2:34 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007:
yay! today, is good! i found some picture yesterday in my primary 4 JOTTER BOOK. i found all these drawing, its kind o cute. though it might not be nice. but i'm actually proud of myself that i am able to give as a work at young age! wahahhahah! "I AM A YOUNG ZOOLOGIST!" last but not least, my creation of primary 4, FURRRBIEE. WAHAHHAHA. kind of cute huh? we got new tv arrive today!
11:52 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007:
i dun find the unpleasant facts saddening at all. maybe i dun feel anything at all! wahhahaha. its great when you know you feel this way. =D anyway! i got very very arrgggh over the chemistry paper. i should have read the question CAREFULLY AND CHOSE THE CORRECT OPTIONAL QUESTION! how great when i got 1.5m for one question and anohter got 7.5m and what? i chose to do the one that i got 1.5m. i mean. i got this marks. if not i would have pass my essays section and did better in the overall! how angry!! anyway, in life. to be happy, or to be sad. its all depend on yourself. no one can be there for you ever. looking things on the bright or the dull side is all depend on you. no one can help you. no one will hold your hand and guide you walk all the way out. dun spend your time in the darkness. you will find yourself real stupid if you sees the light ahead of you and realise you could have seen the light earlier! hahhahaha. this is just some general logic. may not make sense. but that's what i learn from my frien today. i find i pretty true! wahahhaha. Labels: it all depend on you
11:51 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007:
ooooooookay. ten more minutes before my tv show starts. shall have a short post! jie ask me to accompany her to have a walk at Ang Mo Kio hub, until 5 den she can go for the practical. car practical. i cant imagine my sis were able to drive maybe in a month time? oh my. people were like able to start the engine only when they were 20 or 21? and there my sis and jia hao were able at 18? what i heard is through someone call SAM? uh huh. it is definitely through the connection with my dad and uncles. FACE BIG AR! (what kind of english is this? D7? no wonder) tsk. today is fine, good. I'VE DECIDED TO HAVE MY SPECTS ON EVERYDAY. wahhahahha. it might be a big joke. yeah, definitely it is. but that's the fact and what i'm doing k? hahhahha. alright. more or less, all the papers back. other than english, every subject were very fine. very fine. but yet, i'm not quite satisfied. its not high expectation k.. its just that there's always roomSSS for improvement. everyone works to be better ahhh. SHIMIN did a duper good thing today. yet a duper bad thing. wahahhaha. good this is, i BOUGHT MOON CAKES TO SCHOOL! hahahhaha. HAPPY LANTERN FESTIVAL by the way! yeah. kind of miss my wonderful childhood out there. yesterday, jie and i were peeping down from the balcony. looking at those children lighting up their candles. and there i realise how anti-social people is getting as we move on. we use to have pool of children gathering down to book for a place to play. we would dash down right after dinner just to find a goood place,away from wind. but now? air boooked nearly everywhere. uh huh. yeah continue. I'VE decided to share the moon cake! wahhahah. they ate it alright! ahhahha. oakay, the bad thing is. OOOOOPS. i bullied yu kai =( NO I DUN MEAN THAT. its just that i share siyuan playing with yu kai by punching his back. but yet yukai give no reaction. he dun feel at all painful? then..... ooops i smack him with a ruler. LIGHTLY ONLY! i'm just trying to test if he really dun give slight reaction. and i'm there laughing over it with siyuan. IOOOOOPS i know i'm very bad!! I'M SORRY YUKAI! but definitely, i know he dun mind at all. becuase he still turn over and laugh=D wahhahaha. alright off i go for my tv!
6:18 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007:
NEVER, NEVER, look at other things and get distracted when you're having ice cream. you will ended up with a stream of chocolate down your uniform. yucks. alright. aaarrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i failed my english in paper. perhaps not overall after the moderation and oral? i hope so.
