perfectly, The kind of flawless I wish I could be She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause [Repeat Chorus] So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light I'll put his picture down and maybeGet some sleep tonight He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar The only one who's got enough for me to break my heart He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do He's the time taken up, but there's never enough And he's all that I need to fall into.. Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see. Labels: do you know you're the reason
6:33 PM
yesterday was a good day. uh huh, i brought my camera along but didnt get to take many many photos =S but its all right =D okay, result was out very early in the morning at 6.19! woot! but, happy happy happy!! i'm posted to the very first choice that i wanted! three cheerss!!! zhen, xin and dear got into their courses they want too! three cheers again! linh says the course she was posted to wasnt the course she wants to enter, AND SHE'S NOT COMING BACK? oh mine, tell me that's not true =( sigh. okay, back to school. went to cause way point early in the mornign with darling zhen and xin to have our breakfast. how funny when we actually consume KFC early in the morning. you can see how full i will be la. hahaha. and we had ice cream waffe and the dunnno what shop. only xin can pronounce i think =D all right! got back to school to watch cresent game with xin and shilka! oh dear. what i want to say is that, JUNIORS + fard, although we had lost the game to cresent but i feel that your had played well =D really and truly. though there's still room for improvement, but i still hope that your can work as a team together with fard. i know fard is having a hard time being the captain, without anyone to support her. ther path is really not easy, i hope you girls can work well with her. anyway fard, you're always the best! and the catcher that i respect the most! all the best lovelys. and faridah says she misses us. oh my how dear. i can really really feels that she misses our team. sometimes, i really do miss softball! it was fun after the game, when we started playing. okay, its fun and i dunno what to say. later on we actually had some small talks outside the cca room. yes, i believe what my eyes see. my instinct is still right. you're still the very same. maybe not to others, but to me, yes. still the one i adore =D i really dun want to know anymore thing or hear anymore thing. because i want to keep the best image out of it. for now and ever. I STILL LIKE YOU THE BEST! great time is reserve for later in the night! i caught kungfu dunk with bestie, andy and ah meng! hahahah! met priscy and junmei on my way to cine leisure! talk talk. i had a couple seats with ahmeng! ahhahhaha! how funny! and to andy, " I DIDNT SNATCH POPCORN WITH YOU CAN! " HAHAHHAHA i read bestie's blog a few minutes ago, yes! take careof your unicorn! hahahahha! kungfu dunk was so-so. wasnt very fantastic actually. but i love the actors in it. not praising jay chou! okay, priscy i know you're his top fans! hahahah! but i prefer another actor inside. hor hor! handsome handsome! hehehhehe! had long john and benson joined us after work. oh, i can really sense their bonds. now ireally understand why so many people actually envious their friendship. i was looking at those photos in bestie's mobile and ah meng's mobile. it was photos of their past years. you can really really sense their close bonds. just likeme and foursome! wahahhahah! anyway,it really not easy to had such a good friendship like them! hahahha! okay, i shall stop rejocing for them! hahahha! if not bestie will float up to the sky! hahahah! anyway, ALL THE BEST FOR DAMAI GAME TODAY=D jia you guys! Labels: i still like you the best
2:46 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008:
MARCUS LEE HONG SHENG, you definitely spoiled my goody goody mood luh huh! "is it you yesterday i saw at the traffic like with whoever who?" "no, i didnt see you. so you see someone like me luh huh?" "oh yeah, i didnt see who's the girl though" oh @!#$#%$^@#%^. i curse and swear! STOP IT! i do this an that just becuase i want to stop knowing. listen close STOP AND STOP AND STOP!! I DUN WANT TO KNOW! I DID EVERYTHING TO STOP KNOWING! SO PLEASE! STOP TELLING ME! Labels: Fuck up
1:12 AM
