10:42 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007:
oh, i want to go HONG KONG. oh, i want to get a shi tzu (dunno how to spell) (in progress, 21% near success) oh, i want o levels to be over (four more papers to go) oh, i want to have chalet (geena and marcus is booking in progress) oh, i want to find a job (bestie is helping in progress) oh i want to pass my english (cambridge is thinking whether he should let me do, stupid) OH THERE'S SO MANY THINGS I WANT. greedy young lad.
2:34 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007:
please god. everyone is telling me how important english was. sigh. carol told me english determines everything even if you did well for other subjects. sigh. yet, i'm sitll the most worry about my english. bestie just told me its not easy to fail english. but i felt that i'm like standing on the mountain and could just fall anytime. sigh. tell me i wont fail my english please.
10:04 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007:
tomorrow is the worst subject that i am gonna face. hope everything will be alright. i pray. hahhahahahha. searching for jobs??? thanks so much =D Labels: its not gonna spoil my day
11:03 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007:
sigh. i am still still not feeling very good ya? stupid paper stupid exam. make me totally out of the mood to study for other subjects. i know you can feel the unhappiness. so sorry. i am trying hard not to let myself feel this way. it is tough though. the pain of being loved. Labels: tell me how
10:22 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007:
i swear to god, GEOGRAPHY paper is a disaster. i'm gonna BITE YOU INTO PIECES! hell shit! the paper that tear me into tears! fcuking hell. sorry i ignored you last night =)) sooooo sorry. guess what? my tortise that had been with me for SEVEN YEARS had just passed away. fcuk. i knew definitely its not nice to scold vulgurities like this.but i am really very pissed off. yes! i dun understand why have you poured your unfinished tea into the water for the tortise.. obviously tortise cant survive in a pool of tea. i might really been unfilial to say this shit. but i am seriously very furious over this. though the tortise might not have pass on due to this reason. but if this continue, sooner or later it will still get sick and result in the same consequence. sigh. i hope you dun do it again, grandfather. jie jie didi and i are discussing whether should we secretly get a dog hiding from my dad and mummy. hoping that they will accept it after we bought it. but after that death of the tortise, it really scare me to hell. i think its better not to get a dog. in case it dies, i believe i will die. CHOI I MEAN. telling papa about this. he turned the topic and ask me sister if on the road she has see a dog blocking the way, dun turn the wheel. if not accident sure happen. and jie jie actually knocked down a motor car in her school. how funny =) at least i felt that you really cared. maybe once and for more cared. the road down the future is tough and unpredictable. you can say you will walk down with me. but its always un predictable. trust me. i dun want to get myself down into the well, when i've already climbed up and see the sky. Labels: sorry about it boy
4:41 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007:
life is fragile everyone, all right! i've decided to make a short post before starting my work. just watched CLICK. kind of funny ah! ahhahaha. the lady in there is very very gorgeous. uh huh! anyway. ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS PAPER IS OVER! yes! its officially over! this is the subject that i cracked my head to practice day and night. should be doing fine! early in the morning, met bestie, kian meng and benson on my way to meet my darlings. hahahaha. i got a big laugh from kian meng. he's really very funny ah! hahahha bye meng! he knows what =D its good to start a day like that! hahahhaha. anyway, thanks so much =D i truely knew you cared by your words. though sweet words might be said to everyone. i dunno to believe or not. maybe one day if you tell me "shimin i really mean what i've said" perhaps it will really make me happy. i truely appreciate it. thanks. i got very excited over the conversation i had with my darlings! we are going K BOX! TO CELEBRATE WEIXIN'S BIRTHDAY! WAHAHHAHAHAH. i'm going to climb merlion with VANESSA! ahahhahah. definitely with the others too! I LOVE VANESSA. whahaahahhaha. anyway, life is fragile. REALLLY REALLY fragile. get to know from my sister that her friend's mother was dignosed with breast cancer. FCUK. its really very sudden and shocking. i pray hard nothing happen to her. really cherish people around you. dun worry. i'm always sharing your pain. now and den. Labels: LIFE IS FRAGILE.
