7:48 AM
Friday, December 29, 2006:
ok. i will blog. i will i will. i dun feel like blogging. but, i wouldnt say no. i dunno why too. okay. let me talk about today. I HAVE MY BOOK- NO (S) bought. what i mean. because, when i reached there i realsie there's only ONE book i'm gonna buy. oh.. hahhahahha. okay. early in the morning. as early as 12, zhen stepped into my house. i'm still a pig at that time. she just came into my room. and.. "shimin". HOSH. she gave me a big shock! and i covered my face with my blanket. she see how i sleep! hahahhaha. i'm shy. hahaa. so we went bishan. have KFC! oh its good. long long time... hahhaha. so nice. so we went shopping! and zhen bought the four of us each a pencil case. we two decided to be SPECIAL this year. since it was the last year, we want to make somehting similar. and when we see hte pencil case, it was kind of attractive. hehehe. so we bought FOUR, its micky in appearance. and its metal case. good good. we took neo print too! since long since i did the last one i beleive. it was good too. so we went over to north point. WE BOARD THE WRONG TRAIN! thanks to zhen!!! hahahha. we were making a big fuse about it aas zhen nearly fall onto a mus guy. wahahahhaa. lucky i held onto her???? hahhahaha. SO WE WENT ALL THE WAY TO TOA PA YOH. hahahha. and back to yishun. have many many many things bough. PEN everything everything. i nearly bought evertyhing at popular. heehehhe. okay, i'm just exaggerating. haahhaha. zhen was requesting to go plazza sin. hahha. and she want me to accompany her watch death note maraton. from 1 to 2? since dear say its a super good show, ithink i might go! hahahaha. so we chat chat. AND I CHAT WIHT WEIXIN TOO! hahhaha. love you. LINH IS BACK TOMORROW. i cant wait for it. i beleive this year will be perfect for the four of us, i hope so =D you wont appear. so i went home. when about to rest, dear called. hahahaha. she was ARRGGH. so she enter my room and vent her anger. i let her does so, since that make her feels better. so she did, and she SMILE afterwards. hehehhee. i'm always so pro huh? to make you happy. whahahhaah. so i sent her home, my dad does so actually. ALWAYS A GOOD DAY.. LIVING TO THE FULLEST WITH YOU. dun do that, dun make yourself feel miserable. i dun want you to. Labels: i started to do what i am suppose to.
10:20 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006:
i am happy. finally my wish is coming true. i just can wait for tommorrow. LINH IS COMING BACK! That's the best thing that is gonna happy tomorrow. i dunno what time is the flight, but i just cant wait for it. its great =P we were planning of going over her house to have a ton night chat. hehehe. i know i am not allow =( but i still got to tryand want to try to. hehehhe. i miss you darling, you are finally back. oh ya, its just the same thing yesterday. a minute ago, i got reprimanded by my dad. becuase i was home at 3 yesterday mid- night. ooooops. hehehhe I WENT FOR SUPER STAR! YUPPS. i went for the super star show last time with YEWZHEN, WEIXIN and YONG ZHEN. we met at kahtib at 7. it was a good idea to always meet earlier to go somewhere. somehow, we got lost due to taking the wrong bus. we landed on a deserted late dark road near yio chu kang. so we decided to walk to the mrt station and take the train down and take cab. we were stupid enough to realise we walk half way down under the rain and found out we got umbrealla with us. so we reached ronie road. MEDIA CORP. okay show started. oh well, i wasnt quite attract to the singers actually. hehehe. non- of them seem to catch my attention.. till. HE APPEAR! oh dear, he's such a yosh. hehehhehe. yewzhen was stunned by him too =) hahhaha. he got a super good figure and dance so ROCKS! woo! hahhahaha. but the mans voice is good i must admit. so we reached kahtib around 1? and me zhen and zhen went for supper. cuase we haven had our dinner. i got myself FRIES. hoohoo. i reach under my block around 1 too? but me and yong zhen actually decide to settle down to have a talk. and end up we got ourselve to bed at late 3. hahhahaa. okay. today was a hom day. i decide to stay home, as i am hiding from work. RING RING RING!! my phone is ringing the whole day. so i decided to set it to silent mode to let my ear have a moment of peace. but yet i somehow missed out something, though i dun regret, and yet there's no answer. okay, i have a NO SHOW. i duno what will happen next. but i cant be bothered right now. tomorrow probabaly another home day. i dun want to get out my house. enough of my holiday already =) Labels: a missed call
2:36 AM
Monday, December 25, 2006:
its rather a sweet CHRISTMAS, this year. you, are always so SWEET. my sweetest girl, SHUELING! thank you so much for the present and card. nothing more can be compared to the card. you are so sweet girl. thank you so much =D MERRY CHRISTMAS BOY! Labels: nothing can be compared to this.
