9:13 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007:
you made me realised, i cant let you go. Gotta Tell YouSamantha Mumba Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Your love for me came as a waterfall Flowin' inside me like never before Your love for me, somethin' I didn't see But baby, I know better now When you walk in the room that very night A special feelin' just burst insideIt was only you, nobody else But baby, I know better now Don't wanna love you if you don't love me Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too Don't wanna tell you this now, but it wouldn't beright If I didn't tell you this tonight Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And now you're back inside my house again I'm tryin' deeper to explain' Cause baby, I wanna get it on And baby, you're the one for me But now that I have got you all alone After all this talkin' on the phone I should be strong, there's nothing wrong I'll tell you this is where you belong, where you belong Don't wanna love you if you don't love me Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too Don't wanna tell you this now, but it wouldn't be right If I didn't tell you this tonight Don't wanna love you if you don't love me Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too Don't wanna tell you this now, but it wouldn't be right If I didn't tell you this tonight It was just something in your eyes That made me realize But now I hear voices deep inside Tellin' me, tellin' me Don't wanna love you if you don't love me Don't wanna need you when you won't need me to oDon't wanna tell you this now, but it wouldn't beright If I didn't tell you this tonight Don't wanna love you if you don't love me Don't wanna need you when you won't need me too Don't wanna tell you this now, but it wouldn't berightIf I didn't tell you this tonight Labels: hold me tight
4:43 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007:
okay. i shall have a short post here. i'm super tire after coming back from work. and i just recieve a message from moses andi realise i got abundent of notes need to memories. how stupid. i thought after o i can let my brain rot. but sadly, i cant possibly let it be. and trust me, working is ******* tire. arrrggghhh. and i realise, i need a shoulder sooooo much yesterday when i'm doing closing. i'm SUPER TIRE as in the night before i slept late and morning i went to meet xin and zhen for breakfast-yoshinoya! here are some photos. we went to have yoshinoya at cause way point because we pei zhen zhen to her work place. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() i love my morning stretch! okay! zhen went for work and left me and xin! hahahhaha. we pei zhen a little little more while. look! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() this is taken when we'll on the way to chong pang! we didnt go home. we went chong pang to buy xin's contact lenses. i bought my favourite sugar cane too! we have a super long talk in the macdonald. hahha and again we walk home. i realise that linh's boy boy actually didnt return the library book i helped linh to borrow. LINH AH! YOU MUST ASK THE BOY BOY TO RETURN!! I'M BEING FINED!!! i still have to post some photos of me and dear. and i still got plenty of things to talk about my work! its really really tiring.. really. i cried! believe anot?! hahahahha. yes, it do feel terrible la! hahhaha. i hoped that i had a SUPERMAN-BOYFRIEND. that would be there for me whenever he knows i am upset.whereby i dun have to tell him i'm upset but he can sense it! i hope hop ehope!! hahahhaa. too bad! i haven found one yet. hahahhaha. but i found a SUPER MAN-BEST FRIEND. who would contact me when i need someone. thanks so much. I MUST DO MY BEST TO HELP MOSES PASS HIS TRAINER TEST TOMORROW! JIA YOU MOSES! JIA YOU SHIMIN =D
11:03 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007:
i assured myself you are the right one. but, are you? tell me.
