9:30 PM
Friday, June 30, 2006:
ke ai. very very very very very nice. really very nice -------------------------------- =)
8:58 AM
ok. i decided that i shall blog somethig tonight. it is already 12. hehe. but i want to blog something. if not things are piling up. no much time to write everything. hahha. next post will be long about my adventurous camp. i love the camp first of all. haha. but this post will be toking about the wild wild wet trip that i went wiht my darlings. it has been long ever since i post there. haha. ok i shall start .24th june. .WILD WILD WET. ShImIN.WeIxIn.GrAcE. ShiLkA. that's us. weixin.grace.shimin.shilka. we were outside www. isnt that sweet? we continued the trip we were all so excite. just like the ballon that has just pumped with air. we scream when we went in. we start to go on rides. we went lazy river. flow around. lazily. we fight for float. trying to get 4 of us onto one float. and not one float but one bomb and four of us fall like pigs. HULAR LAH. My favourite ride. or should i say our fav ride?? hahaha. we sit many many times. countles.. first time is the most fun. weixin let go her hand from the holder. and i wanted to ask not her and in the end i let go myself. i start to kick around. and when i attacked grace. she let go too. and so does shilka. and end up four of us were like 4 big tapoals inside the pond. haha. and the camera took our pictures. we were like crazy. haha. we too samsung too. thrice. with different partner each time. grace scream like hell. when the float has gone up once. i dun understand why.. hahah. shilka is steady. wooohooo.. hahaha weixin and me got osme problem when sitting. she want to put her leg in but cant. hahahaha. silly gal. we took the bike too. shilka and i were scar ein the beginning but we chat soo much til we forgotten the fear. hahaha still got many many more. the slides. i love them. we went to change. and in our swim suit.. here it goes.. isnt this sweet? i love them. we took in our swim suits. we are kfc toooo.. shilka took many photos of what we ate.. ![]()
we. the eys.(xin) the nose(me!) the mouth (grace) the ears (shilka) i love them.
8:55 AM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006:
before 27th june past. HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY JIE JIE! I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!! HAPPY BELATED **th BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!!! today is jie jie's birthday. i hasnt bought anything for her. she was there pesisting, want me to get something for her. actually i am already looking for it. i saw the delighted face from her face when she recieve the bad bad zamaru BOXER. from kerine. hahaha. i know boxer sound funny for a lady. but that is what kerine bought for her when she went oversea. and she was really so happy over it. and even worn it and treat it as a shorts. that shorts look cute i must say.haha. i am trying hard to look for it JIE!. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MUMMY. yesterday is mummy's birthday. ahhaha. it was very funny eh? mummy and jie jie's birthday were so close. yupp. it was just this one day difference. that;s why it was always celebrate together. haha. i cant say out mama's age. oooops sorry. hahahha. today is also uncle's birthday. he got the same birthday as jie jie. last year we celebrater together. but not this year. probably everyone was very busy. haha. i hope he wont be sad becaue i hasnt forgotten his birthday. he is the uncle that help us the most and I LOVE THE MOST! yay. yesterday we went NOVENA. hehe. the usualy place to celebrate the birthday of one of our family memebers. i cant stop myself from thinking of this place. haha. it was nice. =) the steam boat is nice i mean. the place, the shop is nice. the uncle is always so nice. i remember we went there on my birthday. we enjoyed. because we were sitll again the crazy family over there. making a fool of ourselve. playing with the stem that is coming out from the bowl. including papa ok. haha. I LOVE THEM. SCHOOL REOPEN. everything is nice over again i must say. lately i didnt stay back. haha. but maybe i will that time perhaps. not sure. cause rather busy lately. HYPER 3S2 my lovely class once over again. i love them. they were still as funny as always. ms soh is still as nice as always. i know i am suppose to hand in the book review tmr before going to the camp. but i know myself. i am not going to. haha. busy busy busy. sorry! hahaaha. jing hang lost his shorts today! ahhaa. it was jus so funny. end up is he exchanged pants with di yao. the two of them were without their sch pants. walking around. so unpleasant!. hahahaha I JUST LOV E THEM. many more funny things coming up. next post perhaps. ULAR LAH. I HASNT FORGET THIS. I WILL UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THE BRUISE. IT DOESNT HURT AT ALL. I MISS IT.
4:15 AM
Thursday, June 22, 2006:
toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! toilet paper! just becaue we came out of the toilet and see the aunty. and this toilet paper joke start. and we laugh like hell. even when we get there you were playing with me with this joke. haha.