9:37 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007:
i think o level would be over real soon.
i pray for it to get over soon soon soon =) i want to BREAK FREE =D
6:03 AM
my brother just scare me off with a beetle. nope, is just a tissue that he is using to catch a beetle in the house! arrrgggghhhh =D oh, my sis looked nice with SHORT HAIR! how i wish i can look good in short hair =( i'm going to drag my dad to dye his hair with me after my O. i hope!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee=D
2:30 AM
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! finally able to online! humpff. its been so long since i got the chance to use to computer! first of all! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEAR!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO SORRY DIDNT WISH YOU ON SPOT! oooops =(((( hope the present is allright =D able to online now. so wrote in my blog! (mickey =D) anyway. yesterday, the day before is alll busy busy day. uh huh. went to schools.... linh didnt went for the english remedial. definitely there's something wrong. zhen called me in the morning. telling me something is wrong. sigh. take care all right darling! we are all worried for you =D hope you are feeling better. all right off i go already. my heart is beating sooooo fast that it will be falling out soon! hahahhahahahha. Labels: dun worry, its all right
1:01 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007:
oh, two minutes ago. i realise. when girls started saying "oh i cant change a light bulb. that's what a guy should do instead! its too tall for a girl" okay. i find that stupid already. hahahhaha. i use to think of that too! oh!! that's soooo pretty pretty WRONG. X WRONG! know why?? hehehhehe. because, two minutes ago, i changed the own light bulb in my room. i thought i couldnt do it. oh, how i hope at that time someone, a man! could rescue me, because i hate darkness! trust me i do! then i realise i missed my grandfather soooo sooo much. he would be the one to change for me in the past. but right now he's at china and i'm all alone at home! i decided to change it MYSELF! i carried three chairs and realise i'm only tall enough to take out the cover. soooo.. i actually stacked up 5 chairs. i'm not that afraid of height actually. guess what? i successfully changed the light bulb. wahhahahhaha. at that time, i feel that, girls ARE capable of doing what guys do. it just depend whether they want, or they dun. saying dunno, is just an excuse. in life, its just pretty the same boy. saying you dunno how? saying you cannot? if just you finding an excuse for yourself to run away from reality. you will find yourself doing somehting you might not think you could if you really had tried and put in effort. even a girl can. why cant a guy? huh? Labels: trust me you can do it
4:48 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007:
god, tell me how can i get rid of that centra of gravity PIMPLE staying on my nose. it had been staying there for DAYS! though it is bad to laugh at ben for having a red nose. BUT IT WASNT ME THAT WAS LAUGHING! IT WAS LEEEEE YOONNGGG SIANG! why the pimple reflect oh my nose instead?! ooooooooooh god! WAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH I know xin want to get rid of her collinear pimples on her forehead too! hahahahaha. MATH + PHYSICS. not bad right?! wahhahahaha. anyway, i got a super super good time today! i got a super super great laugh with them!!!!! i never never want to loose the three of them. NEVER, i swear!
