6:55 AM
Tuesday, July 31, 2007:
周杰伦 - 不能说的秘密 冷咖啡离开了杯垫 我忍住的情绪在很后面 拼命想挽回的从前 在我脸上依旧清晰可见 最美的不是下雨天 是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 回忆的画面 在荡着秋千 梦开始不甜 你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远 又何必去改变你走过的世界 你用你的指尖 阻止我说再见 想象你在身边 在完全失去之前 你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远 或许命运的签只让我们遇见 只让我们相恋 这一季的秋天 飘落后才发现 这幸福的碎片 要我怎么捡 mamami love this song. =) i love show with sweet and perfect ending. =)))) Labels: when i thought you are different
7:07 AM
Friday, July 27, 2007:
oh....... i am SUFFERING, from a bad bad FLU.... help.......
4:35 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007:
POSTING! YAY! most of the test is OVER! its time to relax... hope its not a ugly post! oh uh huh. today is a good good day =D except for zhen is not feeling very well. take care alright darling! OH, I LOVE PE. its soooo great, big time to relax! i saw bestie up there! WAVE WAVE WAVE!!! hahhahah. yay, we're planning to have xiang xiang yu yuan mian tomorrow. HAPPY HAPPY =))) and, the food at jack's place is FANTASTIC! but i cant imagine it actually cost sooooo much. oaster taste great too! haaaha. Labels: i miss valentine's day
7:20 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007:
how great when i got the answer i want =D good feeling is what one's should get contented! i had a great great evening. =) how nice can drama quotes be? Labels: now i see your eyes
6:04 AM
maybe it is fate, maybe is the school is small. maybe there will be alot of maybe... but i still believe in fate. but i'm still happy to see you up there. maybe that's our destiny Labels: can you dun turn your head away from me
4:48 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2007:
hehhehe. so i met dear after going to gym. we went to BUGIS. hor hor hor. first time i went to bugis at night. NIGIHT SHOPPING I MEANT!. dear is aiming for a bag. a sling back. me? just some simple shopping again. wanted to buy a wallet that i see before hand. its sooo nice. before dear found her bag, i found my BLACK JEANS.! yeah. finally i got this kind of jeans that i want =D dear wanted to buy it too but she's still think that its nice for her to get her bag first before anything. uh huh! finally she got herself one. with a good bargin! weeee. =D a brown bag. hahhaa. we got each of us another top too =D good good. i didnt get the wallet though i walked past the shop thrice without getting it! i think the shop keeper got sick of seeing me! but in the end, with the words from bestie, i decided not to send too much money on other things. further more, i still LOVE MY WALLET ALOT ALOT! YES, I LOVE MY WALLET ALOT. REALLY. and finally! we took some photos! dear say she loves reflection, and we found this flat mirror, not from the toilet! we got the same mind set to take down the photos of it. its cute right??? yes i love it! i got a great night with dear too! have a good chat, especiallly in the train=D we got what we wanted and walked till my legs ACH! hor hor.... i even told dear that there are FIVE PEOPLE that i love very very much in my life excluding my families. i shallnt say who it is. but my three dears is always included. Labels: i will love the wallet forever
9:15 PM
Friday, July 20, 2007:
BLOGGING TIME! yesterday is a good day. like i always say, FRIDAY IS A HOMEWORKLESS DAY. i should touch any books! but enjoy =D i meeting dear in the night, so went gym with my three darlings in the afternoon. i realise gym dun really have much stuff to do either. so we decided to stay inside the toilet to have some good photos taking. i love the toilet in gym. its clean and not stinks! photo time! linh is not there. she went out wiht her MUMMY MUMMY! the greatest smile i have i think! some reflection taking again. reflection is always nice they arent bothering about me much. doing their own stuff and i just took this photo! look at weixin this stupid girl! sexy legs photo! oh no. i think my leg wasnt sexy at all! wahahhaha. oh my god. i think this post is kind of wooo ar?? but i actually love this photo very very much. i wont care if others have any comment of us on this photo =D as long as i love it! hahahha. CRAZY TIME! okay its time to have some fun! ROBBERRYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!??! we then went to mac and talk talk talk. its so fun and nice. and went to have fries. i love them =D weeee okay i shall go have my lunch first and be back to update the post of me and dear =D
6:28 AM
Thursday, July 19, 2007:
quoted from the show, 手足 痛会随着时间淡化, 今天的痛会比昨天的少, 明天的痛会比今天的少, 很淡然的是痛会一天比一天少。 但有些痛无论多久都不会少。 a very meaningful line right? hehhhehe. love it so much. OKAY, the last sentence is added by ME. hehehe hahhhaha. its kind of bad at times. NEVER QUARREL WITH YOUR FAMILY MEMBER. i swear, if possible, i wouldnt never let it happen again. quarrelled over a TOOTH BRUSH. how stupid can this be??? hahhaha. and cause me to STOP talking to her for ONE WHOLE DAY. how miserable i felt! i thought i can bear with it. but it feel like TIHS! luckily................. everything is very alright NOW. WEEEEEEEEEEE! BY THE WAY! ALL THE WAY MY DEAREST JUNIORS! YOU GIRLS PLAYED WELL TODAY. I AM VERY VERY IMPRESSIVED! ALL THE WAY GIRLS! i love the racial harmony program today. its so funny!