1:54 AM
.EVERYTHING IS FUN. EVERYTHING IS NICE. yupp. let me blog what happen yesterday. there is training early in the morning. everyone nearly went at the same time. i went with my darling. xin. we met under grace's block. and go to sch together. before we went into the school we already laughing. discussing how our hair should be. hahaha. love her lots. val is already in the sch with sharlini and chye ning. shilka came shortly after that. game is starting. I CHEERED! WOHOO. ok lame. haha. everything is fun. we went crazy again. over everysingle bit of thing. i played with chye nign with qi sheng everything is nice. .BIKING. we went biking after being dismissed. chye ning have 3 bikes. but it was pong zei. i dunno how to say. hahaha. me and grace went to jerren house to borrow his bike. he was with his friend. we took and we go. grace doesnt know how to carry the bike down. so i taught her. i carried the bike up standing with one wheel. you taught me that. grace have difficulties pulling up the bike. so i helped her. gee. WE went to spc to pump the pong zei bikes. i rememebered. it was memoriable. we went many places we bike to the RESERVIOR. and to coach apartment. we planned to go have a visit but he wasnt at home. hahaha. we went to northpoint to have some desert too. next to the pet and handphone shop. the desert there was nice. but mine is so expensive. and grace is saying that hers is cheap and nice. but end up she was addicted to shilka's desert instead. hahha. orbe. hahhahaa. weiixiin and grace was there exchanging their ingredient. eeeeek. that's the ppl's reactions. haha. we went to yishn park after our desert. i suggested to go into the playground. hehhee. i miss the dunno what. there were four seats. i played with shilka. she was being bullied by me. haha. she nearly fall and she was complaining that it is painful. grace played with chye ning and weixin. chye ning fall after sometimes and grace was still contining till she saw chye nign has fall. weixin played with grace too. weixin fall even faster than chye ning. and i was there laughing shilka. we went home after that. we decided to cycle fast throughtout. me and grace agreed. so we START! we bike and bike. till grace's bike break down. the chain fell off. chye ning is good. she knew how to manage with it. but i was there so funy. i am trying to help chyening with it. and when i was trying to pul the chain. a beetle came out from the hole and i SCREAMED. chye nign was shocked by my scream. ooops sorry. hahha. den we realise shilka and weixin were at the back. because shilka fall of her bike. and we doesnt know it. sry shilka. but we still enjoy it. lets tok about those funny parts throughout the biking WEIXIN. she was the most funny gal out there. she nearly fall when we reached every turn. when grace lead us and going pass a traffic light. she cant turn and bang straight up the slope to the tree. hhahahhaa. and when she go down the slpe next to ntuc. she cant brake and nearly went to the road. lol! but luckily she stopped in time. because her bike has no brake and she just go on and on and on. the way she cycle really made everyone worried and laughed. SHILKA. SHE BANG ONTO THE TRAFFIC LIGHT when we were going to bike to the reservior we stopped and i asked shilka to press the button. and she was rushing towards the traffic light and she couldnt stop and next bang into the traffic light. grae was lauhing out so loud till i laughed too. hahhaa. SHIMIN.SHILKA AND GRACE. we were going home returning the bike to jerren. we have three bike. so we decide to long bang. i asked shilka to trust me and let me long bang her. she did. but i cant. i cant really balance. and shilka was there complaining her butt pain. grace and weixin with jerren bikes was very far infront of us. i believe they thought we were following up. but when they turn over then they realise me and shilka is still struggling. hahhahaa. so GRACE. brag that she shall long pang shilka. WORST OF THE WORST. she fall immediately after a few step she cycle shilka. shilka fall the worst. and pushed me because i was beside her and i fall tooo. SO END UP?? i ride grace. hahha. it was fun. very veyr fun. and we asked chye nign down after we return the bike.