okay, one thing i am very certain right now is, I'M IN A SUPER GOOD MOOD. hor hor hor! all right i do not know why. but simply, i'm feeling good =D i got a triple kisses+huggs this morning during work. all right, dun misunderstood. its definitely from the ladies in work. i got a hug+kiss from cristy, shaz and cherie while saying good byes. oh i think that's super polite you see =D and i'm planning to give a hug to everyone i see later on. horhohor. who am i seeing later?! mahahhahahah! okay. i shall go on with some posting of delayed photos. these were those photos on valentines day!i shall elaborate. my lovely darlings. ![]() ![]() okay. we took the bus 855 heading to habour front. but what's all the jokes came about is after coming across thomson road, we saw the prata house, yes ROTI PRATA. and we decided to alight and have our lunch there. their desire for pratas. hahahha! i was kind of all right because that was a place for my family supper! hahha! i mean we always had our supper there! and i've planned! really and truely, i'll bring my next boyfriend there =D hahahha! or maybe, i will urge him to bring me there=D perhaps, together with my family! hehehhehe! okay shut up. ![]() ![]() WEIXIN! I KNOW YOU'LL BE SEEING THIS! PLEASE LAUGH IF YOU SEE! i know you will lady! hhahahhahahha! okay, how stupid when after the lunch we decide to head back to amk instead of habour front. we wanted to go K-BOX! yay! sing sing sing! hahahha! k-box do remind me of topher, how a good singer he is. really =D perfect singer i say. but maybe not as good as siyuan? or comparable huh. hahahhha! i do miss siyuan's voice at times! ahahhaha! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 爱呢is the top ranked song for the three of us! LINH! COME BACK AND JOIN IN THIS SONG OF FOURSOME! hahhahah! okay, it was night and dinner time! there was a newly open hawker centre at amk. so we decide to go there! we share kuai cham! i dunno how to spell! hahhah! but these food remind me of linh when we four shared at the coffee shop around my house! okay, that's random. like zhen said in the blog. xin got a special SURPRISE! hahhahahha! but are you happy anot now or future, just go with what you want! whatever it is, shimin, mieulinh, yew zhen! always stand by for you. i will stop the sky from falling now, zhen will stop the trees from collapsing, linh will. hmmmm. stop the wind from blowing you away?! hahaah! how stupid. just whatever it is, foursome is there okay! hehehhehe! I'M LAUGHING WHILE POSTING. i love it man! last but not least, to my dearest captain faridah. i believe you'll be pretty tensed up by tomorrow game against cresent! just do your best all right! i will be there to support. i love my juniors as well=D Labels: if only i can stop
8:17 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008:
tell me are you hurting yourself doing that? this is the so call methods you use to "numb" yourself i cant understand anymore. if in contrast, you're enjoying what you're doing, i say, i dun believe. are you just pushing all your feelings? Labels: i can never convince myself that this is you
8:15 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008:
oh i got a good valentine. i mean, i spend a wonderful day+ night. definitely not with my another half of my life partner, which was currently not avaliable =D but i've spend the most valauble day with my love ones too =D just two person who would also play another part of my WHOLE LIFE =D who will walk me down carrying all my burdens and sorrows, sharing my happiness and joy =D none other than, my two bestie darling of foursome, zhen and xin. it was rather late already. i shall make a longer post with photos tomorrow since i got an early realease from work, oh i mean, i'm not working late tomorrow. just coming online because i realise this big news a minute ago. my BROTHER KHONG is growing more and more charming. as a sister, i dun deny that. he has a pair of attractive big eyes. i believe many girls would die in his hands in the future. YOU JUST GOT TO BE BUILD UP BROTHER! jia you! and, i'm at ANG MO KIO HUB THIS LOVELY NIGHT. but i dun see what i'm suppose to see. mayeb i would really want to, so i can see what expression i will give and how i am really feeling. or maybe i really dun want to, because i know i wouldnt feel good at all. but my eyes just went searching AUTOMATICALLY all around amk hub. but i'm washing my hand off this.