2:39 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007:
OKAY! i've decided to post something on the prize presentation yesterday, since i'm staying over here for the whole afternoon doing nothing? hehehhee. i'm over at my aunty's hosue right now. waiting for barbeque to start! but i jsut heard big uncle telling boy boykor that there were not enough charcoal? and i think out they go drive to somewhere and get some?soooo? got to wait before going to help out! okay. let's talk about the prize award i went yesterday.
i had a hard time with the thick dictionary. Labels: the pain of your non-understandable
10:24 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007:
i am NOT a boring girl without you. not in the past, not in the present, not in the future! Labels: i find no need for explaination
5:32 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007:
UPLOAD TIME! i told you i will upload everyday =D wanted to make a post this morning. but sister is rushing out with her laptop. so wasnt about to do anything. till now, she's finally bcak! okay, i shall upload those photos i've taken with dear on the trip out yeserday! hehehhehe, three of my zi Lian> photo! so we've planned to go sakae sushi. we have planned to go during the week break. but i didnt actually dated dear out that time. so we changed to this week. after our prelim! sakae is really avery sumptuous lunch cum' dinner. i was terribly full at that time. we both agreed that the food didnt make us full but make us sick. becuase over again we were having the same food. dear too THREE plates of TAKABUCHI once we reached there. hahahha. okay. we chat we chat. DONE. we went shopping after that. we were both planned what we want to get. i wanted to get the wallet i've seen LONG AGO. alright, at the beginning i wasnt really planning to get it. someone asked me not to waste money! wahhahaha. but now, i believe, its time to. end up dear bought one too! wahahahha. she cant take the temptation as well. wahhahaha we continue shopped! dear find soooo long for SHILKA CHILLI PADDI's birthday present. we end up each other soooo mcuh things. she bought THREE TOPS! so have i bought THREE TOPS+ ABELT+A NECKLACE(that go with the top) hmmm and wallet =D hehehhe. a fruitful trip yeah? we went to mini toon at the junction. and find this interesting massaging machine. i actually hold it around me and dear's waist and was wondering why it was not able to fit it. and end up?? this is where the machine mend to be located at. dear wanted to try her top that she bought. we went to the third story toilet. hoping that there will be as little people as possible. so we can occupy the WHOLE TOILET. but it was already near to 8. Bugis is already crowded with people. the toilet was not available. so we went to the baby care room. i mean room where mothers changed for their babies. we were laughing sooooo loud banging and knocking once we reached in. because we were finally able to releave the pains in our leg. (after a whole day shopping) but.... "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK, EXCUSE ME??" ooooops! terrible. the supervisor actually chose us out! how embarrassing. we went out immediately. and went to second story den to first. it is still so crowded. ![]() once we reached the roomwe were actually scaring one another. acting as the supervisor chasing us away again. dear even knock the door, leaving me a big fright! and her??? laughing away! yeah, we started taking photos. look. ![]() ![]() ![]() finniest part is where. we were continuously hearing footsteps. we were so afraid of meeting the supervisor again. sooo. we decided to leave! we planned that, once i open the door, we were leave very very quickly. i open and i walked out, follow by dear. but the door banged sooo hard due to my forceful push! and it slammed, giving me a big fright. ended up??? dear........... is laughing again. okay. done with uploading. it is still a good day after all =D sumptous meals, fruitful trip. Labels: never say yes
8:15 AM
Friday, September 14, 2007:
MY SWEETEST FAMILY EVER. the dearest, the ever actually... i got pretty bored that day... so i decided to have a hair dye! i tied mummy's, jie jie's and my hair! whahahahha. how funny can that be? LOOK AT MUMMY!
7:39 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007:
thank you Mr.Bestie! oh, i met this stranger yesterday. i cant imagine i actually had such a big talk with him. he is a teacher. a PE teacher cum English teacher. he is nice and humorous. he talk much sense! he is, a nice guy =)
4:30 AM
spoken to lian wei last night. i learned so much things from him. no wonder, he is my good brother.
