4:36 AM
Saturday, February 24, 2007:
okay. i'm here to blog again, since i'm waiting for the turn to bath after mummy. today is a bored but yet relax day. it has been long ever since i got such a chance to stay home the whole day. though i dun really can use to it. actually the post yesterdya was not done yet.i got soooo much more things to blog about. but because yesterday was already late in the night. after more you know what? MY SIS WAS SUPER NICE! she actually allowed me to install my handphone disc into her laptop. so i can actually have all my photos put in. and songs =D i'm glad. thank jie. uh huh. so i stayed home the whole day. and i actually got bored over the television program=( jie went out with her dar dar. didi went to cc, ah gong went to help my dad and mummy went jackpot at the country club. so i'm left at home alone! awwwww. dun think that sound awkful, becuase at time you will find it good to stay home all alone. linh asked my out to joined her in the movie with her sis. but i am somehow lazy. sorry! hahahah so i decide to online. i got some chat. only for awhile. and offed line because it was even more bored! so i decided to go gym. hehehe. alone again i mean. on my way there i got a call from daphne. yeah right, we girls WERE SUPPOSE to have our sb socks bought! we discussed it on thursday. but.. we didnt in the end. but i hate gym out of a sudden. so i called xin and we went out to have a talk. this girl here. heavy hearted but yet happy. just like what i am feeling. but my heart wasnt really that heavy. i am burden-free. hahahaha. we went along chatting. and i'm home on tv again!!! oh mi gosh! sometimes dun be too surprise on what you are seeing. it might be real. real real. but yet sweet. i just browse through and see it. hahaha. its somehow shocking but nice actually. hahahha. yesterday, went north point with my family. see jamie in the bus. and saw kar wee and jun long in the interchange. kar wee was still in his uniform. uh huh=) and jun long??? hehehehe. no comment =DD i asked si yuan this question during one assembly. which really pleased me. "what kind of person i am?" ans:"a happy go lucky, happy all day long de girl" hahhahaa. that's sound great isnt it? i didnt realise it though. but i'm glad to hear that. really =PP Labels: dun make me feel like a bitch
11:26 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007:
HELLO! hehhehe. its again a FRIDAY! another goodie goodie day. yesterday ITS PERFECT! its our first national game, against Cresent Girls School. WE WON!!! we were very happy. it has been long ever since we get to win a good school. we were still worrying in the beginning. winning cresent, we were somehow safe in going into the second round! i am so happy. MONDAY is the guy's game against WRS! all the best boys! i know they will will too =D i am very confident about that! heheheh. everyone played very very well yesterday. we all get to bat the ball and field the ball well. though there might be some mistakes. everyone cheered and play! I LOVE THEM GIRLS! they rocks my life =) WELL DONE GIRLS!!!! everyone was overjoyed. and i realise that we do have many supporters. everyone was cheering and happy for us =D once we reached school, everyone was like congratulating us. thank you bestie!! you are always the one!! hahahhaha. i love to share my joy with my bestie =) he's always so encouraging. thank you so much. hui ling! you are too! i told you i will mention you! i will!! hehehhehe. HAPPY HAPPY.
8:33 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007:
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 2007!!! hehehhe. i know it hasnt reach yet. but i actually got very excited over it =) first i shall upload some photos! its photo of us on my brother's birthday at swenson! that's us! and changYi Swenson! ![]()
![]() the coke that taste the best! ![]() ![]() ![]() why didnt she kiss me? hahha ![]() ![]()
so today is another goody day! went to pray my grandmother in the afternoon! later we are going to watch fire works. and go flower garden to walk walk and last but not least is pray pray. that's baiscally what we were doing nearly every year. how i hope one day you can come along with me =))) hehehhe. so we had steamboat, like dear, for our dinner! whole family was there. papa actuallyhelped with preparing. hahaha. that's a rare rare chance man. hahahha. by the way, i love my sister! she helped me paint my nails. now even going to the toilet have difficulties. hahhaha. joking joking. i hope my bestie will be going ot watch fire works later too! hehehhee. hope hope so =))
6:06 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007:
goodie! i have decide to take up 5 minutes to have my post done. seems long since i last posted? not really larh huh =) hehhee. dear diary, you know what? THIS WEEK IS PERFECT! oh ya right. it really is. i got no idea why this week were actually so great. but nothing seems to disappoint me lately. perhaps its VALENTINES' DAY + CHINESE NEW YEAR! hahahaha. i cant stop myself from thinking that i had a BAD chinese new year last year. i was like, ehhh, crying when i held my dad and watch the fire works above us? and no one actually notice? hahahha. but everything is so much more like over. i dun get to have the feeling agian. i know =) heheheh. perhaps a new one is right infront. i know he is =D okay. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALENTIN! i know that's stupid pretty late huh. but i still hope to wish you, my beloved short stop =) we actually went to choose her cake on monday after training. everyone went. she said she want chocolate favour, so we chose the best one for her! hahhaha. we blew the cake for her. some guys joined us too! isnt that nice? hehhee. oh well, shueling listened to WEIXIN and smash a cake on valentin's face. she was like "argghhh my eyes my contact!!" hahhahaa. and i was there laughing over it. i know i am bad. hahahhaa =) daphne was helping her clean off when she was there screaming!! hahaha. okay, i exaggerated. but i just want to, becuase that is a happy thing =) training was greeeaatt as well. nothing spoilt it. really. SHILKA, YOUR NEWS DIDNT SPOIL MY MOOD. NOT A SINGLE BIT THOUGH! HAHHAHAHA. today was another perfect day. i am pretty CRAZY early in the morning. linh was shocked by me. really. hahhaha. oh well i know i am, but i am too happy. by the way ANOTHER HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA! AND... KAM CHUEN!! hehehhee. i know it is kam chuen's birthday because i get to see vincent and friend blew him a birthday cake too. hahhaha. they are very sweet indeed. can see the smile melt on kam chuen's face. and JESS! hahhaha. i snatched her bear early in the mornign. its so adorable and nice to hug. hahhahaa. i got a big morning laugh too! with siyuan and qiwei. i really hope to say a big thank you to the both of you. i got a big enjoyable time whenever i am with you guys in the parade square. you two always lighten up my day with jokes =) QIWEI,SIYUAN =D okay! valentine's day present! hehehhe. its sooooo sweet. its a exchange. mr goh was once surpirse. hehehehhe. i hanged it on the window. dun ever make me angry, if not i will hit the face of the flower! hahhahah =))) early in the morning, i gave papa a big smile on his face. i kissed mummy and danced infront of him. i know its kind of funny, but when you get to see their smile, everything was satisfied. i love you =))) HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU! Labels: I willl love it. i know.
