8:19 PM
thought about it the whole night. finding that those arguements are just childish and stupid. perhaps i had gone too far. but what comes around goes around. you said pretty much things on your other blog too. i've read, its just that i didnt sound out.
1:54 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007:
mummy start to get flare up upon teaching my brother some chinese homework. and hear her yelling away. hahhahahha. oh few minutes ago. i got questioned by dear. OOOPPS. she've knew all my secret. i leaked out to her. funny ar =D hahahha. she was surprised, so am i =D yeah i miss her badly too =DDD hope everything turns out well Labels: if only and only
11:01 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007:
everyone is fighting hard. but yet i'm out in this evening. oh my oh my. 5 hours OUT. never mind its alright =D i can still continuing fighting tomorrow. as i'm tired out for today already. yeh, i got no idea why. when i thought i would send nothing for the whole day on the thursday night. it ring. i'm lazy yet anxious. pulling up my neck peeping at it instead of just take it up slide up and see who it is. i'm so surprise to see it. i jumped up so high, overjoyed and my head nearly bang onto the ceiling (oh well its exaggerated. iwasnt so tall and my ceiling wasnt so low =D) i was so overwhelmed as it was already late and i thought i would just go to bed for school the next day =D you brighten up my night. this new feeling just came without me realising. its very very effective. I GOT NO NO IDEA WHY. and i just dun dare to look into your eyes when i looked down on you. am i suppose to smile? at the time, i wondered. i doubt i did. hahhaha. its a good night but yet so sweet text. thank you =D though i know, it doesnt mean so much as you thought it was. take it as, i'm happy =D you are the first and new one that came into my life, boy.
6:59 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007:
i am enthu into blogging something. i want to upload some photos =DD my brother took back a "tortoise" i wasnt a tortoise.. its a terrraaapppiii.. i dunno how to spell it so i decided to call to tortoise. it was named "hao xiao" let me show you... wahahahaha. do you think he's big???? he wasnt as big...... he's just 1 month 1 day old. i created it myself =FF 10 years down the road........... today was a good day too =D Labels: i dreamt of you, in the ferry wheel
6:41 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007:
yessh i'm home. alright. yesterday's oral was indeed a diaster. though now think about it still cant stop laughing. the teacher was strict. i heard. hope not though. oh well. i had my hair altered today. this afternoon. got no idea why would i have this urge to have my hair cut at that saloon. they said that the saloon is good. but, my hair wasnt long, was thick at all. it need not a cut. but i still did it. yeah, it makes no big difference though =D i'm so happy at 4 plus plus to receive it. but it was so short so short. and i ended it =(( people are having SUPER TEEN. bestie said on sunday that he wouldnt cry after i told him their method of making us cry. but yet.. i received his msg last night knowing everything. hahahhaa. you are darn funny ar bestie =D hahahah. yeah. i was real DISGUSTED! YUCKS. YUCKS. your image was totally crushed in front of me just like that. suckish attitude through the way you speak to the councillor. you've changed perhaps. moreover...you are such a SUCK UP. THAT'S THE WORST. yucks. you've totally lost the spirit of a man. A REAL MAN. that you use to be. yucks yucks yucks. gentleman wasnt like this. YUCKS. alright. that shouldnt have spoilt my mood though =DD still hope more things will come up!! tsk tsk. his powerful eyes. described by zhen ****** i dunno how to spell. a pair of eyes that no one dares to look into! hahahaa Labels: i hope you can realise
12:43 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007:
i told you i love her eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i'm in love into blogging too. right now, listening to bestie's blog song. his blog song is always very updated and nice =D let's listen =DDD i've just started using the laptop. and my sis asked me to shut down. as there's terrible thunder coming soon. she's afraid that her laptop will be shut off. wahhahah i found that there's so much fun in blogging items. hahaha. alright. and i'm in love with my blogskin. maybe that's the reason why i'm blogging right now =D but i'm disgusted by blogsonsgs. believe me, i'm love with my sis that's her last curly hair. she has reborned her hair. just so soon =DD you know what's i'm waiting. Labels: i'm too in love in you. i've been waiting hard.
