11:30 PM
Saturday, June 30, 2007:
okay. Back from the steam boat. i think its pretty fun =D agian, with them it wouldnt really be bored. i met darling at north point. she's back from toa payoh. whahahha. we met KianMeng at northpoint. and i realise guys actually have typical words. girl: do you think i should buy? boy: BUY LOH. that's it man. hahahahah. so we met qisheng and gang at COLD STORAGE. they just finish their movie. TRANSFORMER? i think so. jun xiang say its nice. hoh hoh, i missed it though. woo. it was fun at NTUC with them. they are like country boy who never step into ntuc, becuase we are just making a big fool there. whahahahha. they are choosing PRAWN. i think jin hao is complaining it STINKS big time. hahahha. so reached qisheng's house. we helped out. i helped to CHOP CHOP the vege. julutong was VERY SURPRISE. he say i am someone who doesnt know how to do house work and is surprise seeing me there! oh you just dunno lalalla huh? hahahha. i actually chatted with qisheng's mother. hor? hahhaa. how funny ar? guess what? i realise qisheng fed the same type of tortise as mine. MY HOUSE'S LAO DA. same kind. took a few photos with DARLING! look at us! eveyone is getting ready to eat eat eat! KIAN MENG! ahhahaha. he is always the big joker afterall. he ws walking around picking up food food food. every ate and laughed. big jokes start to come up. they made marcus drunk. oh he was REAL DUNKO. he lie flat on the ground just like that. he actually lie outside the toilet and need qisheng and bing shun to carry him down all the way. he even vomited soooo much. jun long started all his jokes. with andre and qisehng. they are acting different kind of buddhas! marcus was actually sitting in front. alright. i think this isactually another farewell party. marcus is leaving for china for 5 months attachment i guess. and hence, this steamboat was actually a treat by him. bon voyage marcus! xin went out very soon. i sent her all the way home. how funny she is that she thought qisheng wont mean what he say by sending. but qisheng, andre and ME. heheheh actually walked her home ALL THE WAY. i even sent her up. hehehehhe. how good i am?? hehehehhe. so i went back and realise only left me and grace, TWO GIRL. okay so we helped out to clean the back. i carried the plated behind and decided to wash it. i realise, there real lot to wash! since long i ever touched so much dish. uh huh. marcus came in with the plate and spilt the water in the gas thing thing. and he was so funny and conitnued to sing. marcus lim ar... hai yo! hahahah =D qisheng came in too. and cut WATER MELON. the water melon is real real real real sweet. ESPECIALLY SWEET. really =D me, dear and bing shun actually squeezed on one sofa. 我很幸福! that's what she say. left side got friend, right side got boyfriend and behind got father. GRACE YEO! ahahhaha. bing shun went up and we two started talking. its just a small talk actually. but her question give me a big SHOCK! hahahaha. i got no answer for your question dear. but we did promise to meet up sometimes. ITS ALREADY 2 PLUS. her dad called. she asked me to answer, GRACE 在哪里?! 叫她听电话! OK this is scary. so we went home. hahhahha it is actually a good day. i enjoyed very much =D washing plate is definitely more fun than anything else. Labels: the sweetest watermelon.