1:58 AM
HO HO HO!! MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS! merry christmas people! to everyone in the whole wide world! no lonely christmas for anyone! stay happy and cute as always! especially...... LINH! ZHEN! XIN! MERRY CHRISTMAS! MY THREE DARLINGS. and definitely my softball darlings =D oh, this year is definitely not a lonely christmas =D though i didnt go for count down like my sis does but i still feel happy working and definitely, 1) recieve the first msg from linh 2) working 3) having supper with my family 4) having christmas night with linh =E i am telling linh all my sad sad stuff which i dun usually told others except for the three of them. hehehhe. but it wasnt really that sad though. many people is wishing merry and merry christmas all way round. i believe everyone is very happy now. what about you? no matter how much i want, i cant. Labels: MERRY CHRISTMAS
11:21 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006:
OH WELL. FARHAN **** ZHI WEI! okay i forgotten your SURNAME. dun say what shit you didnt see?! clear your version before saying anything okay?! when did i ever ever hold hand with him?? GOSH! it was dark okay? i think you see the wrong thing. ding dong bell. you better stop it.
7:17 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006:
OK! I AM BADLY !!!!!!!!!!!!! !@$#%$^$@^ by this stupid boy in my home. dunno who the heck he is. get me so irritated. aaaarrrrgggggghhhh. already in a tire mood and there he is complaining to his mother that i dun let him play the computer. oh god! whose computer is it?! cant i use it?!!! WAAA!!!!. "li mian na ge jie jie bu rang wo wan!" WA!!!! if only i can smack him on his face! OK! relax. today is a super super tiring day. both and work and home. i'm already exhausted now. but waiting for my hair to dry before i can get into my dreams. there PAINTING TODAY! i didnt really help out =( oh i did! i help to clean up a few brush after wards. hehehhe. it cant be compare to their hard work. hahahhaa. but i can say the painting was rather nice. especially those pictures on it=E oh yupp. i got scolded from SUNNY today. another ARRGGHH. but i am rather pleased, as many aunties helped me. hehehhe. they are NICE. not like you SUNNY! wa................ that's my day. and more cakes have come in! oh dear, i cant bear to quit. i love Felicia. she's tooo good to be good =( i miss you. wooooo. and seeing those new cakes. oh my, really pleased my day =D THE MANGO FAVOUR! YOSH! but it turn out great again when i get to school =E i love shilka =EE hehehhee. you are great! MET zhen after that. we went to get fries and sugar cane drink. hehehe. we got a short, but perfect chat under her blog =) goodie goodie=) i hope i can go for tomorrow's trip though zhen. i dun want to disappoint you too. =D *stupid stomach! its all your FAULT!* alright. except for zhen. no one get to contact me today. sorry people. i am always being agitated to do kind of stuff! the most comfortable day ever, as i love the rain =E somewhere in my heart, you belong.
1:30 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006:
---NAME 20 PEOPLE THAT IS IN THE TOP OF YOU MIND--- 1:WEI XIN 2:YEW ZHEN 3:MIEU LINH 4:GRACE DEAR 5:SHILKA 6:VINCENT 7:MARCUS 8:BING SHUN 9:JUN XIANG 10:YONG ZHEN 11:RUIJIE 12:CHENG KOK 13:KAR WEE 14:DAPHNE 15:CHYENING 16:VALENTIN 17:QISHENG 18:MY SIS 19:LIAN WEI 20:FARIDAH *HOW DO YOU MEET 14? :DAPHNE:She is my class mate and softball, definitely =) *WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU NEVER MEET 1? :WEIIXIIN: gosh, it will be extrememly terrible!!! it will sucks!!! *WHAT DO YOU DO IF 20 AND 9 DATE? :DAPHNE, FARIDAH: how will they ever date huh??? wooo. hahhaha. but they