1:09 AM
HAVE BEEN TAGGED!1. Do the following WITHOUT complains 2. Choose 5 person to do this after you completed yours 3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged. 4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this. Favourites- favourite colour: wHiTe & bRowN favourite food: MaShmAllOw??? favourite song: sO mUcH wOr! EveRytiMe cHanGe. gee. bEcAuSe oFyou. favourite movie: jUst LikE hEaVen. favourite sport: roller blading.bAdmIntOn. favourite day of the week: friday. favourite season: SpRinG favourite ice cream: mIxeD IcEcrEam Currents- current mood: HaPpY-sMilIng! =)) current taste: sWeeT. yUpp. SWEET. current clothes: hOmE t-t aNd shOrts. current desktop: sIstA.phOtoS.witH hEr dArlinGs.xp current toenail colour: nil curent time: 10.59 current annoyances: fAn shE mE??? hmm. current thoughts: WhAt elSe??? first first best friends: GeEnA yIp shU jUn first crush: dUn waNnA sAy wOr. shY sHy. first movie: ForgOt le =) first lie: tO mUmmY?? dunno=) first music: frOm yOunG. dUno. Lasts- last cigarette: I aM a gOoDie gAl =) last drink: mUmmY bArliE last car ride: TuEsDAy last crush: dUn WaNt tO saY!! last movie: oMeN last phone call: SiStA last CD played: tHe DisC gRacE lenD me Have you ever- have you ever dated one of your best friend? -CouNteD?? have you ever broken the law?- OOoopS. noPe have you ever been arrested?- nOpE. have you ever skinny dipped? -NO. have you ever kissed someone you dont know? -You mUst bE cRaZy. no. so i am suppose to find five too -yEwzhen -GeEna -yoNg zhEn. -sista! -vElarIe TAGGED. GRACE I HAVE DONE IT! -
7:31 AM
Monday, June 19, 2006:
.ILOVEYOUDARLING. .ShImIn.WeIxIn. i love weixin! yesh i do. hehehhee. omg. i thought i love you is the most difficult for me to say in the whole wide world. haha. it is of course. it is still. but i am willing to say to weixin! haha. MY DARLING. oooopss. i hope seet dun read =) haha. BISHAN. Yup. we went bishan. my idea? i not sure. i only know the moment we met each other. we were already laughing. we have no idea where we were heading to. till we were looking at the map in the train. and xin say we look unpleasant. eh.. i dunno why. hahahha. we went to have a sour palm sugar cane drink. at the basement. i drink sugarcane with palm. but weixin wants PURE one. hahhaa. because of this pure word we laugh off our heads too. hahaha. we went.. neo print shop. took the LAME NEOPRINT AGAIN. hahha. but it have been long eversince i took with her. we make different funny post. climb up and down like babies. NAUGHTY BABIES.haha. and it turn out alright. funny i must say. weixin love the titanic posture. she was laughing so loud. we went kfc. has some chat. and we decide to go chong pang. but end up??? WE SAW SOME BODY. oooooops. and we become detective of the day. i am proud of myself. cause i think i did better than xin. till she say me."shimin. you think we so slim to hide here meh?" when i went to hide behind a board?? hahha. we hid behind two indians. and we laughed. i took a map and cover my face all day long. xin didnt but yet she is laughing over my action. stupid xin. we lost our targets a few times. but we get again! hahaha. fun fun. we sat at the food court too. we played! we have fun. ILOVEWEIXIN. CLUMSYXIN! YOU ACCOMPANY THROUGH THE DAY.
6:36 AM
Saturday, June 17, 2006:
FIREFLY -------------------------- When i said go i never meant away You ought to know the freaky games we play Could you forgive and learn how to forget Hear me as i'm calling out your name Firefly come back to me Make the night as bright as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on Follow you into the Sun That's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me You and me We shared a mistery We were so close Like honey to the bee And if you tell me how to make you understand I'm minor in a major kinda way Firefly come back to me Make the night as bright as day I'll be looking out for you Tell me that your lonely too Firefly come lead me on Follow you into the sun That's the way it ought to be Firefly come back to me Fly firefly through the sky Come and play with my desire Don't be long don't ask why I can't wait another night yeah.done.my. blog. song.