11:19 AM
oh post post post! i am soooo bored at home. just finish my lunch so have a post first. yeah. going over to QiSheng's house tonight for SteamBoat. weeee. got to meet them again. so great =D going to meet xin very soon! wahahhaha. finally she had topped up her card and I AM THE FIRST ONE SHE MSG. hahahhaha. that's what she emphasize to me in the first message! YES I UNDERSTAND DARLNG! hahhahaha. going to meet DEAR too! weee. we promised to talk lots lots =DD oh yeah. yesterday was a good day. finally reached weekend. and i longed for a long break again. there we have three more days =D how great =D darlings came over to my house and watched 200 POUNDS BEAUTY. i've watched the second time. but i sitll find it good. OH YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVE HER. jealous* things in school was great too. lessons was alright. zhang shou have moved to sit with me. i'm rather happy about it. but linh wasnt. because zhang shou sat beside her. and who is the one that changed with him? ITS JASPER. oh that happy ghost. but he's real NOISY. geeee* zhen and xin have been bringing camera to school recently. we have been taking soooo much photos recently. the ugly side of me? i'm in spects. ehhehe. but the class was great, we took a FULL HOUSE when we're having PE. i realise people in my class love photo shots too =D okay. THREE LOVE ONES is birthday BABIES for this week! 26 june, mummy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! OH the three of us made this birthday card for her =D hehehehhe. 27 june, jie jie and uncle. we went out to celebrate. went sakae sushi during mummy's birthday. =D but i fought with my brother that day as he DUN ALLOW ME TO BUY A RADIO. oh how stupid that is. but i still realise, my daddy loves me =D yesterday was great great great. wahahhaha. since soooo long i've spoken to bestie! talked sooo much =D so nice. told him everything and i felt so much better. its not bad talk but its how i feel. wooooo. but still, i dozed off. OOOOPS. thank you. you are always the one that is willing to listen to me=) hehehehhe. YEAH I AM GOING FOR STEAM BOAT! Labels: you always made me WAIT.
2:21 AM
Thursday, June 28, 2007:
FINALLY. i got the chance to use the com. how great this can be. i waited for one whole week. either i dun get the chance to use the com, or i dun get the time to use the com =D maybe i should recount more on the PERFECT CHALET. oh maybe perfect is kind of strong. but among the five chalets, this is the best =D i went with xin and dear. met marcus lee half way when waiting for bus. oh dear went WRONG PLACE. she get to northpoint. hahahha. okay, we reached pasir ris and i thought like usual we're suppose to move to the interchange and taek 354 to down town east. however, marucus suggested to take bus 3. so we dun have to walk. i was wondering actually. and waiting long and there come 354. oh my, 354 do reach the same place -__- REACHED THE CHALET! MAHJIONG TIME! played once i reach there not long. went out to walk, watched the guys played volley ball. how cute they can get to be, its never expected =D ![]() quote from xin =D BEST PART, when we went out for the walk. orrssh. i thought i will regret going as we walked half way. you doesnt know how long the distance is. oh marcus lee is a... find hard to find a word to describe him. he walked sooooo far ahead of us. ALONE, that's worst okay. how dark the time is. but he made qisheng flare up. as he tried to hide behind a pole and qisheng see no shadow of him and get worried. things got funny when they started to throw coconuts and everyhting. and, he thought is a bomb and lie flat on the floor. PLAYGROUND. its fun fun fun. when there's start to have thunder and lighting. i was so messed up with this two words, not knowing which is which. how great. hahahah. the spider web was being occupid. no choice, we sat down and started chit-chattting. the chit chatting is good, when everyone started laughing about the bread-head of yihao =D i started to feel the bonds between softballers at that time actually. =D we even started to play the things in the playground. how stupid two girls can be when the thing turns and they FLEW out of it. one landing flat on the ground, the other flew above her. oh i know you know who iam talking about darling =D hahhahahah. -best way to cover embarrassment is to laugh together with other people. trust me. second day was good too! we went to the park for some games. SOCCER. yeah. actually, soccer is a good game =) though you can miss the ball when such a big ball is flying towards you and you aimed, lifting up your legs. oh you can just by luck kick the ball though you're not looking at all. how fun? =) dodgeball is alright. i realise how weak i am without the strength to throw? uh huh. having yihao and jin hao in our team is real funny. especially you, YIHAO =D BBQ. okay the bbq wasnt as fun as the one in school. dun talk about it. oh its chatting time! me and xin saw jun long and qisheng sitting there. so joined in. peilin, marcus and daphne joined in too and TALKS started! you wont know how good words can go until you settle down and started talking. the talk is really good =) i mean it =)) we went into the room for further chatting. but the