10:03 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007:
wahhahaha! since i am rotting at home. i shall made a very previous post. haha. what i meant is that it should be post long ago, but i didnt have the time too! so i shall made the post now! yay, by the way i had got a job! hahahahha =D i hope its gonna be fun fun fun! its with zhen. xin cant join us and she's going overseas veyr soon! and we promised to meet up before she go oversea, and that will be on wednesday! i went job interview with zhen last last when ah? oh ya, last thursday! hahhaha. we went to tampanies, the usual place that we wanted. my mother was yelling away saying that that's a super far place for me to work. i will get totally exhausted after work! yes, i really think so. but that's the place i really found the job and that place is definitely super FAR away from the place that i detest! hahahaa! so it will be good, i promise myself =DDD we actually went for many many interview! hahahha. look at this! we were in the geinki sushi? okay, i dun even know the name. that's it. hahhaha. we went to istan? i dunno la! hai yo! hahhaha. we went G2000 too. and many many! its kind of tiring..... and i agree what dear had said, its SUPER DIFFICULT to get a job we want! i believe we were fated with a couple that day. we met them while we were taking the bus there. and we were wondering are they a couple? or a pair of lesbian. OOOps dun mean to be offensice. becuase the guy really looked like a lady. and both of them actuallyhave the same hair style. hahahhha. zhen was hoping that she got the guy's hair though, becuase it is straight! hahahhaha. okay. home sweet home. i met my family that night. we were going for celebration! hahahhaa. for what? for my brother's good result. hahahha. i know it might not be that GREAT as i sound like. but because it is really very surprisiong. okay, i'm definitely not looking down my brother okay, i believe he can do it. but he failed he usual class test and exams. that's the reason why it was shocking. but yet, he still did well =D jia you brother. he will be going to Orchid Park. haahhaha. its good! since me and jie both graduated from that school. hope he get good teacher like i did! haahahhaha. okay, we planned to have new york new york. because i've tried it the previous time and i think its NOT BAD and my family ought to give it a try =D h okay. recieved a call from my daddy that new york new york is fully packed! so we headed to jacks's place instead! my dad is super cutE! i really dunno what to say about him that night. i believe he is in super good mood! hahhahaha. here's a very cute video i took with my family during our dinner! hahahhaa! these were the photos when we were leaving. that's why i told you my family is super cute?! hahahhaha! we went to the courts nearby. jie jie wanted to get a new printer!but didnt see any. look how comfortable my brother is???? hahhahaha. that's the end of this post! yay! i'm going OJE with zhen tomorrow! suppose to be today but the manager called yesterday and changed the date. eeeeeeeeeeeew. hahahaha. never mind, i'm not really prepared too! hahhaa. and i red the booklet! it seem to be fun!i hope it is! and guess what?! I'M MEETNG DEAR LATER! whahahahahha. seemed like so long since we met up? we're going shopping again again again. dear had been started working. so didnt really got the time to meet her up. luckily the OJE is changed. hahahahhaa. i know i will have fun again later! I GOT a supre long talk on msn with xin this afternoon! hahahha. its kind of fun and xin can really be a very good advisor too! hahahha. yes, xin, i will try to be determine! hahahha. supre lovely! ENJOY YOUR CHALET!!!! ITS A MUST =DDDD
8:48 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007:
today is another good good day! though its a little little boring! i took many many photos!! hahahaha! i realise that i still love my aunty's house super lot! cause its super big! i think i took the whole whole afternoon taking photos around the house with my sister! oh i love those photos! its super funny! i think this post will consist more photos than words! GO GO GO! let me show you? we went out to the carpark and started making a fool! hahahhaha!wahhahaha. even aunty's room is a good place to take photo! but its all my zi lian photos! haahhaha i took many many photos of fowler and tarsha! they jsut cut hair! THEY ARE BOTAK!!! tarsha! i took this at the end of the day! they looooook soooo tire!!! they looked like they had been busy for the whole whole day! hahahhaha. even more tire den shirely jie jie! i took many photos of my family too! the woman! playing mahjiongs hahahha
the left one is yiting jiejie, hannah, chang tai and yi wei jiejie. they were playing tennis! look at their actions! its super funny! the right side is them playing boxing game! this is even more funny! i love yi tin gjie jie just so uch can! she's alreayd married but still soo soo playful! jie jie actually played mahjiong iwth three other experts, which were my aunts. and luckily she do not have heart attack. hahahha. they were so so fast den woot! cant see! hahahha. anyway its just a good day. and i just have a super good talk! whahahhahahaha! its seemed like years ever since i talked to you! hahahhaha. its super nice! hahahhaha. all right. good night everybody! done! Labels: i want to be close to you |