1:57 AM
Friday, June 16, 2006:
WONDERFUL NIGHT. I LOVE YOU! it was the best and most wonderful night! PAPA.MAMA.JIE JIE. ME. DIDI. Guess whaT?? we played mahjiong! hahha. SURPRISE? i am too. no no i am not. hahahha. me and jie jie persuaded papa soooo long. but he rejected the previous night. because of world cup. sobs. hahaha. but surprisingly he agrred yesterday. i spoiled the table before the game. hehehe.. such a careless gal i am. spoiled the table before the game. cause i put my wallet inside. and it got stuck there. and jie jie pulled out the drawer hard! and the wood fallen out. mama. face. was. BLACK. SORRY. but she didnt say anything. heehhe. GAME START. game started. didi was sitting on papa's lap. papa ask him take he take. ask him throw he throw. becuase he doesnt know anything. but yet wanna join the fun. hahahhaha. i am ANGRY. because i didnt WIN! hahhaa. but mama say i got good temper. because though i am loosing. i still got the determination to say i will win. and i am laughing. jokking. cracking jokes through out the game. ppl dunno will think that i am winning like crazy. mama say i this kind of attitude to mahjiong is good. hahhahaa. but didi say no. becuase he dun want me to get addicted to it. well i wont. hahaha. maybe when i grow older?? when i dun want to get "lao ren chi dai" den i will play. hahhaah. stupid game. i realise i got 1 card lesser! omg.. that's terribel isnt it? i dunno why. since when. i lost one card. how am i suppose to win then? hahahahha. never. BUT SOON................................ i got one card more!!!! omg.. papa was laughing like hell. he say if not i got one lesser. if not got one more. BUT I REALLY DUNNNO WHY!!! throughout the game. i still didnt win much. till one round. i was there looking at my dad. ask him to give me some cards i want so i can win. so he tauhgt me signal. and say what kind i want tell him. ahhaha. so throughou the game i was making funny faces. pretending to tell papa i want this and that card. hahahahhahaha. and papa respnd. giving funny faces too! hahah.muacks. i can see. papa and mama is letting me to win. hahhaaha. in the end i won 15 bucks! hahahhaha. andi got no more money. i snatch from papa's drawer. and he say i am always cheating. hahahha.. what about my brotheR? heheheh. he was the waiter for the day. he helped us with water and drinks. hahah. till he tire and took a towel and went to bath, it was very fun. very very fun. though papa won. but end up he still lost 50 ++ bucks becasue at the end he took out and asked us to share. hahaha. mama won the most. clever mama. she was an expert mar ok.. hahhaha. I REALLY LOVE THEM!
1:46 AM
i realise it wasnt so bad staying at home the whole day actually. hehe. yesterday i stayed home the whole day. i am suppose to go GORILLA HOUSE. hahha. ok i mean weixin. haha. cause i have been asking her the whole day is she gonna make her hair. she complaining that it is CURLY. i told her later become BOTA den she know. hahaha. but throughout the afternoon. i realise i am soooo LAZY to go anywhere. further more her house is sooooo far.=( hahha. so i decided to STAY HOME. since jie jie ask me to pack the room. she is so enthu. she told me she wants a room of hers. but TOO BAD! she got to share with her mei mei. hehehe. THROW! THROW! THROW! that's the only word coming out from her mouth when packing the room. that is also the reason why i love packign the room with her. casue i certainly dunno which can throw should i throw? or so. but with her, THROW THROW THROW. is all her word. easy and fast! hahhahha. finally. done. two of us sat on the sofa. i started with my work. when she suggested watch DEEP BLUE SEA. anything =) so it start. omg. from the show start. she has non stop endless questions. i knew not why eh. hahaha. but half way through. she told me it is bored. and she was near to sleep. hahahhaha. so i suggest to her why not let's watch hollow man. since i think that is a pretty nice show. haha. i told her to watch disc two. cause it is more exciting when the man started to kill ppl. so she on disc 2. but i told her she wont undertand if she dun watch disc 1. so she stopped and on disc 1. hahhaha. we watched. and again. ENDLESS QUESTIONs. perhaps i need cotton wool eh?? hahhaha. is the perosn dying? will he die like final destination? die le mar? die le maR? how he die? so he become man again? he got his body back again? OMG! BURST! that's her. but luckily when she was about to get HIGHT~ the show ended. hehehhee. only you understand what i mean. hahahhaha. that's all! jie jie and i stayed home the whole day yesterday =)
9:45 PM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006:
8:42 AM
its 1159pm. 1 more minute to go. i gonna post this post at 1159. i dun wanna miss this mintue. i am in front of the com from 10 till now. dear ask me am i waiting. xin scolded me again. haha. i dun wanna talk about it. but i hope this day still mean. 14.06.06. 11.59 p.m. [6]/
2:36 AM