8:03 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008:
OKAY! SHIMIN GOT DAMN LOT OF THINGS TO POUR TONIGHT! RIGHT NOW! AND I MEANT IT! MEAN IT! damn damn. hahhahahah! chill people! okay. my feeling. for this whole tiring and busy day, was, UP AND DOWN UP AND DOWN, mixed with anxiety, joy and anger. hahahha. sound so confusing. okay, i was look very and its very forward to work last time. it was one week since i step into tampaniese again. and suppose i should be happy to recieve so many calls last night. KEEP MY MP3 FOR ME! yah, i suppose this should be the joy. i went to search head to toe, near to upsize the whole restaurant just to look for that black ipod with white ear piece, okay, topher, I SEE NOTHING. okay start of work. BUSY! i thought monday should be relaxing? people should be starting school and work, WHY ARE THEY SO FREE FOR FISH AND CO? okay, i dunno =D okay. its time. COMPLAINTS OF THE DAY. 1) a prank call. i should have curse and swear for your prank call young lady( i dunno who) or maybe i should have thank you for allowing me to take a short break of 3 minutes talking to you on phone. okay, you call at 1.31pm, to order a take away a) SEAFOOD PLATTER FOR TWO b) NEW YORK FISH AND CHIP c) FRIED CALAMARIE =$62.85(including GST) you tell me you will be there at 20 min times, which is 2, YOU ASSURED! and !@#$%$#%$#^ you didnt come to pick your food! TELL ME THIS IS A PRANK CALL! damn! but it turn out to be a joy once over agian. THANK YOU YOUNG LADY. because your food ended up in my stomach. =D and i didnt pay a single cent for it =D 2)i got ANOTHER PRANK! in singapore, i assured, there's many indecisive PEOPLE. "hi i'm here to make a reservation for tonight, my name is mr galvin, my number is 9***** and there are 7 pax with two children, i need the baby chairs. i will be here by 6.45. OH I WILL BE HERE ON TIME, I'M JUST SHOPPING UPSTAIRS" oh, damn you, because you never come. STUPID. " i would like to cancel my reservation" (ITS NOT FUNNY) 3)" CAN I HAVE CONRNER CORNER CORNER!?!?!?!" that's pretty fine, WHEN THERE IS EMPTY CORNER SEATS! but this stupid request come all the time, and how am i able to find ALL CORNER SEAT FOR YOU? WHEN IN A BIG SQUARE SPACE THERE IS ONLY 4-8 CORNERS??? and CAN YOU SEE I'M BUSY?!??!?!! okay. i'm pissed by this. i will try my best not to request a corner seats when i step in a restaurant in future =D 4) YOU ARE TOGETHER WITH YOU! okay, this is the worst attack i have today. when i talk to moses.(my trainer) and found out there he was hanging with vanessa(his trainee) right now. i have a brief glance, seeing them hand in hand. i thought i was blind at the point of time. I THOUGHT I SEE WRONG i mean. until he told me personally after asking me why i took off on valentines day. okay. i shall explian why i'm so agitated. he gave up on a relationship for 1 year and 5 months for a lady that he had barely know for 1 month????!?!?!!?! the word, fuck, is just at the tip of my mouth.this shows how weak a relationship can be. damn. okay =D i shouldnt comment too much on it, overall its non of my business.=D 5) CLASH CLASH CLASH! i just found out a minute ago from khai and jun long that the fish and co chalet and softball chalet is clash on the exact same date. GOD, TELL ME WHAT TO DO! happy happy happy! 1) call from linh yah, i got a call from linh early in the morning at work! OH LINH I LOVE YOU! hhahahah! she brightened my day so, and so much! but there's some connection problem and we hang within 1 minute=D 2)the stuff meal was marvellous! the stuff meal was good! thuthu! you're a good coook! love you man! but you gave me sooo and sooo much rice, AND I FINISH IT YOU SEE! 3)SILVI & NETTY! oh i love so and so much working with you two! its never tiring! LOVE LOVE LOVE 4)i was being missed! i was being asked why so long not working =D hahahahha! 5) MY SMILE OVER SHOT TODAY! okay, five complaints and five happy happy stuff. althought complaints was longer, i mean, that's definitely, but my mood of 89% joy right now!=) okay! that's all!
