9:44 AM
Sunday, December 30, 2007:
hahhahha! i shall have a not long but yet not short post before having a super LONG post for the chalet! i have many many things to blog about chalet. yesh! MANY MANY MANY! and many photos to be uploaded =D first of all, hAPPY bELATED mERRY cHRISTMAS! hahahaha! wanted to upload just threee photos=D of me and two of my darlings! i think verylong since i got photo with them! MSUT BLOG! let linh see =D if not she dunno what we're doing! linh look!! there's a space beside zhen! its meant for you!!! a thousand and a million of photos msut be taken after you're back okay! miss you young lady! and this is how i spent my christmas! my closest. yes, i spent the first and for life christmas 2007 with my two darlings. i was still in my work uniform! hahahha! zhen called me that night saying that she'll be meeting xin to count down christmas! HOW CAN I MISS OUT THERE! i say i wont! but sadly, i'm working closing that day which was until 11 plus! and my bus took about half and hour to travel. and "she" swept the floor with her own sweet time! i feel like stomping my leg and tell her to be quick!" i want to go back" but sadly agian, i cant. but thanks to ASHIERIE! oh you're the best man! he actually stayed back for me and clean up my station for me! thanks godness! hahhahha! i rushed back to kahtib immediately! i reached at around 1140? and we sat at the bence next to the basket ball court! we started talking! and I LOVE IT! seriously i do! xin pass me the christmas present. that's sweet. thanks xin! yours will be up to! but jsut that i hadnt recieve it! hahahaha! i love the shirt xin gave. it was written "THIS T-SHIRT WITH A VEYR HIGH CONTENT IF MOISTURISER AND UV PROTECTION!"HAHAHHA. that's cute right? but if i was not told, i didnt even realise that these words is so familiar to certain shit! hopefully it was not commented on this shirt. if not i swear, i will curse and swear about it. dun make me do so though. because i can be real mean. and i mean what i said. oh. it reaches 10 seconds before 12! and i suggested that we can start screaming MERRY CHRISTMAS on the spot when many people is walking by. they were kind of reluctant. but after my perserverance and insistance, they did waht i said =D though me and zhen shouted the loudest. XIN YOU DIDNT HUH! hahahah. she did shout but not loud! hahahha =D we only met up for this little while. but it can be my happiest day for dunno how many days down. i realise meeting for them can really cheer me up so so so so much than i can expect. after chalet, i wasnt happy at all. i mean, for two days, i've been hanging on with a foul mood. even manager started questioning me. my work mates tried to cheer me up. but nothing get in. i jsut cant smile like i use to. definitely i know the reason why. but yesterday I HAD A SUPER GOOD TIME WORKING! adn i just know that it is becuase of meeting my two darlings! yes, we met to amk and acc xin to get her interview. at the begining i was dragging on that heavy footsteps. even they say i look scarywhen i walk to them. but i poured out EVERY SINGLE THING to them! every very evry thing! things they dun understand or what, but they're still there for me! that really bring me up for the rest of my day even until now when i'm in a SUPER HYPERACTIVE MOOD. though its already two in the morning! i know no words can replace how i feel. i admit that there's quarrel between friends, definitely there would be. especially TRUE FRIENDSHIP. and that did happen this few days huh zhen xin?! hahahahha! but htings jsut gone out like how we three expected! it dun rain, there's no storm. its still a good fine day. we smile, we laugh, we cheered. that's us. i know no matter how unhappy i really am, they are always always there to lend me a listening ear and be by my side no matter what. shimin truely treauser this friendship =D this is a post specailly for the two of them actually! and linh! you wont be excluded! WE MISS NGO MIEU LINH like crazy! we talk and chat about you when we met up! though i know results is coming out and i seriously dun want to want to know anything about it. but yet i'm looking forward for hte day of result release to be out! you know why? caues linh will be coming back! and i can get to see her! this is the longest time she left us! she's alreayd not by my side for about two months?! andi really really really miss her! i want you to come back! allright. i think this is a super long post! and majority is about my three darlings! the next post will be about chalet! and DEAR! IT WILL BE ABOU TYOU YOU YOU! dear is just another one that i love love love =DDD and bestie! you say you will give me hamster! hahhahaha! and we're gonna meet up soon!
7:12 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007:
trust me lady, you definitely dun have the shit right to say anybody. definitely you're the one that signal to me you dun want to be alone with me. shit man, i'll prolly make my own way there. oh pleasE? what's wrong with being alone with me? i cant get back the girlfriend anyway.