9:45 AM
Saturday, April 21, 2007:
wooo. its late in the night. just finish meeting dear. oh mine. its long since i met her actually. we got so much to talk actually =D had a good good chat wiith her. my dear is happy recently. many things are happening surprisingly. but i know she's happy. dear, you always have my blessing =DDD eeeeeee. *smile*bigteeth* things went surprised today too! though its only a few, but i'm very very happy already =D sometimes, things go wild to be contented! i've decided to sleep with my parents tonight. not gonna sleep alone this weekend. *hippo will always be bring along =D but i realise i cant sleep at all. i had a long long sleep this afternoon =D woooo. but i've been waiting so much and so long though. oh yesterday its speech day. went to meet qisheng at north point.. to have his hair dyed back BLACK. oooh he's rather agitated over it. i told him it look nice, more decent in this way. and he says i'm bull shitting. hahahha. okay. we met junlong and went for prize giving. SIAN. wanted to leave early, trying to sneak out. but qisheng asked me to wait and we shall go for reception. yessh. we did. we wnet together with kam chuen. i didnt regret staying. they were real fun lads! JUN LONG. you are a duber nice guy. he scoope nearly everything for me. hahahah. and he took super lots of food and we shared everything. we had a great great laugh with kian meng! and kam chuen told me they actually threw mac chicken away. omg i am so hungry at tht time ar. bestie was STUCK outside! hahaha. i was like persuading him to come in. but he say he cant with his home clothes. and i when i went out, he's gone gone. hahahhaa. you've hurt you knee. take care bestie!! =DD i hope things go well. i hope i hope i hope. i want to hug you tonight. telling you i dun want this to happen again.
2:02 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007:
its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection its all phone connection among all, i just need you to trust me. yet among all, you are the only one that dun trust me. why dun you? i've flooded hippo's nose last very night.
12:40 AM
Thursday, April 19, 2007:
can you promise me you wouldnt do this ever again? no matter what,
10:12 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007:
it didnt go as bad as i thought i wouldnt =D i thought i do feel horrible. but end up i felt good thought =D hahhahaha. i am so hyper for the whole day actually. but i do miss it huh. i wouldnt let my self walk on the path of regrets. will you? you wouldn't =D stay happy as you are alright? Labels: i will miss you =)
6:37 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2007:
i realise that it has been so long. and yet we hadnt actually took a photo beforE?! hahhaha. i have decided i shall take a photo next time i go out with you =D and i'm gonna post it =)))) Labels: love you no more
1:37 AM
OH WEEE! i am back from the concert! oh my god, iwas like looking so forward for everything. and everything just ended as fast as this! ooooossshh. pretty disappointing ar! hahaha. i shouldnt comment too much on the concert =D but all of them look gorgeous! really =) alright. i shall jsut start on the story of the four of us. woooo, we wanted to look perfect and walk into the concert hall. but end up it was raining heavily, and we ended up taking a direction paper covering our heads running toward the theatre. such a disappointing moment though. we were so shy all the way till we reach there. but i still think we loook good though =D i am so happy when i reached the concert. i recieved bestie's msg. hahahaha. he cant see where i am but yet i get to see him soooo many many times. he just dunno. hahahhaha! *laughing* qisheng msg me later on too. saying he sees me! i sees you too qisheng! *dumb dumb* hahahhaa. that's what it is! hahahahha! okay concert ends. at 9. we wonder about till 940, and we walked back to the concert hall. waited for billy. actually get to see him once over again. he didnt change that much. jus that his hair style changed! hahahha. but yet, we ended up walking around again. our feet were hurting like crazy. i suggest we shall walk bare footed. zhen agreed. but linh and xin objected! so we didnt! hahaha. we wanted to eat new york new york. but it was closely. we reach raffles place. yikes i hate this place. hahahha. we landed in star bucks. we had caramel. woooo.. caramel remind me of bestie! we once slack at plazza sing. hahahha. so great. oh the way home is even more better. we four started to crack jokes again. as we worn rather formally, we were afraid of going home. hahhaha. story starts........... dailing 999...... if you are calling for molesting, press 1 for theft, press 2 for suicide, press 3 for other things press 4 (pressed 1) where are you being molested? *****, press 1 *****, press 2 *****, press 3 other, press 4. jokes just