4:25 AM
Sunday, February 10, 2008:
all right, its time to make some post! i got so and so much photos to be uploaded. i shall just slowly and slowly, day by day, occasion by occasion and start all those uploading. first of all HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! HAHAHAHA. that's the basic of all those posting i should say, okay. i shall start off with the eve of chinese new year. met up with my three dearest to support the performance. i realise all of us were so -ON- hahahha! once we dated, we try our best to attend =D ![]() ![]() hahhahah! do you girls remember this?? ![]() all right, before all those performace start, we actually had some photo taken. hhehehhee ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i met zhen after that. xin had an early steam boat reunion dinner (lunch) so she went off first. i went to chong pang with zhen! we wanted to have our usual, xiang xiang yu yuan mian. but thank you, as it was the eve of chinese new year, most of the stall is actually shut! we ended up having fried carrot cake and tou hua. =D we had a good long chat too! and we promise we shall catch the L movie togehter. it will be show on the 21st of feb! its on okay! =D i met soh han chyn later on and zhen met her brother =D we went off to bugis to do some last-minute SHOPPING. hahhaha! he did get himself something after a super long, warm and squeezy walk inside. and i start to find bugis boring. there wasnt much things to shop, (dear agreed too) instead, we went to the junction, and, i really prefered there! it was way better. we went to the shop MESSY. someone suddenly leaned against me, giving me a fright, saying(why didnt jio me out) hahhha! it was VALENTIN! hahahaha! she's was helping out with her cousin! great, a big help came. we started to try on shirt and finally got a top for him and he got the same old ring he had which had fallen into the sink. AND I DUNNO IT UNTIL THAT DAY?!?!??!?! anyway, i feel that i did a SUPER good job again. hahhahaha. the uncle is afraid of me actually. muahhahaha! this is nice! hahhaha! but not to much. if not it will be too sick.and we had the usual sugar cane with sour plum. hahhaha! all right, and i went off for my reunion dinner too =D the photo of that will be post after that! hahahha! Labels: I WANT TO CATCH A MOVIE
1:41 AM
Saturday, February 09, 2008:
do you know what's the consequences of having not initiative?? you will be ended up, waiting.
9:57 AM
Monday, February 04, 2008:
all right! since i am so and so free for the one whole week for this coming chinese new year, i shall make more posting! because i know there will be more and more photos coming up tomorrow for the steam boat at lovely granny's house! so i shall upload those photos that i am suppose to upload long ago! ![]() yeah, finally! i wennt blading with DEAR! oh right, she's super great you see =D hahahha! yah, sometimes i really wonder what's make me and dear such a great pair of friends? when we use to be love rival? muahahhahah! i think she'll kill me after reading this. but i know both of us does not take it to heart anymore, because right now she has the best lovely boyfriend (that what outside could see, and how i could see from her face! muahahahhaA) argument? who dun have? and how can the two of us be avoid this? hahaha. but we didnt quarrel that much though. like we never? and i hope we dun! hahahha.we're the bestest pal of course =D she the most supportive dear i can say=D and definitely, oh, i love my dear greatly! hahahha! all right, let's start. we wait super long for bus 401 to east coast park and realise that that stupid bus do not operate during week days. and both of us goes like! ![]() oh well, so we took cab down since there's no alternative. okay we start blading.dear is lousy, she's yelling that her leg is aching and aching! hahahha! oh, she going to kill me again after seeing this! whahhha! she's not a lousy blader again i should emphasis, we both can blade well can! whaaha! of course not as professional, but the least, we can balance unlike three young lady there yelling and screaming continously even upon seeing a bike coming to their direction A DISTANCE AWAY PLEASe??!?!! hahahha. and do you know what's the consequence of her falling?? oh, since we're the best pal, of course i will get injuried with her! take a look at this. ![]() hahahhaha! the rest of the time we had a good time blading! i love it os so much! more photos we've taken! DEAR ![]() ![]() ![]() oh right, we went down for the guys game against montfort after that. oh that game was terrible i should say. I HATE THAT PITCHER oh @#@%$#%#^$@$#!. what's wrong with SNEEZING? hahahah! i think chye ning know what i'm saying! i hate you, stupid Pitcher! heh heh! i was kind of bothered after the game, I DUNNO WHY! ahhhaha! but everyting will still great after that. i love coach. he's really a super nicey you see, when we(all the girl) dun understand why. i mean, why he treat the coach so nicely when the coach has such a lousy attitude toward us. all right. i've finish my post. good night =D