9:34 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007:
WAHAHHAHA! SO LONG SINCE I'VE GOT THE TIME TO BLOG! I TOLD MY SELF, I WILL POST TODAY! YESH, RIGHT NOW! i decided to upload photos of my loving family! hohoho. once pretty afternoon, daddy's primary school friend actually came and mummy was showing their marry photos. soooo i took some sample of it. i realise how loving my parents ARE! whahahahhah .LOVING FAMILY. MY TURN!! ME?!
my loving brother! I LOVE AHDI!
2:12 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007:
yeah, i know you are the nicest girl in the world. thanks. get it right darling. Labels: you are the one that spoilt it first
10:44 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007:
oh. thanks. MY HOROSCOPE SAYS THAT MY LIFE WOULD BE GOOD THE NEXT MONTH. =) *big grin* i love my friends. Labels: foursome
6:53 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007:
THE CHEESE PIZZA! OKay, i think this poster might be very disgusting. but it was behind the pizza and xin ask me to take it! we decided to go north point. no no. not decided. is xin wants to get her fool scap. so we went there. linh didnt come as she went to make her sis's pass port. okay details at the begining is BORING. but i love the talk when we're at the food court. we actually start talking about each other's character! wahahhaha. sometimes, you really got to know from friends around you what kind of person you are. at least there is people telling you what kind of person you are =) we walked home from north point! CRAZY TIME... oh i miss linh. ZHEN! my fei fei! i love her like crazy okay? she always make me laugh! ITS GORILLA! wahhahah. i love her TOO TOO! and... the "seet" that spammed her blog. its not funny ar okay! you are just a lamo FREAK! blah!!! i started to take photo of STRANGERS! hahhha. they say i am crazy. when i took this photo, i told them i gonnna say... " this will be my future boyfriend!" whahahha
1:24 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007:
OKAY! sometimes there's just some doubts doubts always stands some possibility in life. maybe, to maintain me and your friendship, i got to hide all the feeling i am feeling. time for some blogging! i dun have much things to blog actually. just that while waiting for my sister to finish her BATH. i shall take some time to blog! photo taking wouldnt be as good AT TMES =) but it seemed long since we girls actually get together. anyway, i got a new information from my three friends. actually i knew about it LONG LONG AGO. hehehhe. but just asked them again and, i realised, i really got very very bad temper last time! horhor hor. but humans always change for the better! i hope HOPE hehehehhe. i am better now! oh well. I AM DEFINITELY BETTER NOW! WITH MY THREE THREE FRIENDS. geeeeeeeeeeeee.
11:19 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007:
oh my god. tomorrow is chinese o Level release result. sigh. i am soooooo nervous about it. =(
11:39 PM
Thursday, August 09, 2007:
YEAS! ITS BLOGGING TIME! HAPPY 42TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE! The usual words me and xin will say, "our parents is older than singapore" hahaha okay. the beginning. i planned to wear red and white to support SINGAPORE! i think 50% of the population that day is wearing RED. uh huh =) we got a LONG LONG time planning where to go! finally. we decided HANS shall be the one. okay, i tried to edit the four photos together. and it ended up SO SMALL. "pissed" i think i need some help from zhen! hhhhaha made from: tomatoe sauce, honey dew, lemon, forks. ![]() linh and MAI. hahahha. she hate us for calling her this =) and i saw this cutie in the train! he's smiling to me allthe wayu OKAY! hhahahah. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! we went to marina. specially for fire works! oorrgggh. i got super moody when arriving there. my shoes is WET! becuase of the water. AND I HATE THOSE PEOPLE BESIDE ME. i shall not mention. ehhehehe. zhen and xin were listening to the radio live and update what's going on. we cant see anything actually =) not really cant see eveyrhting. sort of i mean =) saw YELLOW FIREworks too! ahhaha and i think bestie saw it as well. he say that's HIM. my god. hahahhaa. i wonder is dear there. if she's there how great it will be. all my 5 bonds would be seeing the same same thing =) :bestie claimed that he is cuter! though he didnt see him! we were all tired out. beginning planned to have star bucks to entertain ourselves. but we realise how crowded it was! so we decided to have ICE TEA! our favouritE! ![]() ![]() ![]() OUR ICE TEA! yeah. its RAFFLES PLACE. a place that linh and i wouldnt want to stay any longer!