get on and on and on. we four were laughing once over again. i love you girl billion billion billon! thank you thank you thank you. thank you a million. you are sooooooooooooooooooooo great once over again =DDDDDDD -____________________________- *where are you now? *how are you going back? *where are you now? *going back alone? *do you need me to walk you home? *be careful on the way home alright? you are really great. you are the special one out of any other ppl =) whenever i'm down, you are always always there for me. =) you always make me feel better. you are great, bestie =DD thanks for accompanying me all the way. thanks =P game over. i know you get what i mean. so, just stop everything okay? i've decided. Labels: i'm loving you as days comes by
2:27 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007:
oh wahhaha. right now i am at xin xin' house we decided to use the com to make the time pass. she suggested i shall blog. so i shall =D oh well. i had just heard this news not long ago. i think i dun wnat to talk about what this news is =D three more hours to go for me =) weee. i am getting more and more excited as time pass.. we four will be meeting very soon i just got my dress altered by xin's mother. thanks thanks aunty =DD you are great! everything will be going fine later i hope so =D i know i will enjoy the show. faridah, i will be looking forward to see you dancing! i am not very happy last night. but i realise i can control my tears by saying :"i dun want my eyes to be ugly tomorrow" hahhaha. this was a very useful words actuallly! but its always good to cry before going to bed =) the best way things will go! still happy always =DDDDD smile =DD Labels: you arent the one for me
8:42 PM
Friday, April 13, 2007:
guys game was cancel once over again. the weather was darn cooling. the guys were funny though =D they were just as fun as ever. thank you andre. i think you are a super nice guy =D really. weixin dear chye ning and me were shivering like crazy =s they guys were playing whole day. hahahhaa. sighs. i am not feeing good though. i got no idea why. i am not not feeling good. this is such an undescribable feeling. yea i know why, but i dunno how to say out. everything was just hitting to the bottom of my heart. where no one can sense what's going on. cant pour anything out. will you understand though? tmr is a special day. dressed up day =D i will be looking forward for it. Labels: i promise, want to hold you tight in my hand
4:21 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007:
okay! i get to see my dearest sis's tag! weee i hope she will be there to support me for my final game on monday. i know she will if she can make it. my best jie ever =D hope your joy and happiness continue with him =D okay. its a black face from her! hahhaha alright i shall post what i am suppose to =DDD do you know what a family should do after every dinner???? but soon, pain will start to come out, and see my dad, he's start to hold the railing. and very soon.................................
and there's always interesting stuff you can find at this area! me and my sis were actually wondering the whole day what's this? a GRAPE? YEAH???? wooooo! its really a grape. uh huh! there's always interesting stuff happening around! especially when you are with your beloved family =D i love you forever! today's training was great. very good. i love you girls lots lot! and... ALL THE BEST TORRENT! you guys can do it! JIA YOU!
8:15 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007:
no one can understand how i feel. i am just too happy to describe anything. well done GEMS! championship is up again. you girls are the best okay! well done!!!
6:41 PM
Thursday, April 05, 2007:
hehehhehe. its time to blog before leaving =D mummy is yelling greatly because i hasnt touch any single thing. alright i willokay =DDD SHIMIN IS SUPER HYPER! ALL THE WAY GEMS AND TORRENTS!!!! does this look like their jersey colour?? hor hor it look quite funny though =D hhahaha. by the way, we won MGS today! oh mi gosh, it just a near to perfect game. i'm loving it =D all the way GEMS! well done! alright. nowaday, everyday was good =D you know why =D yeah i know it of course. haahaha. and right now, perhaps 4 more hours, i'm leaving for genting! hahahha. weixin was still asking her mum at the last minute hoping hse can go along with me! of course i hope she can! hahhaha. we will have another enjoyable time! hahhaha. sad, i got to leave with my bandaged hand. hahhaha, its kind of terrible huh =D but whatever it is, its worth. oh well, i thought qisheng was fierce. but everything still end up fine. qisheng is still that nice as he was =D monday its torrents game against ACS. i know you guys can do it! all the way! championship is waiting for you all! =DD once again, thank you for everything. everything. Labels: i cant deny i love you. |