10:23 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007:
1. Who were you with last Saturday? X- i'm with someone that i am happy with 2. What time woke you up this morning? X- i woke up at 10(for tvee) 3. Where are you? X- Room. 4. Is tomorrow going to be a goodday? X- yes, everyday is a good day for me:) 5. Did you kiss or hug anyone this past three days? X- i hugged my mummy last afternoon 6 . When's the last time you cried? X- yesterday, i teared. not cried(after shouting at my bro) 7. What were you doing at 10 last night? X-i'm still outside. i'm moping the floor 10. What were you doing at midnight? X- online. 12. Ever thrown up from a rollercoaster or an amusement park? X-nope!i'm strong! i see people vomit though! 13. What's on your mind RIGHTNOW? X- will he cancel his schedule for tmr again?! 14. Would you take a bullet foranyone? X- i hope none of my loves one get shot.(i will) 15. Where would you like to live? X- anywhere as long as with my loves one. 17. What do you want to be when yougrow up? X- an outstanding accountant=D 18. Where do you see yourself in 5years? X- hopefully wearing my university grauduation hat! 19. What is the longest you have gonewithout checking your friendster? X- who cares?? .20 . Who was the last person that leftyou a comment? X- my love shirley! 21. Are you friends with this person? X- obviously, i love her can. 22. How often do you log in tofriendster? X- often! 23. What do you like to do in thecar? X- huh? 24. Do you like candy necklaces? X- what's that?? 25. When was the last time you fellover or ran into something? X- i didnt fall recently 26 . Do you listen to music every day? X- yes i do. when i travel. 27. Do you hold on to memories? X- do i? 28 . What was the last thing you drank? X- milo 29. Is it weekend? X- Yes. its sunday morning now. 30. What are you doing tonight? X- i am talking to who i want to right now. 31 . Whats your favorite soda? X- i dun drink soda? 32. Ever moved? X- yes, when i'm being cared. 33. Favorite sport to watch? X- nothing 34. What do you want to do right now? X- eat! i am hungry 35 . Are you listening to music rightnow? X- Yes.but not my favourite one. 36. Do you like summer break orChristmas break better? X- i dun usually celebrate christmas =D 37. What was the last movie youwatched? X- game plan. and i watched with someone who had watch twice. yet, i still enjoy =D 38.Best place to eat? X- Currently,Fish&Co. because i am working there! duh! 39. What time is it? X- 0255 in the morning. 40. What is your pet? X- i got 5 toot toot 42. What song makes you cry? X- i dun cry when i listen anything now. 43 . What song makes you happy? X- breaking dishes. i dunno why. 44. What do you like to listen tobefore you go to bed? X- dun have this habit. 45. What does Your CD player have init right now? X- no 46. If you were a crayon what colorwould you be? X- RED 47. Who makes you happy? X- i promise, he do. and my darlings. =D 48. what are looking forward to rightnow? X- the coming chalet! 49. are you in love? X- hopefully 50. do you miss anyone? X- definitely i do. especailly the fresh one=D
9:08 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007:
wahahahhah! i shall have another post again! oh yay! i went back school early in the morning to day! didi was officially admit into ORCHID PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL, 1A3. hhahahahha a photo i took when i return back to school! it was kind of nice to return back to school. the feeling was undescibeable. heh. on phone with darling xin last night and she knew i am going back to school so i asked her to follow. zhen return home late last night so she didnt came along. while waiting for xin and didi went to the orientation, i went to walk around the school. the spiral staircase, the class i am in when i was in secondary 2. oh, everything is really really very memorable. i went to the toilet foursome always get to. oh damn shit, its really arrgghh. hahahahha. last but not least, the best place that i will never never miss out. the SOFTBALL cca room. yesh. i sat there for kind of long time. i realise i really really miss softball. everything and everyone. its really very very memorable. i thought of the time when eveyrone played "rugby" with the senior until 7 in the night! its kind of sweet though.. arrggh.. i felt that softball had become quiet without us. i told mummy that i really really miss school, i'm in tears. and mummytold me that's was veyr very normal. because i had spend a very very good and fantastic four years out there. this is the place i grew, the place i knew and experience many many things. the place i knew my three bestest bestest dalrings for live. place where i knew bestie, place i get close with dear. i love them. i do. a place that stays in my heart forever. yes i agree, secondary school time is the best time i ever had. i will never forget anyone of them. i promise. i went to cca room. talked to the juniors. they're really very sweet, and I LOVE COACH MUCH MUCH MUCH! he is super cute you see! we were like talking so so much! and he told me he wnat to knock marcus soh's head. because he called coach in the middle on the night at 12.50(heh, coahc still rmb the time) near to 1 asking whether there is training the next day. and coach thought that he will be coming down, but he didnt! whaahahha. marcus, i think coach will yelled at you ah! hahahhaa. but dun worry, he wasnt really that seriously angry actually. he was laughing all the way when he was talking to me. hahahhahah! and coach was very concern about bing shun's arm. he hoped hard that he will be able to pitch for the team. because jeckie wasnt very steady yet. AND BOTAK WAS FANTASTIC! I agreed with coach that he has great potential in the future! jia you botak! and coahc really placed a very high hope in the B boys next year. jia you bing shun, marcus, karwee and raphael! ALL THE BEST! =D and there! my lovely coach. i really really love them =D and i bought christmas present for my three darlings and dear! LINH! I WILL KEEP THE PRESENT FOR YOU! Labels: i miss my memories =D
