5:20 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2007:
its another blog. i want to blog as much as i can =D i got no idea why too =D alright. today is just another good and goody day. nothign went wrong. practical test was perfectly alright. i still had a enjoyable time adding those chemicals actually. early in the morning is already a good day =D i got a good laugh again. thank you JUSTIN QI! siyuan! ian!! hahhahaha. its just a pity why all peeps that sit aroud me is guys. thanks peach too! by the way! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! woooo. yesterdya training was even better! oh mi gosh. you girls were great. bright up my evening! =D hot hot hot box box box =D sorry jie. i will update you the post asss asssooon as possible okay eek? hehehhee oh my.. i should have remember the taste of the rotten BLACK CURRENT. i shouldnt have let myself taste it once over again. mummy brought it back yesterday night. the sight reminds me of those suffering after having it in my stomach. but yet, i thought everything is alright. but its just, another rotten fruit. yucks. i am disgusted by it. i should have trusted the words out from my mouth that you arent trustable at all. you arent, AT ALL. hate me if you want. its better this way. Labels: its just fading off.
5:10 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007:
ho. you brighten up my day. yes you do. that's what early in the morning. zhen notice before me=) and i looked down. a good view =D TODAYISJUSTASPERFECT. really many things happen today. i know you know it too =D yupp i saw it. but i dunno how i am feeling. really i dunnno. trust me. ALL THE WAY MY GIRLS! NORTHZONE CHAMPION BELONG TO YOUs. jia you =DD all the best too TORRENTS! you guys can make it too! =D you know how you change within seconds. i'm sorry Labels: i dun want to be invisible once over again and again.
11:50 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007:
i didnt know its so good. i didnt know i feel like this. i didnt mean to fall in love with you. Labels: i always thought he is the best but he isn't
11:59 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007:
HOOHOOHOO!!! ITS BLOGGING TIME! weeee. i am just very excited to have a long post today =D eh eh.. weixin:"perhaps you should have love him in the very first place, and perhaps you and him will just go very well" oooorrsshh. this is what i felt the whole day man. i got no idea why i just got this feeling out of a sudden. after the few words that we spoken today. i really felt very good and nice. i am sooo much well APPRECIATED by you. you always make me feel good. perhaps i should really get this decided long ago. instead of struggling out there. you are a better choice. really. i really need to be more appreciated. guess what?! ITS A F9! YESyesYES. i got a f9 for my english! hahahaha. its not very surprising though. i am WELL PREPARED after miss lee announced that about 30 people in our class got this result. expected that i am one of them. oh well. ITS UNDERSTANDABLE. thats what miss lee said. of course. you are the one that failed us! hahahaha. but i am satisfied with my result =D i chat pretty lot with yong siang. i love talking to him. but i know he is in a confuse state right now too =( do cheer up yong siang! your answer has to be made up sooner or later! get it done! and... i didnt know you were actually so not popular among people. i am very surprise to know all those words from my friends. first of all. THANK YOU BESTIE! HOHO. this is what i wanted to blog last week. but i think its a week since i blogged =D hehehhe. what i mean is, the song delication. oh mine. its really sweet of you =D thank you. its a birthday delication from perfect 10. i actually heard my name being named out from the radio. it sound real sweet! thank you! =D thank you for the birthday cake. its the best birthday cake i ever had. but its still a mistery for my parents! hahahhaha. thank you very very much =D i really love it =D thanks for the present too! chye ning and shue ling. hohoho. its very sweet of you girls. and i am using whatever you girls get for me! THANKS. woooo. today is a good day. lesson was short. physics lesson was best of all! mr teng didnt came and we were actually talking none-stop. no one bothers about the worksheet he gave though. i accompanied xin to have her hair cut today. she wants her hair to be cut thin and short. but not too short. and you look good with your new hair girl! hahahaa.