11:10 PM
Saturday, February 10, 2007:
dear diary, today is a good day too. but right now, i'm wondering around. walking here and there. trying to let the time pass. so i'm actually letting the time pass as soon as possible before my hand phone alarm ring off. i wanted to watch movie or perhaps some vcd in my dark room with the light off i mean. i really want to =) but, i decide to go to bed instead of the tve. just to let the time pass. i want to sleep in the comforter. Labels: the warm bedsheet of mine.
11:47 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007:
Hello! dear diary, its another friday. i'm going to finsih this post. i mean it =P like what i said. friday is always a good day for me. neverless, it is. though i still hope this friday would be like those! hehehhehe. i miss the alarm of the call! hahahha. okay, i promised to blog as well =) i will since it has been so long since i online. know what?! weixin actually deleted her blog! i dunno why =) and, darling, get well soon alright? ok. so this week. there's three days of super teens. its great, i mean it! I LOVE YOU KEN! YOU ROCKS THE PROGRAM! yupp, he's really great. "AH GUEE GUEE" hahhaha. i will remember this always, jian zhong. hahahhaa. your joke really made me laugh =) and ERNEST! you are great too! though you are kind of fierce but you are also fun too! your jokes were fantastic! hehehhe. though you made me cried as well. yupp, he told us how we people arrive in this world with our mothers and fathers. and we were to close our eyes to think who were the most important ppl in our lives. oh darn, there's where my tears burst with the song "shi shang zhi you mama hao" mummy, thanks for everything, i love you. okay so the program was great! though the hours is long. hehehe. i got no idea in what sense i was actually attracted to you through out the whole program on the third day. but i cant stop myself from looking, seeing you so supportive and nice. you were really great, that day. you look great that pretty day too! THURSDAY! TORRENT! NORTH ZONE CHAMPION! CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS! YOU GUYS WERE GREAT! =))) friday! early in the morning, the guys got their award, they look cool when recieving the award. really! hahahha. O LEVEL RESULT! oh great! shirley and jun mei! you girls got good result! CONGRATS! I am so happy to know that shirley actually got 11 for L1R5. for jc score that was perfect man! if only i can get the result! hahhaha seeing everyone cry with tears of joy and sorrow. i cant stop myself from imagine myself getting the result, i think my heart would just pop out anymoment! hahahha. training was bad at the beginning, but it turn out great! hoohooo! we actually did batting and blah blah blah. ANDRE YOU ARE GREAT HUH! he was a super nice guy. he helped me when i'm keeping. he said " i'm here to save you" hahhaha. you are nice. really. i just reach home. its late already. i went to ang mo kio with dear. to get my new year dress. i just changed it to let my dad see. guess what? he's say its nice! hoohoo!!1 i also think its nice. hehehhehe. ooooops =)) we shopped the new shopping mall =) and i get more stuff. i bought presents too! hehehhe. okay so overall, i love today. it was great too! i'm still waiting. you are great! Labels: benvolous desire
9:55 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007:
FRIDAY IS ALWAYS A GREAT DAY. friday is always a great day for shiminKHONG. yay right! but i believe this friday wont be as perfect as last friday =) neverless, this week arent that great as last week. but it is still a good week for shimin, nothign can spoil it, she promised. dear diary, i love my hair today, not when in school, but when i'm out =) i dun want to talk about school, its quite bored. two tests? okay. done. training was okay. a bit bored too. Wan yee was here. i am so happy to see her. i helped her catch a few pitching ball and i need to rush off. yay, so i rushed off to meet mummy. mummy, jie jie, didi and me went down to ang mokio for some shopping. guess what?! i bought a red white dress. its nice. it has been long since i wear dress it think. heheheh. i had dinner at 10 today. becuase got to wait for papa. ohmigosh. i'm hungry like crazy though. we played daytonah?? i dunno how to spell it. but it was funny. finally! my dad is willing to come. hahhaha after his night shift i mean =) so we went to have our dinner. at 10! that's pretty late huh? so when i reach home i am actually very very tire and actually fall asleep. hehehhe. i'm so sorry, i know i suppose to meet you, but i fall asleep. SO SORRY! ok. i mean, the following thing is what i blogged yesterday. i saved it as draft. and now continue. becuase i promise them to blog. heheheh. so i shall continue! SATURDAY! alright! today is a shopping day for me! the four of us have planned to go big shopping for new year clothes =) early in the morning, papa came into my room. and shave somehting in front of me. so i.... grabbed it! and? hehehhehe. its 200 bucks! wooohooo!!! that's for my shopping. SO HAPPY! so we met and set off to orchard! and bugis! shop shop shop. i actuallly got a lot of stuff. two tops, two bottom. heheheh. linh actually want to get herself a dress. but she missed it. and xin? now complaining to me about her dress. hahahha everythign is so funny. okay i shall continue next time! night |