1:43 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007:
yay! eveyrhting is GOOD recently! I LOVE MISS LEEE!!! yes, trust me that i do! because i really do! she is super nice can! i had been returning to school recently to have my english lesson.initially i thought it would be super boring! but it turn out to be alright. luckily got linh accompany me. if not. DAYS WILL BE BAD! miss lee praised me that i had improve. though it might be slightly too late, but it is always better thatn nothing right? O LEVEL PHYSICS PRACTICAL is offically over. okay. though not a big exam but it is still the first one and its OVER OVER OVER! tomorrow is the chemistry paper. Nothing much to study, but still must pray hard that i will do fine with it. today is a good day. went northpoint with zhen to get some assessment. it is a wasted trip for her. she wanted to get an a math book she had seen two days ago. but it was already out of stock when she reached there. so fast ah! this thought us one thing. things around can be gone within a minutes or second. cherish it before it is gone ah! hahahahha. something stupid + funny happen before i went out with zhen. hhahahhahahha. dun want to talk about it. its just VERY FUNNY! hahhahaha. alright. anyway, i realise things turn out to be very good this way. i really love things right now. dun have to bother, dun have to feel happy or sad over it. everything is just perfectly fine =) you know what i am tlaking about! great! love is not everything, trust me! Labels: you and me
1:16 AM
Sunday, October 07, 2007:
SOBS! NOW, I GOT THE CRACKED TOOTH TOO! i say, if i got a choice, i wouldnt not use forks again! I AM GOING TO USE CHOPSTICK FOR LIFE!!!! you know why???? the fork cracked my tooth! i need to go for tooth plantation already???????????????????????????? CRIES!!!!! maybe i can put silicon for my teeth?! whahahahhahahha. Labels: dun laugh at peopleeessss hahhahaha
1:39 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007:
today is a SUPER SUPER BORING DAY. i'm stuck homed! BUT, i'm going dinner at night. geee! just wanted to post and say, this is the last PEPSI in my life. i know its stupid to take all this photo. but, i am, boring. really. i hate o lvl!
12:04 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007:
whahahaha! POST POST POST! today is a SUPER GOOD DAY! at the begining i dun even feel like going to school. i realise it is so difficult for a person like me to get out of my bed. but school ended up to be real fun! i got a great great time with people sitting around me. thought i am somehow surrounded by 5 male classmates. but they are really SUPER NICE PEOPLE! ALL THESE THINGS HAPPEN TODAY. and its only today den i feel it! i dunno why got so emotional today. wahahhaha. but somehow i feel that my heart is melting when i'm with them. they are super super nice to me! nah not only to me i mean. but the rest too! and i realise how bad i can treat them last time. especially JASPAN TAN! whaahhahaha. he's the one and only one sitting beside me! i scolded him before can.. wahhahaha. but recently i really found out that he is a great friend. a big head JOKER! next!! IAN NG! WAHAHHAHAHHA. how i hope you can read this posT! and i found out today that. THEY READ MY BLOG! wahahhahaha. SO I doesnt have a boring blog right? at least there were still people reading! wahahhahah. and i found ian another goody goody guy recently. he is always teaching me math, turning the fan for me whenever i wan or dun want the fan. he is. GOOD. next! KOH SI YUAN. wahhahaha. he's sitting in front of me. and how a great pal is he i long ago have found out=) but i find him even better today! mr goh was passing down the worksheet for us. there are short of one in my row. since i'm sitting at the back definitely i wouldnt get it. but guess whaT? siyuan actually gave me his worksheet and take his later on. alright, that might not be a big deal shit, but i can really really feel how good he can be. and how funny he can be. LEE YONG SIANG. you will never never never be left out! the super good guy buddy i had since secondary two. he is alway sooooo great! he helped me sooooo much too. why i felt so great about him today. i was listening to mp3 from my phone. wahhahaha. suddenly someone pulled a paper on my table. i thoguht what. and he ask me to give him a worksheet and he go take a full set for me. it was kind of surprising actually. definitely. whahahaha. he helped MING GUI as well. wahhahahha. but i just can feel that he treated me as a friend very very veryvery good too. arrrgggh. writing all this definitely not a flirt right? i know its all guys that i've praised. but too bad, they are the only people that is sitting around me. ahhahahha. and they are just that people that filled my life in class. its just today. really just today. i feel how good they had treated me. though i've regretted going 4s2 due to the pure sciences. but if you want me to choose, overall, i never never regret. becaues i get to know all these friends. i hope, they read my blog. i wanted to say a big THANK YOU to them! but just, certain words is too shy to be said out huh? hahahahhaha. wahhahah. after that i got a good good time carryign TOILET PAPER HOME! hahahhah. not to my home. hahahha. and SHE KNOWS WHY!! hahahhaha! anyway, yesterday night, something bright my night! wahahhahaha. though its not common. but you can always make me feel so good. thank you. mr cheerful! i dun like emotional guys. i know you wouldnt be anymore. that's really very good. stay as what you are now, Mr Happy. Labels: it is what you can never never be
1:02 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007:
SINGAPORE IS GETTING REAL WARM! The weather is really terrible recently ah! now there were people aroundfixing the air con for my fussy daddy. he slept in my room the previous night. i got to occupy my sister's room since she's out. however, the feeling was soooo different. i actually could not get into sleep on the way to TWO. heart was thumping like crazy. the feeling of UNEASY! until 3 when i get back to the room den i had better rest! waahhahhhaa. anyway. last time is daddy's and mummy's 19th anniversay. we went to have steam boat! whahahaha. i got a good dinner! wahhahha. recently, i am very crazy over talking photos! there are new photos updated AGAIN! HEHHEHEHE. HOWEVER, JIE WAS CRAZY WITH ME!