definitely make a good pair of buddy =)) *DO YOU EVER LIKE 19? :LIAN WEI: wahhahaaah!! yes i do. when i first joined softball. hahhaa. this linh know it too! hahahha. a crush i can say. =D *WOULD 1 AND 6 MAKE GOOD COUPLE? :WEIXIN,VINCENT: oh my?? i wouldnt accept it =) hahahha *DESCRIBE 3 :MIEULINH: she is my darling, gentle, understanding, caring. i love her. *DO YOU THINK 8 IS ATTRACTIVE? :BINGSHUN: OH MY GOD! HE DEFINITLEY IS! i believe many people agree with me =) *SAY SOMETHING ABOUT 7 :MARCUS: hmmmm.. joking, cheerful, playful boy =) *DO YOU KNOW ANY 12'S FAMILY MEMBER? :CHENGKOK: uh huh, i doubt so, not so close with him =) *WHAT IS 18'S FAVOURITE? :MY SIS: hehehhee. of course is me! hahaha. and her boyfriend =) *WHAT WILL YOU DO IF 11 CONFESSED HE LIKES YOU? :RUIJIE: whaahahhahaa. i doubt that will . *WHAT LAUGUAGE DO 15 SPEAKS? :CHYE NING: mandrine ofhappen course*WHO IS 9 SEEING?? :JUN XIANG: wwwooossh.. i think someone in his handphone display? *HOW OLD IS 16? :VALENTIN: 15 of course! *WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU TALKED TO 13? :KARWEE: a few days again. FRIDAY 15 DECEMBER=p *WHO IS 2 FAVOURITE SINGER? BAND? :YEWZHEN: so far hilary?? hahaha *WOULD YOU DATE 4 :DEAR: HAHHHAHAHA. i will of course! *WOULD YOU DATE 14? :DAPHNE: hahahahha, i will too!! *IS 15 SINGLE? :CHYE NING: yupps, she is =) *WHAT IS 10 LAST NAME? :YONG ZHEN: zhen lor! *WOULD YOU EVER IN SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP WITH 17? :QISHENG:i dun think i will date him in the first place. HAHHAHA. he is my big brother. *WHAT SCHOOL DOES 3 GO TO? :MIEU LINH: orchid park larh!! aiyoyo 5 people to do! -weixin! -yewzhen! -grace! -vincent! -yong zhen!
12:26 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006:
![]() ---------------------------- oh right. i'm rather bored. so online to get some updates going. well, just got a big BREAKFAST at 12. or lunch perhaps? but it is a heavy one as soon setting off to work later on. and i'm rather pissed off with the schedule arrangement. we always get to know only a moment before. we had arranged to go escape with my primary school friends. and end up i didnt get the chance to go along. PISSED OFF! but we went k box the earlier day. the day with them was always great! we sing and play sing and play. and have a good dinner too. ![]() I ACTUALLY HAD MY LUNCH AND DINNER IN YOSHINOYA. oh that's sound far too great right?? hahahaha. oh well. it was yesterday, i poured in to lisan say i need to quit. oh ya right. OBJECTIONS is all coming on and on Father + Mother + Sister = whole family, actually asked me to quit. i rehears plenty of times with zhen at the counter how i am going to say out. finally i did. lisan wanted to talk to my mother to persuade her. yeah, she did. though i actually cant hear any of the conversation. but end up lisan actually want me to try on just weekends. and she pat my cheeks telling me i can. god, that's the very first time my heart sank. she's real nice mummy. my heart just moved though. who dare to say "he hate people lying to them?" this is the topic me and mummy actually chatted in a moment ago, as we watched the show. i agreed very much on it. who dun lie? exactly. another word. "in the world, everyone do things for themselves" agree greatly on this too. yupps, there is sacrifices its just depend lots of little. but most of things, we do for own satisfication. isnt that so? okay. ah ma cheered my morning up. she called and looking for my mummy. but mummy is in the bath room. as she ask what you doing? and i say usign the com.. end up?? she is actually asking what my mummy doing. hehehehhe. alright gtg. good afternoon =) i had never blame you for a single bit of thing.