10:06 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007:
aaaaaaaaawwwww. read zhen's blog a minute ago. i realise i missed them so so much too =D i just had a small argument with a little friend out there. makes me feel that i'm always arrggghhh. dun wanna explain any further. every time after i work, and met up with zhen and xin. i will feel so comfortable, as if i were home. i know they knew about this because i told them before. no one can give me this feelig other than them. so zhen, dun worry. my nick is definitely not refering to your! i swear! you're the friends that i know we will walk through forever =D even times cant separate us! really =D its just that recently we were all very busy with our work. i beleive we'll catch up with each other soon! really! we will meet up and go shop for our new year cloth okay! happy happy! met bestie recently. its good too! hahahha. though we only met up for about an hour. but we chatted all the way without stopping. we shall meet longer next time bestie! hahahhaha! DEAR! you will never be excluded! dun worry! whahahaha. we'll be meeting up soon soon! we will go shopping! and dear had intro me to a place to make spects. both of us made a new pair. okay she got three pairs now! i got myself i full and thick framed! hahahha. i dunno will it be nice! but i htink that's the kind of spects that is the most fashionable now. i got it yesterday with jie jie and her boyfriend. yes, i intro it to my sis, and she intro to her boyfriend. dear! i think i helped your friend to earn more commission?? if they got it from my sis and boyfriend? hahahhaha! anyway, chalet it coming. i have no idea am i looking much forward to it. jun long made it sound evry very exciting. becuase he had all well planned what to do! yes, it do excites me=D i really hope it wil be fun, like the previous chalet. but not like the bbq. uh huh. okay. i am loooking very very forward to go shopping with my two darlings and dear! i want to meet them up! yes i do! anyway, i reached home late last night. onlined and talk to this friend out there! i think better not name you out! its a long time friend, but we had never talked face to face. i have this special feeling about him. definitely not love. NOT NOT NOT! we're always talking online. we dun talk often, but once we talked, we had much to talk. hahhahaha. maybe after saying all this some people would have guessed who he is. yes, we once had this smalllittle conflict out there due to some "external" reasons. but only after yesterday, theni realised that we hadnt dislike each other at all. we always hold high respect for each other. i feel that you're a good and attractive guy with good character and you found me the same way too.we had shared a little of each ohter's unhappiness and we totally understood how each ohter felt! i really didnt expect this way anyway. hahha. but i found that you've found your happiness and can feel your joy with her! that's great pal! i hope we can be better friends, though we did say we will! hahhha. but keeping this online good friend might not be as bad too! anyway, be confident! you're really a good guy! from what i had already feel two years ago =D and though we had both graduate but do hope we can be face-talking friends next time! hahhahaa marvellous =DDD working friends is good! they're very protective. every single one of them. i was told that i am the youngest there. yes i knew it. and i believe that's the reason why i am being so well protected. i realise there are many better people out there! i dun have to get stucked in my small world. but my world is never completed without zhen xin and linh and dear!and bestie!. i swear. no matter how many firneds i had, they are still the friends i felt home with =D ehhh. poor english. but that's how i can express myself =D i hope xin can go for the chalet! arrgghh!! dun work dun work! hahahahha. alright i think this is a long post. and there i'm off to work already =DDD i love my friends. really and truely.
9:10 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007:
stupid! i got a short hair now! i dunno had i REGRETTED having my hair cut! once after it was cut, i regret! because my dream of having my hair permed is smash! bleah!!! because becasue its so short now! hahhaha. however, after tieing my hair when heading for work, i realsie short hair canbe nice too! waahhahah! BUT I WANT LONG LONG HAIR! stupid =D but i am still satisfied! because, its my hair! whaahahhaha! okay, i'll have a longer post next time =DD geeeee!! anyway, the best is always the best! hahhaha
8:20 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007:
all right. expect a text. but yet being naive and stupid. no one can be as dumb ass as it. not even a friend perhaps. !@#$#%$^!Q@#$%#@$
6:46 PM
Friday, December 07, 2007:
I MISS YOU, NGO MIEU LINH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got so so and so many things to telll you!!!! yay, i'm meeting zhen on sunday! ho ho ho!