1:27 AM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007:
there i go. another short post today. hmmmm.. everything was okay? today school ended soooo late due to the Geography mock exam. wahhahaha. can anyone imagine the people is talking during exam? uh huh! i am. =) hehehhe. school.... passes pretty fast actually. nothing much happen. but geography test really make me exhausted. definitely, there is something upsetting that happen. i swear hard. i do, do, not-even have the intention to look at it AT ALL. its just that the logo is just too big to not to be seen for me to find out you did that. i say, its really very upsetting. i thought. i really thought. you trusted me. perhaps its is just words. i respect you. so i wouldnt do it. i swear. never mind =) its over. i know it wouldnt happen again. not anymore. whahahaha. anyway, didi did a SUPERSUPER FUNNY THING last night which made the whole family laughed so loude. EVEN MY DAD! i was chatting wiht my mummy in the room. as a usual KPO, he came in wanted to know what we were talking. he thought i am not paying any attention to him. so he stood infront of my long mirror. 1)smiled to the mirror(showing his dimple can. hahahhha) 2) he held his hand up and try to SQUUUUEEEEZZZEEEDDD out his muscles. i burst into laughters upson seeing it! he was so shocked that i saw it. he start to "hug" me. trying to prevent me from going out. becuase he know what i am going to do. he was chasing me throughout the living room. how funny! yet, i still demostrate to my dad what he did. hahhahahha. he entertained me out of my stressed geo revsion last night. whhahahahha. anyway, i know tomorrow will be a good day. everyday is a good one! anyway HAPPY 19TH ANNIVERSARY MUMMY AND PAPA! I LOVE YOU FOR MY WHOLE LIFE! i'm gonna have a good dinner tonight! Labels: disapointed not for long, i promise
12:07 AM
Monday, October 01, 2007:
i really sympathetise(did i spell a wrongly?) you out there. tsk tsk. okay. every day is a good day, everyday starts with a good laugh. anyway, HAPPY CHILDRENS' DAY PEOPLE! though i know we were no longer KIDS but i still feels that childrens day is something everyone should celebrate. to some people, to certain extent, we were still kids in their heart. =) wahahaha. anyway, THANK YOU MR RAMESH! he is the only teacher that gave us childrens day present. since last year he has already did. kind of cute right? hahahaha. anyway, he gave us a ruler and chocolate this year. last year he gave us a smiley faces pencil. there is, pink, green, yellow, blue. guess what colour i took?! wahahhaa. dun tell you. anyway, mr goh gave me 6.6 marks for my SA@ prelim additional math marks. ahahhaha. i got the lowest in the whole class. perhaps in the whole level i believe. there is a mistake hahahahhaha. there is always things for laugh everyday. early in the morning, we were talking about conversation we had to know weixin during sec 1. hahhahah. she say, i'm good in starting a conversation. am i?! hahhaah! yes i am. den they were talking about my hair! and more more. WE GOT A GREAT TIME SEARCHING FOR THE CLASS PASS. uh huh. thanks to kelly ngo. we left the class pass on the table outside the HOD's room. we were like walking up and down, pass classes to classes. stupid girl! alright, i shall end here! time for my tv! say, good bye =D Labels: its stupid to sacrifies yourself this way |