3:55 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007:
okay i shall short-talk about things today. like usual, day is good. especially the day today passed soooo fast. at times, i think practical is nice =D weee* okay. four of us had a great break waiting for chinese listening. we're laughing so much at the canteen with GAMES and LAME JOKES. okay i know many people should have heard our laughters if they're near us. retarded zhen zhen! hahahha. listening is.......... so-so. i got 2 WRONG ALREADY. dun talk about it. i hope can fly with xin after seeing our results. hahahah i think only they know what i meant =D yay, i went to cca room after that. gosh. a compliment from COACH! I LOVE YOU COACH! wahahhaha. i dun want to say what he've said. "you look so different!" heh heheh heheh. dun want to say why. but i am HAPPY!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. xin know why =) geee* let's talk about other things. wahhaha. it feel kind of good. though we had NEVER TALK BEFORE. but there's a very very special feeling. they know what i meant! hahahhaha. xin and zhen went for HARRY POTTER. i didnt joined. but i'm catching TRANSFORMER! with linh i hope. geeeeee* EVERYONE SAY ITS NICE! bestie, sister, radio, qisheng. EVERYONE! hoohooohooo! i shall catch it! bestie:what matter the most is its over! me!:yay! CHINESE LISTENING IS OVER!!! Labels: can i be your princess?
4:04 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007:
just had my dinner. a funny incident happen. a man serving the dishes and accident slipped and chillies spit every where. a small amount do hit me. but worst, a lady in white pants were all stained with chillies, especially her legs. she's complaining to her boyfriend non-stop. however, the boyfriend didnt not look at all serious but teased her "see larh, who ask you to fight to sit there with me" didnt not say much but pass his girlfriend a packet of tissue. this is kind of cute i feel. ideal boy: NEVER bent down to clean the girl's leg. Labels: i hate the dream i had
6:32 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007:
一个人生活:林凡 人行道没有行人走过 镜子里的我很不像我 自从你离开了我变得很软弱 你的影子在每一个角落 好像是在提醒着我 少了你的陪伴我现在有多寂寞 我想我可以习惯一个人生活 我想我可以假装不曾爱过 冰凉的夜里让眼泪温热我 感觉如果要走谁能说 no 我想我可以习惯一个人生活 在记忆里面擦去你的承诺 爱情怎么会是这个结果 爱情是个梦而我睡过头
4:29 AM
Friday, July 13, 2007:
okay. i shall have a very very long post today. diary of the whole week. the week is GOOD. yes its good. that's because there's always you! =) how great. uh huh. zhen and me got caught for our LONG fingernail. we were caught during the chemistry practical! wooooo.. he asked us to look for him during recess. but we skipped it. however, we see him after see and FLEEEEE. but.. he still caught us! next day in school, we did jumping jacks in front of the whole class! and after school we did jumping jacks as well.. oh, should i say mr Ramesh is kinda cute? hahhaha. the four of us all are having nicknames! LINH- TOILET QUEEN XIN- BLUR QUEEN ZHEN- AUNTY TOH MIN-AUNTY ALCOHOLIC. ok, this doesnt mean i love alcohol, though i got NO idea why mr ramesh called me this! next. what are friends? these is friends. yes! the forever four here. xin called it FOURSOME. how funny! hahahha. yes. since its friday, we decided to come out walk walkwalk. all the way wer are laughing away. crazy over things around us! okay all the photos is took by me! i think we are having fun just walking around the void decks! that's how funny we are when we were at ABC super market! we even discussed what's the ingredient inside a big bottle of mineral water. we shared this big big bottle! we went to BOTTLE TREE PARK! i think this place is SUPER GOOD! especially for the four of us! we did some hair stlying. hahahha there are more photos to it. but no time to load. so decide to just load this hair of zhen! nice right? okay linh was praising herself all day! haahhaha. we even danced at the small platform. its nice to dance! hehehe we were alll upset about the four more months that left for us. but we'll cherish the time we had! always! oooops no time for further posting. sis want to use. okay i shall end here. Labels: the best is what i got
2:57 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007:
for this many incident, you might end up you finding your heart has actually landed some where elses. didnt expect this to happen =) but for myself, i found out this at a chance too =) i didnt realise i will feel this way i finally learned to hold up another. GUESS WHAT?! i questioned my BROTHER! AND HE ADMITTED THAT HE'S ACTUALLY IN LOVE WIHT ANOTHER GIRL! WAHHAHAHAHHA! my cutieie little little brother! hehehhe. if one day appear that you asked me again have i found someone i will be honest and tell you yes =) its no use lying over and over again where there's always no ending to it. this answer only makes you happy, but not me.