6:03 AM
i saw this super interesting article from a female magazine. hahahha. i shall blog it out. 5 BIGGEST COUPLE CRIMES. story life of a man - Mark Lee. 1) Feeding each other. this is a common sight at food courts. couple spooning rice into each ohter's moths before wiping each other's lips with their fingers. feeding is something you do to people who have trouble feeding themselves- babies, the sick, the weak, the paralysed or hospital patients in body casts. s put that fork down, people, becasue there is absolutely nothing endearing about shoving bits of steak into your other half's trap. it's not even old fashioned-nowhere in the history books has this disturbing phenomenon ever been recorded. it kills me too, to see women peeling prawns and fruits for their men. is your guy so lazy that he can't even peel his own orangE?? 2) using cutesy names on each other. all was fine with this new girl was dating when, two months into our relationship, she blurted out "does my honey-bunny want a drinkie-winkie?" in this irritatingly shrill, baby like voice. in an instand, my blood ran cold, my skin crawled, and i froze in my tracks, unable to respond. i'm not sure which was worse- what she said or how she said it, but i knew right then that i couldn't be with someone who spoke to me lik ei was two-and-a-half. i felt demeaned and mollycoddled- two things i don't like to feel when i'm in a relationship. hearing couples using baby-talk on each other in public riles me too. if they could only hear how absurdy-wurdy they sound woundy. 3) dressing alike my last relationship ended when my ex bought me an outfit that looked exactly like hers, right down to the plastic buttons. the thought of her trying to control how i expressed my individuality horrified me to no end. and now, it bothers the heck iut of me to see cookie cutter couples walking around town, flaunting their ability to precisely match outfits. you know, his and hers towels are on thing, but when a couple actually starts to look alike.. folks, unless it's a fancy dress party, there's no reason at all to walk around looking alike like Tweedledee and Tweedledum. 4) hum carrying your handbag. sure, some guys do it willingly, without you even having to ask. but do you realies how ridiculour he loks ugging your desinger it bag down the street? does he? girls, if your bag's too heavy to carry yourself, leave that maek up pounch at home. and fellas, there are other ways to prove how much you love your firl. carrying her bag is not one of them, unless she has no arms or has her hands full holding your baby. the sight of a frown man toting a fringed leather holdall on his shoulder is not cute. its tragic. and it's a sure sign you're sorry. henpecked loser. 5) extreme public displays of affection. ah yes, the ol' PDA. holding hands and having your arms around each other is perfectly fine, but no body wnats to see you trade spit of stick your tongue into his ears. is nothing sacred to you people who practically have sex on train on the way to work?( that is one free show i hope to never see!) you obviously have a house. use it, or get a room, where you an do your thing in private withought subjecting train commuters to your nauseating performance. unless, of course, you're hoping to get on Youtube. hahhahaha. i think 4 and 5 perfectly fit what i think. i hope i'll never see that! bleah!
12:46 AM
Monday, December 03, 2007:
i am just a middle man, trust me, just a middle man, that's all. or perhaps, just a good friend. i wont explain any further. i know you know what i meant. please, face your and yours feelings, dun hide it. its really up to you two. Labels: that's all i can say
5:33 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007:
yay yay, so i shall blog something today! i went out with zhen zhen for the whole whole day, since both of us is off from work. hahhahah. zhen decided to go for other job. i pei her to town! we took a little little photo. muahhahaha! is this baby cute? i say he is super cute la! wahahahha. isee him in the train. oh, he didnt even bther to look at me you see. he kept staring at zhen! i think i dun have the baby's attention =( hahahhaha. okay. we reached bugis. we had a hard time finding the correct place. stupid. ahahhaha. that's a woluwolu place? hahhaha. but there's many people in the shop. all right, i got a hard time deciding whether i should get it. my sister use to buy it for 300 over bucks. but this time i bought it for $472. okay. even zhen say its expensive. hahhaha. but i still bought it, with my dad's hard. wahhahahah! it was so surprising when the saleswoman there actually asked us if we would like to work with them as a sales promoter. hmmmm... i think i will consider it. since i hadn't try before. but i think this job will be tougher than fish and co. because it is a ten hours job and WE DUN EVEN HAVE THE TIME TO HAD OUR LUNCH. how stupid! and i dun think i'm avaliable for this job. becusae it require 10 hours per day and its 4 days a week. i definitely cant abondon my fish and co job right now. because that job is really good i can say. i love the people there. i love moses definitely, my trainer. i shall talk more about it in my next post =D