we went to the playground and CHAT NONE STOP. we talked about the future us, how will be turn to be and our future career. and we laughed like crazy by imagining. hahhaha.we went to pasamalam together too! the four of us =D i got three things. hahaha. i dun want to say what it it. as i think i will be a TYPICAL SINGAPOREAN if i say it! hahahhaa. linh and zhen bought somehting too! its good! hohooohooo. we got a great time. i love them =D my forever four.I LOVE MY FOREVRE FOUR! i met dear after that. we went to pasamalam AGAIN! HAHAHHA. THIS TIME, i bought the orange short i wanted to buy with my darlings. hahhaha. xin want to buy the yellow black one. linh wanted to bouy the same as me =D weee. its still so nice. we got a tough time choosing what ear rings we actually wants. hahahhaa. i love the fan there. hahhaa. igot myself a shark fin soup and dear got the takabuchi. wooo i dunno how to spell! hahahha. I AM IN LOVE IN ORANGE! yes i am. hahhahaa what else should i blog? oooh! WE WERE WILL FIGHTING WITH TGK AND MGS DURING THE SECOND ROUND! dear told me coach say we were possible in getting top 4. oh gosh, i really hope we does! and.. we GOT TO WORK HARD! we really have to!!!! i always feel there's so much things to blog. but here i am always STUCKED! you didnt gave me any explanation. everything just stopped within second. waiting and waiting without you understanding. you dun feel you owe me any explanation, as you feel it should be this way. perhaps i am asking too much from you. but that's all out of my control. you step in and out in and out. i am not a toy, its not a hotel. i cant be an understanding girl you want me to be. i need to be appreacaited. dun take it for granted, i am not yours after all. Labels: you are the one that stops me from loving you.
3:50 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007:
nothing can describe the joy and tears of mine right now. thank you for everything. thank you thank you thank you. thank you a million. Labels: the happiness lie within the hearts
11:23 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIMIN. ++ SHIRLEY! does it sound really funny to wish myself happy birthday? hhahahaha. SHIMIN IS 16! hohoho. i am just too happy to know that. BESTIE, i am allow to watch NC 16 show le OKAY?! HAHAHHAHHAA. thank you everyone. shimin is very very veyr touch! thank you my three darlings. you three are the first first to celebrate my birthday with me=D i love the perlini silver necklace. thank you so so so much =D i love you three. i really. THANK YOU DEAR! you are the very first one to say happy birthday to me! =D you are shy, i know. but i love those words on my wall paper. i will keep it. thank you dear =D thank you shirley. you came all over to my house to pass me my birthday present. THANK YOU SOOOOO SOOO MUCH. =DDD i wanted to name everyone that wished me but perhaps it was very nice to. hahahha. i mean they were sweet. really very very veryvery sweet. i love you guys. really thank you very very very much.. i know this birthday will be good. THANK YOUEVERYONE. I LOVE YOU GUYS.. really. i am touch. Labels: thank you very much. i will find the true love
11:35 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007:
hoho. i am suppose to blog actually. but i came online for 2 hours and hasnt done anything. i realise i dun like to blog while chatting. so since now, i think i shall start =D i got so much stuff to blog actually =)) weee.e. okay. just came back from school. after the chinese programme. oh well, i thought it will be pretty boring. but end up it turn out to be okay. PRETTY OKAY GIRL. hahhaa. yesterday, i went to SENTOSA! with my two darling. photos will be upload soon. uh, there's only 2 photos. we decided not to take any actually. without linh, there's nothing much to take. well. we took a long long trip on the bus, where xin actually dozed off. stupid pig. talking about TOOT WX, i start on a rescue misson (named by zhen) to go to her house to save her from what she is wearing. she say her mum wouldnt allow her to out of the house if she see what she's wearing. it wasnt that bad as it sound as, but i just want exaggerate it. hahahaa. so she rush out of the room without socks. and end up she dun wear SHOES. =D we reached habour front. over at vivo, i decide to do something. XIN HAD MY PHOTOS ALL DELETED. ya right, photos that i wanted to delete long ago. without any hestitaion, xin actually pressed the button (c) and deleted EVERYTHING. really, EVERTHING. kind of unbear. but i told her to do so. its gone forever. so we went to sentosa. oh mine, there's really alot of memories. i beleive all my girls know what i mean. i sasw the bridge and everything wehre we took alot alot of photos. it was really very nice memories =) we stay up at a shelter and look down to the beaches.ooooops there alot alot of couples hugging inside the water, kissing. they look real familiar. so me and xin decide to go down and have a closer look as zhen go to the toilet. uh huh. guess who is it? indeed it is someone we know. i shallnt name who is it though. i believe thye must have thought me and xin is lesbian. cause i dun think you can always see two girls actually hanging out at SENTOSA right? hehehhee.. ITS TIME HOME! bestie i met bestie for two days already. i mean, get to see him. i met him on tuesday. we had a good chat under the void deck. though its not a very long chat =D i FINALLY. get to pass him his very very BELATED. birthday present. wait wait. i bought it before his birthday,, it is just that i dun get the chance to pass it to him. but i finally do. i hope you like it =D yesterday i saw him. when i am going home. WHEN I AM GOING HOME. together with kian meng. hahahha. what he told me is " i dun see you, until i saw you running!" "do i look like ghost? why see me then run? idiot!" hahahhahahhaha. i was rolling when i read this. hahhahaha. i got no idea why i run too too. but.............. hahhahahaha. i know dun mind bestie. hahahha. alright, its always some big laughs. =DD anyway. guys is having game tomorrow. i know it is a live and dead game. ALL THE WAY TORRENT! i know you guys can! JIA YOU BOYS!!!!!!!!! Labels: you break my heart by saying GOODBYE.