7:37 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007:
i love you girls so so so so so much! what a great time i have with the three of them again =D we've alread DATED long ago that we'll be going to s'pore poly OPEN HOUSE. hmmmm.... it was okay. not very fun actually. because we didnt get the opportunity to take the bus tour. so we're not able to go around all the schools. crazy girls over again, okay we're exchanging places non-stop becuase we want to take photo with each otheR!I REALISE I DUN DUN DUN HAVE MUCH PHOTOS WITH YEW ZHEN IN MY PHONE. i believe anyone can see here. hahhaha. i think all the photos is in her camera. i shall wait. so finally we reach s'pore poly. its kind of funny when we misuderstood a NCC guy? as a security guard! how funny! we we were like walking around. i realise there's kind of many many memories in sp. kind of??? ehhhh. okay! we left very very soon as there's nothing much about it! but WE GOT EACH A FREE ICE CREAM. how nice =))) the ice cream is delicious okay =D hehehehhe.
we wre discussing soooo darn long where we were suppose to go. i was a ANYTHING-GIRL. i realised. they were like begging me stop saying ANYTHING. hahaha. so we decided to set off for orchard. we actually tookwrong train and was like moving up and down the same place. finally! we reached orchard. went far-east. linh bought herself a pair of shoes. a more comfortable shoes i think. she changed to it immediately and threw off the old one! hahaha. okay things went abit weird later on =D hehhehe. shallnt talk too much about it. just found out that it was a kind of very stupid MISUNDERSTANDING. hehehhee. so we went to mos burger TO SIT DOWN AND CHAT! and crazy laughing game! speical words to zhen! " YOU ARE ALWAYS THE BEST GIRL! YOU ARE ALWAYS THE ONE THAT MAKES EVERYONE OF US LAUGH LIKE CRAZY. I KNOW YOU MIGHT HAVE LOST YOU IMAGE BUT YOU REALLY MAKE ALL OF US VERY HAPPY. I LOVE YOUGIRL! YOU ARE REAL GOODIE GOODIE!" I told you she always make everyone laugh. love you girl! we were start talking and chat non- stop. laughing and laughing. we took photos again! enough of it! we started to persude linh not to go to her aunt's concert. she dun bear to go either too. but thinkking of her sis..... she still go. however, before that we were like thinking of sooo many excuses. just ask her to stay. we went out to take the train. we were like laughing soooo loud outside the mrt station. we seem so unbear of one another. how funny. linh decide to go... but before she went in, we decided to go kallang have our DINNER! since she's leaving for kallang too! hahhaha. so linh went for her concert and we go for our dinner. we planned to have kfc. the kfc that have can have our drink refillable. hahhaha. we nearly got LSOT! and the sky is turning darker and darker. we were like wondering imagine a guy capture us? will we just hid hit on the back with a stick?? xin say she will SCREAM! i will hit him. zhen will kick him in his oooops. hahahhaha. funny discussion. we scream on the over head bridge. xin was like shuang! hahaaha. finally! we saw the field and found the kfc! the QUEUE IS REAL LONG! xin was spoooooo frustrated that she say hungry girl got bad temper. i was soooo cheered up by the baby infront of me and xin was like holding me and ask me to control! okay! TWO DUPER NICE MAN! first is the counter man! he's real funny! repeating my orders pretty lots of time and keep apologising. what's worst? he actually gave us THREE PIECES of chicken when there's suppose to be only TWO! hor hor. before i left, i told him "you are a nice guy =)" he smile real big. sometimes a small words can make peeople around us happy! second man is the cleaner how good he is. offering us this and that. took this on the way to take cab! we decided to take cab home. since we dunno whcih direction to go! when we were in the cab waiting for the traffic, a man behind actually came and slammed so hard on the window! he's soooo angry as the taxi has blocked his path. OH MY GOD. how fierce he is. the uncle was like telling us. if the man outside pick a fight, we three got to be his witness. oh mine. imagine if he really punhc him on the face, we three will land in the police station now! definitely there's still this army funny story. but dun want to talk too mcuh abt it! hahahha finally homed. nice. i love you three! MUCH MUHC MUCH!
7:18 AM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007:
![]() definitely another super juper happy day with my three darlings. nothing can be more important than them. always had my greatest time with them. had one of our promise today of our future after we have four set out for our own future. hope this promise can be kept. i will. i promise. shall continue more in my next post! ![]() last night, i couldnt get it answer. Labels: thanks for everything my dearest. |