4:13 AM
let's have another post today =D i'm planning to have a post everyday, if possible?! hhahaaha. i thought i'm suppose to meet dear today. she told me 13th last week! and yesterday after giving her a text den i realies she've forgotten and we changed it to friday! hahaha. this was a long-term date. we were going for sakae. yes, i'm going to save my stomach for it. wanted to go with linh. but she had went yesterday. and yesterday i am going for SWENSON! haiyoyooyoyo! geeeee* den i recieved my primary school friend's call. asking to meet up at burger king. since nothing to do... why not? hehehhe. so i went to northpoint. alright. it wasnt actually a very pleasant approach. den i met vanessa and germaine. chung kit came after that. i realise i wasnt feeling very good at that time. and texted linh and realsie she and zhen were coming back to north pioint from CHONG PANG. so i met them up! i realise, i stillgot a great time with them! we went to the food court and had big chat! LOOK!
we were disturbing her throughout. i realise, disturbign someone can be real fun! ahahhaha. hehehhee. this is jsut a self-picture! i love this monkey shirt. wahhahahahah
1:30 AM
do you know what's the consequences of sleeping too much in the afternoon during a boring school-less day? it is that, you'll be out of sleep in the middle of the night. yeah right, i'm seriously out of sleep right now. its already 12.35am. 13 september 2007. alright, very funny shimin. okay. since it is sooo long since i have made a post, i'm very serious in making a long post this MID NIGHT. not like stupid WEIXIN! didnt even see any of her post recently! alright! i meeting her up tmr in the morning! we are going back to school! (to look at the photo we had taken) okay, very funny. yeah. Valentin is not coming along, definitely. who will make such a big trip from Ang Mo Kio to Yishun just to look at some photos??? yeah, i made 9 calls to every single of my softballers today to comfirm the orders. see how great i am? wahhahaha. alright. that's just self- praising. (which is not at all true) I HAD A BIG FALL. yes, i had a big great fall this afternoon. it was really bored BIG TIME. so i went to jie's room to play psp. yesssh i told you, i miss her badly(that's before she was back) uh huh. and when i'm trying to make a turn, a actually FALL OFF THE BED. i am suppose to be able to balance myself, BUT, there's was a freaking pants down there, where i stepped and it and make a big SLIP. there i flew all the way to the window. I AM NOT KIDDING. i really flew all the way. THERE WAS A LONG "BOMP'!" That was what alert mummy and gave her a big shock (sorry mummy) but i swear, it is really very very painful. i made SPAGETTI! WAHAHHAHAHAH. long time since i've done this. but yet, I BURNT MY HAND. okay. that was simply an accident okay! careless i mean =) recently, everything was very alright. always take things easy and simple, things will just go out very well. its not allowing you to have everything you will be happy. you wouldnt be happy if you are having the whole world. just learning to cherish people around you, you will learn to be happy, i promised. I SWEAR, I WOULD NEVER HAD TWO COFFEE IN A DAY. alright. never ever try this. thinking that i born to be a big, whom sleep 15 hours a day. i drank two cups of coffee on the day before PHYSICS paper. and ended up, i flipped and rolled on my bed for HOURS and till 4 in the morning i am stil not able to get into dreams. that feeling, is definitely, NO good. and what can be funnier when you can find a RIDGE on a mountain? (suppose to be a hill) GEOGRAPHY. okay. having to study 4 years of geography,i does not know that ridge is something that stands on its own and never found on mountain. and actually got mixed up with mountain and hill. oh that's great. and i got big laughs from my three buddies out there! uh huh. hahhahaha. guess what? coach talked to me at 1.ooam. so surprised! (asking me to go sleep) cute dearest coach! i've made this pretty sexy dolls here. but i'm only able to make three! so i decided to just exclude myself. and they are my three buddies! and! i took this photo in the first first E* sorry. but its just a temptation on cute stuff =D i know who will laugh when seeing it! Labels: am i going to sit back and just wait
6:38 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007:
MY LOVELY SISTER IS BACK! nobody know how happy i am to see my sister back? she's gone for 9 days. the 9 days that soooo much things happened. really realised that i need her sooooo much. -my dearest sister that is always there for me no matter what- someone i can really trust! only, ONE BAG. AFTER 9 DAYS. SHE IS FINALLY BACK! we went to air port today. oh i am sooooo excited since afternoon! so we order one speical SCOPE FOR HIM. but he just love to share, sooooo he's trying to pour the ice cream into the big bowl.
my cutie little brother. Labels: it is easier to said than done |