9:19 PM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007:
UPLOAD PHOTOS! yes, this is the second post of today! i decided to upload the photos of my cute DARLINGS! we decided to meet at xin's void deck to play SOFTBALL. and planned what to eat tomorrow! LOOK! two international players! they are planning to have a big challenge. who do you think will win?? hahahhaha they tried softball. i realise my two buddies have good potential in softball! hahahha. linh is able to catch well, zhen is able to throw well! imagine we four were in softball? how great! hahahhaah. but zhen got hit by linh's throwing rather lots of time! hahahha. sooooo! once again and again! crazy BEST FRIENDS time!!! I LOVE THIS THE BEST BEST BEST! I swear some photo you wont loook good. a ultra woman? ya funny... we are trying to act as teletabies? i dunno how to spell. hahaha. but its a T D L P how nature it can be =) AND, HUMAN BEING, ESPECIALL GIRLS! LOVE TO ACT CUTE! this actually reminded me of what mr goh told me one day. i dun expect you two to be very close friends. but at least as a friend, so next time when meet up again, wont be so awkward. its hard to find a true friend at my time now. if you want to find a true friend, it comes from your time right now. in your secondary school life. in working life, there is only colleague. its difficult to find a true friend in working life. cherish those important people around you now. yes. i truely believe in this. though four of us were unsure whether we will still keep in contact in future. but the least i know is i enjoyed these four years with foursome. at least, i've gotten 5 important bonds of friendship. though unsure of future, but at least with the bonds right there, there is still high possibility. the FIVE, is all i really needed. i am very in love with everyone around me. i belive that i am a very blessed girl. Labels: you are the one i need
6:02 PM
oh yeah, this just came to my mind that i've forgotten about it! national day actually reminded me of this song, deep in my heart, KHONG SHI MIN right from the start, VALENTIN. look at WAN YEE and SHARLINI, and there's still a OH CHYE NING to go with all of my heart, FARIDAH i'll play my part CASSANDRA. with SHILKA and GRACE together with DAPH. and in the end TOH WEIXIN. we will get there. hahhaha. we've created this song long ago after one of our game. i miss the time at times actually.
2:38 PM
HAPPY. the undescriable joy. HAPPY EARLY NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE! i think i am a very loyal singaporean =) but i believe this time is the first year i feel i'm so in love in singapore. yes. FOURSOME! we met at 645 today. so loyal friends too! ![]() took this photo early in the morning. zhen and linh haven come. hahahhaha. hahahhaha arrived in school. went to toilet. MORE PHOTOS. OKAY, CRAZY FOUR AGAIN. ![]() alright, i'm actually trying to make them laugh and make this photo CUTE! hahahha. i think i look pretty funny ar! ![]() i'm longed for a kiss. whahahaha ![]() ![]() my dearest! PARADE START! maybe i should really thanks mr goh. actually its faridah that are suppose to go for the parade. i begged her to go for me. but mr goh persuaded me and told me its a very very rare opportunites. and becuase of this parade. i realise that i really have many people around me. every other 5 people are staying so quiet. but i am laughing all the way. shak:shimin stop laughing! you are holding the flag leh. hahhahah. but this feeling is really great. when you really feel there's soooo many people around you. all and all and more and more is there laughing, teasing, cheering. okay i dun mind those teasing because it really make me feel grate! i know they are supporting me. i know if its in feb, march or APRIL, you will be supporting me as well. i know you will laugh at me too! maybe not now, but i dun expect it actually. i love those people around me! really. ![]() okay, so this is how i look when i hold the flag. i think i am real real funny! hahhaha. the BEST IS YET TO ARRIVE. SINGING. i didnt realise we would all sang so unitedly. jing hang actually came to sit beside me and planning to sing. i got this flag from veronica, and i was waving it like crazy. best is when we started to do wave, hold hands, sing and sing. ohhh dear, i think i will miss orchid park at times. this is secondary school life. 幸福cancomefrom friends. why not? anyway, certain things really depend who are the one you are with. Labels: you did look back |