talk wasnt as fun as when we were outside. atmosphere changed soooo much. but the FUNNY JOKER JUN LONG. is still there. and he is forever soooo funny =D walk again for the second night. but went back rather early. oh the way i found jin hao is also a funny guy when we started talking about the dream talker, YIHAO. hahahaha. jayjee is too =D how great the senior is =D i found peilin real real nice throughout the chalet =D especially when she was suppose to challenge marcus on drink the "beer??" and when its green tea. she gave the funny look and said "i dun like green tea" hahahha. went home. and so on=D okay, school has reopen. talk more about that in the next post. EVERYTHING IS BACK TO THE WAY I WANT IT TO BE. how happy i have to say i am. thing is alright about the previous post. though i didnt told you why, but i know you understand. and you dun mind at all! thank you so much =D i never never want to loose this friendship =D never! how funny you are about the punishment! hahahha. i am willing to take the punishment=D dun worry hehhehe. saying sorry might not be a difficult task when you are sincere. things go out even better BETTER BETTER!!!. especially yesterday, today. iloveit. LOVEIT.LOVEIT SOOOOO MUCH. you know what i mean =D i love to see my phone ringing. Labels: miss calls.
11:13 PM
Saturday, June 23, 2007:
many things have changed. things changed so much. most terrible and miserable thing is to apologise to someone whom you've never quarrelled with. is when he has find you weird. but you found no courage to tell him the reason why. but i know things will be back to normal very soon. =DDDDD
7:24 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007:
HAPPY DADDY'S DAY! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS ALWAYS. for being a perfect dad for the past 16 years =D so daddy decided to bring the WHOLE family out. he watched the news yesterday and realise there is this this place where people go to celebrate father's day. "see frog" i mean. hahhaha but we got LOST on the way. and found this goat or sheep farm??? i not sure about it too!
12:13 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007:
吃鸡屁股可以让你的皮肤滑一点。 know what can it be heard as?? 刺激屁股可以让你的皮肤滑一点。 and know what's the reaction? SHIMIN: huh?! how to agitate your butt? use needle to poke ar?! KELLY: huh?! what agitate?? SHIMIN: correct what! you say 刺激屁股 mar.. not agitated your butt meh? really can make our 皮肤滑啊? KELLY: i mean eat chicken's butt laaaaaaa!!! okay and both of us turn out laughing so so loud.
11:40 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007:
yesh another posty posty! okay so it is a thursday afternoon. i went out with bestie. we decided to approach orchard. since i wan to get something for mummy and jie jie for thier birthday present. oorrgggh. i dun get to see anything that i like. we went to FAREAST. hahahha. i saw the very top that i wanted to buy long long long ago. but it cost quite alot. but i decided to get it this very day =D bestie saw anohter three quarter pants that he wanted soo soo much. can sense it. hahhaha. but he was afraid of mummy's nagging. so i shall. "NEVER MIND NEVER MIND TAKE YOUR TIME =D." so we continue to walk and walk. my legs HURTS because i wore the new shoes that i bought recently.. arrgghh. so we went to cineleisure. he saw this veyr very nicely drawn hand phone key chain. with JASMINE on it. heh.. he's thinking so hard whether to buy it anot. i gave so much comment that he say i'm filtering his mind. wahahhaha. but he still bought it. dun worry she will like it bestie! hahahaha. so we went to herren next. nothing much though. BUT WE SEE SAKAE SUSHI! long ago we had wanted to have sake together.. with wan yee actually. but dun get the chance to.. and by that time is already 6. no more lunch. but we decided to have dinner. heh. hahhaha. i know he wouldnt let me take his face. so this photo is enough enough =D wahhahah. remember the last time i ate with dear. and i got so so full. this time herren is full and packed with people. we cant get those four people seats. so we sat on those side by side. saw this couple opposite us. ITS SO FUNNY when we started to give comment about that. alright i know it wasnt nice to give comments. but.. it was normal isnt it??? shimin: do you think she's older than the guy? vincent: yeah i think so shimin: her eye brow is soooo FAKE! (i know i'm meant, but its true ) vincent: yeshh yeshhs!!!! shimin: but the guy look so weak in front of her, he's good looking. vincent: ya larh, smart looking. but i loook better. -____-" shimin: the lady's nails is so nice vincent: now den you see ar? shimin:do you think they're brother and sister? vincent: of course not la! if not they will do this meh! vincent post and its soo sooo sooo funny =D heh hehe. okay things got more and more funny. and there's another monkey. okay, named by him okay. who make him lost his appetite. ahahhhaha. WE ATE DAMN LOT! okay so we continue to walk and walk. and get so tired. so we took at break at taka. and sat there chat chat chat. like usual, we chat so so much =D with his cherry FREEZE! hahahhaha. and went home =D and i smelled this smelly smelly urine smell... arrrgghhhh. but no matter what he doesnt smell it! hahahhaha.