11:34 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006:
i knany ways to cure SUN BURNT? oh my god, it really hurt badly. =( alright i said i will blog today =D weee. i realise i had to stay home today. jie jie will be home soon and we MIGHT be going to novena to have our favourite food. STEAM BOAT! yeay. waiting waiting. suddenly i missed my dad. weeee. hahahhaha. okay. due to yesterday, the hot WEATHER, i got SUN BURNT. it really hurt badly yesterday night and this morning. oh gosh. cant even touch it when i bath. hahaha. but i believe it wouldnt hurt as bad as JUN LONG'S. hahahah. so shock to see his sun burnt near to his whole body. hahaha. okay, early in the morning yesterday, i woke up at 6. chye ning called around that time too. i got a morning bath and cuases me a early flu. hahhaha. we set off to anglican high. mornign wasnt that high.. maybe everyone was still half awake. game was great! maybe because we won? yupp. longed for this taste =) i learned a SUPER funny song with weixin too! it was real funny. hahahha. i love that song too. though it might sound somehow stupid. hahahaha. daphne and faridah was crazy too. talking to their radio and ipod and talking non- stop. wahhahaha. but they were cute. hahahaha =) what else? hmmmm.. after game was even better. we set off to pasir ris to have our lunch. everyone is complaining they were hungry. ESPECIALLY VALENTIN! hhahahaha. before we reach there we were crazy over many many games. it was soooo cool! hahahhaa. but i am always the stupid one. though i dunno why. becuas ei always cant figure out what is the trick. and end up they were they trying to tease me and play me over it. hahahah. valentin and daphne were over the "click click" game. and their action was just super funny. hhahha. gosh, i love them =) alright there we go ate and go home. nice nice good good day. the pain was satisfied though =) i got a super super good laugh the whole day yesterday =) just soooo good. laksa girl! HAPPY MENTOS! stupid face. hahahha.
11:59 PM
Friday, December 15, 2006:
after having a good day, there's always a good dream coming up. =)))) too tire for everything. anyway, i got a good day, good laugh wiht you guys.night =D
1:27 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006:
ooooops! it already a TOMORROW! i believe this will be a long post. since so long i haven have a proper blogging =) and since my hair is wet right now? hehehe. oh yupps, i just reached home from work. eh, not that late actually. suppose to be 1030. but i dunno when and why, i actually stayed over there till 1130 with zhen. oh my god, AH ZHEN! hahahaha. she's great, she's funny. i cant stop myself from laughing when working with her. oh ya, she's blur too. hahaha. i dunno since when the cap of a container can turn out to be the cap of the blender. wahahahaha. BLUR SOTONG. this word remind me of AH XIN! dun worry! i wont forget you, NEVER! hehehe. and we will be out tommorrow, i know. is either shopping or sentosa. i'm looking forward to see you my dear =D Have you ever try having fries on the way home? having a plastic bag hanging around you arms? with the right hand taking fries, left hand with saucE? woooo. haaahaaa. alright, becuase that's what me and zhen did today. sound rather funny right? and we actually dance on the streets, in the middle of the night. she stepped me on my shadow, and i kissed her on her shadow. i'm nice righT? hahahha. guess what? i burnt my stomach with 100 DEGREE HOT WATER. i'm stupid, i know. hahahaa. we went back to sch! to get our gloves. there's me, kar wee, bing shun, raphael and junxiang. though i'm the only girl. and probably this was the VERY FIRST TIME. but i found them real great. we dun chat awkardly. we chatted very very smoothly. its nice! we went out with the guys too! i went to wait for grace but before that qisheng and karwee actualy called and LIE that they were already on the train. and when i thought they were gone, they actuallly popped out infront of me. by the way, sorry bing shun, i know that paper was not thrown by you. but i wanted to throw kar wee but actually hit your face. hahaha. sorry, but i like you reaction. hahhaha. so we went home sweet home. and it was very sweet night. i love them. we were planning to go out again, but somehow must get the date done. sentosa trip was cancelled. just as well, i cant go. uh huh. yay great! i'm going out tommorrow. early in the morning i'm going to be SUPPORTERS! JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU! update you about this in the next post. and afternoon i believe i'm going out wiht my two darlings. it seems long since i met them =D i believe we are going sentosa, though zhen doesnt want to turn dark anymorE! hahhaha, so properbly we will be going in the early afternoon=D okay. off i go to phone. i'm tire of blogging. this is a logn post right?! hahahhaha. night people. dun say i didnt blog wor! i wont cry, no matter where your heart is.
10:40 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006:
december have arrived. uh huh. i'm back from chalet. hahaha. back from genting and back from chalet just sound so funny. okay. overall rating for this chalet. 82%. its hight right?? hehheehe. i must admit this chalet is rather good and nice. so great. especially when we decided to go to the beach. i'm glad i didnt choose to go home that time. if not i will regret. i know. hahahaha. i just hate those mosqitoes bites, that's all. i got those bites when i slept in the where? i dunno. hahaha. there's lots of stars that night. i love it. we agreed to go out again. we were planning wild wild wet. hahaha. i hope hope hope. i didnt realise i will miss them after this chalet. unlike the previous one. hahaha. i dunno why too. i didnt realise you are a fun person too! though its a short period of time. but i beleive that's the real you right? how great =D thanks for the oil too. alright that's all. night. i swear i wouldnt love you again. |