11:23 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007:
oooossshhh. here i am to blog. its only 11.27. just came back from zhen's house we were suppose to go sentosa. but linh's mummy came. so she have to accompany her. dun worry linh, we understand. you dun have to feel bad alright =DD i woke up EARLY IN THE MORNING. wanting to go the guy's match against woodland's ring. oh mi gosh. its boring okay. i went home when second inning haven end. borish. but it was good! because i get to see bing shun's good hit. =DD jia you guys! the weather is darn darn hot.
8:20 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007:
Thank you darlings. i love you girls. really, i swear. its a great great day, though i am somehow suffering from small headach early in the morning we went to seoul garden for lunch. I TREAT THEM!!! for my early brithday celebration. here are some photos! ![]() I AM JUST TOO HAPPY.. ITS AN ENJOYABLE DAY. I LOVE YOU GIRLS!!! MAY WE LAST FOREVER GIRLS!! Labels: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIMIN
4:39 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007:
okay. its really time for me to blog. i haven been blogging lately. or i should say, i did. but i just didnt pubilsh it. as it was just imcomplete* i just said a sentence "OH DUN WATCH LARH. ITS NOT NICE." reply: "haha. den do what?" oh mi gosh. know why? because i'm rotting at home =(( whole day. mummy asked me to go along with her to ah mei jie jie's birthday party. but i decided not to attend it. because i'm still not feeling well. with this swollen swollen eyes-due to heaty. my mum said that. yesterday is the game against aglican?? i think it is not spelled like that. haha. but i played like shit. the ball is slow, but yet i cant hit it. and i missed a stupid ball. stupid fielding, stupid hitting. oh well, i even drag the whole team to run one more round to touch the thing, becuase i didnt touch it in the first place. i think coach perhaps is training us. i hope so. but i'm really feeling like shit the whole day. imean my body =D and thank you rebecca =D for your concren. really =)) right now i am feeling so warm, though i just had a bath 2 hours ago. why why? heaty. ahhahha i got my class jersey! ho ho SEVENTY-ONE! =DD it suppose to be orange. but turn out to be blue. i was kind of disappointed. but when i reached school, the jersey turn out to be nice out of a sudden! hahhaha. alright. i'm lame. have you ever see how a dad usually play with a son? curious? i shall show you! this is kind of cute right? hahhaa. that's my dad with my brother. ya right they were just struggling and playing over nothing. hahahha know what's wrong with a dad when he came to your room?? he will just come in, lie on your bed, and start to strangle your soft toy. and that is my favourite hippo.
1:07 AM
《爱的主旋律》 男:是你在那个雨季 走进我生命 带着一点任性 和温柔的表情 女:是你在那个雨季 赶走了孤寂 温暖的笑容 换我仅有的甜蜜 男:天上一万颗星星我却只看见你 你说这是幸运 还是不可思议 女:身边有太多风景 我却停在这里 说我傻的可以 还不是因为你 男:是你的声音 女:带给我勇气 男:恋爱的频率 女:直到我心底 男:如果你愿意 女:是的我愿意 合:带着我幸福的主旋律 男:从前的实际 女:现在我相信 男:天空会放晴 女:爱会更甜蜜 男:如果你愿意 女:是我的愿意 合:爱的主旋律
7:58 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007:
today is a poor and rainy day i wont deny. shimin wasnt too high, wasnt too happy. she knows why. but she know tomorrow is gonna be better. tomorrow is game. i wanna do well. i'm gonna let tomorrow is a better day, i promise. because i'm not going to bother about you. btw, i am crazy over the japan's series of meteor garden. hoooo, its perfect x 100000. surprise to know bing shun knew about this show too! hahaha. i got a great day at qisheng house too. with dear gangs. it near to perfect too =) once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINCENT! bye. tomorrow will be a good day Labels: i cant be bothered with you.
7:46 PM
HAPPY HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY VINENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stay happy and remain cheerful as you always do BESTIE! =DDD. Labels: happy birthday |