9:14 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007:
![]() DOESNT have the time to blog recently. so its time to blog now =D jie was free from school. and she feels that it has been ages since she step into zoo. heh. DADDY GIVEN US $150 for the visit to zoo! heh.. so we went in. jie wanted to have a tempo tatoo on the arm. its animal figure. but we didnt.hahaha. we saw this crocodile statue. and that's it! photo time! hahahha. that's them =D so we went in. and first we saw crocodile. hor hor. oh my god, the weather is terrible. lucky mummy asked me to bring two bottles of water along. if no i think we'll die out of dehydration. heh. we saw many many land animal! orrgghh.i forgotten what is this ani ani call. try to spot it? its at the middle, trying to dig their food, fish, out of the coconut shell. so cute right? let's take a look at sea animals =D hor. CROCODILE. yesh, it has a very very very long long body. it is very enormous. you can see my cutie little brother over at the reflection. hahahha. he's very engross in this =D GIANT TURTLE! HAHHAAHA. looking at the giant turtle remind me of my 5 tortoises at home. its really 小屋建大屋。 we went for ELEPHANT SHOW! YESH. we watched elephant show. wao, it was soo soo crowded with people. i think animals are very clever as well. though they listen to instructions, under human's command. but they're still capable in things that are beyond human's ability. hor.. this is taken when we're on the elephant. i'm so afraid i might just drop my phone liek that. we can feel the back bone of the elephant moving under our buttocks. THE THREE ELEPHANTS KIDS!
5:21 AM
orrggghhh =DDDD so early in the morning, xin gave me 2 missed calls. she wanted to ask me out. she wants to get new bag! hahahhha. lucky she didnt say want to go vivo. orrggh i dun want to =D ahahhahaha. ![]() we asked her to gave us a valid reason. guess waht? lift spoilt! STUPID ENOUGH =D hahahha. but she say she shall treat us drink for being late. hahahahha. ![]() this photo is taken at bugis toilet. orrgghhh the toilet still need to pay 20 CENTS. wao. hahhahaha. i know i look disturbing. i jsut dun want those photos to look dead. ahahhaha. so xin found three bags to her choice. we went walking around while she have a second thoughts about it. she bought a red one. she say"its big enough" heh. =D she bought a top too =DDD i bought a belt which can clip clip to look like a kiddy kiddy dress. I BOGUHT A SANDLE THAT I LONG LOOKED FOR IT. yeshhhh goodie. i bought ear rings too =D i got a red top too! i saw a top top top which i love like crazy. but i didnt get it.not enough $$$ shall get it very very soon =D shop shop shop. we decide to get back to yishun and met up with linh. hahahaha. we are just so sticky right? heh =D anyway we met this shop keeper who is from our school too. she's from the pioneer badge. hor.. she says her best friend is ex SOFTBALLER. wao. uh huh. okay. so once we reached mac. CRAZY PHOTOS TIME! ![]() the jokers |