.FINALLY I BLOGGED. ========================= GEENA.YONG ZHEN. MEILIN. yay i love you guys soooo much. i really do. soooooooooooo muccchhhh. you guys light up my precious day. 13.o6. long and fun day. k box. wohooo.. long time didnt go there. decemeber time. i am sorry i didnt meet up with you guys that time. cause i am not feeling good during that time. but i know you guys are always very very understanding=) sing. geena. me. yong zhen. forever fun. haha. hyper us. jump about the sofa. though we rush and sat down when ppl is walking pass or coming in. hhaha.. geena you are the one i am mentioning! haha. yong zhen a bit abit pai sehpai seh. i was about to level up the volume of her mike when she sing cause i cant hear her voice AT ALL. but in the end i manged and it was so fun when we sang all the way. NEOPRINTS WASTE OF MONEY! I KNOW YOU WILL THINK THAT. THAT'S THE JOKE WE USE TO SAY. HAHAHHAHAA. BUT I DUN THINK SO!! IT WAS SOOO EVER NICE! we took four machines in all. i know if now i tell you that. my ear will get lame aR! hahhaha.. all those words. though now i dun get to hear that. hahhaa. MEILIN! she is ever so funny. she look like monster in many of the neoprints. we laughed. we were the queen in each of the photos. though one is not successful but i still love it! woohooo.. SEMBAWANG SHOPPING CENTRE. we were there. nice nice nice. we went to arcade. hahaha long time ever since i stepped into this place. we were funny. yong zhen and meilin took a long time and long credits on the time cresis. hahhaa. and complaining. especially yong zhen! hahhaha. me and geen got a hard time playing on the baby game. geena ar geena. hahah. she cant pass the lvl and we end up like smashing the machines. hahahhaa. love ya! KFC long time didnt eat kfc le.. hehhee. it was nice. long chat. an hour chat i estimate. haha. talk about the past. it was sooo fun. becuase of stupid past we quarrelled. we now found ourselve childish. there were really so much memories with them. we didnt realise it after we chat. hahhaa.. we took bus back. me meilin and yong zhen didnt went home though. we wen tto northpoint. and i decided to recomend them on me and dear's fav drink MILO PEARL! hahhaha. but there is NO MORE PEARL. TOO LATE SOBS. so we drank ICE MILO. hehehe. we walk home from north point. we walk pass the reservoir. hmmm. and yong zhen started telling us on things about the frog she saw hopping pass the pavement. hahha.. not frog. IS TOAD. HAHAHA. i reach home at 10. yeah. 12 hours journey. very veyr fun. and we planned on a chalet during the end year. i hope it is in process. GEENA! YOU ARE THE LEAD. PLLLEASSSSEEEEEE. HAHHA. i will help too ;p definitely =) ok i shall end here. gtg! yeah!
8:39 AM
Friday, June 09, 2006:
WheRe dId i gO rIght. ----------------------------- i'm always too lae i see the train leaving i'm always laughing when it's not cool to smile. i'm always aiming but somehow keep missing so how did you get ere something is wrong *where did i go right how did i get you how come all this blue sky is around me and you found me where did i go right how did i get you i don't know how i did but somehow now i do i'm always driving forget where i'm going should have turned left but i was singing some song and i, i am arriving as everyone's leaving but there you are waiting something is wrong where did i go right how did i get you how come all this blue sky is around me and you found me where did i go right how did i get you i don't know how i did somehow now i do. make no sense to me no it isn't clear but somehow you're standing here something gets to me it's that nothing is wrong once over my blog song lyrics=)
7:35 AM
they do care. everyone do care. i decided to post. dear ask me to =) hahaha. well. lets talk about today. there were suppose to be game against the c girls. but the weather is not on our side. it started to pour before the game even start. but i still manage to get out of bed at 8. i saw the message. am i angry? i hope i am. or you want to know i am? stupid brother. what you want huh??? pissed off. stupid msg. never mind! hehehee. ppl started to ask me is there still game?? arrgghhh. my hair dropping. cause i dunno!!!! so i msg coach. one word answer. YES! hehehehehe. so i pong pong le. change le. and went to meet weixin. she wasnt there. so i went up to find grace. and soon. gang of friends came. we decided not to go for trg. since they were watching video and it is still pouring. we went to eat ban mian. xin scolded me. because i use to eat you mian. and i was always arguing with grace saying which one is nicer. hehehe. but now i like that mar! after that they went home. i went to doctor woon there. hmmmm. clinic i mean. i went to see doctor woon. i dun want to elaborate what happen. haha. 4 medicines. yucks. ate twice. and those were so bitter. my brother being sacastic. ask me if i can swollow those pills. haha. i can. nearly puke only mar. but i didnt lor!!! hahahaha. ok. 26 bucks for that. went to sembawang later on. isnt in the mood at all. just went there to return books. funny eh??? hahahhaa. went to northpoint. help mama take letter. good girl hor? ok. drink milo pearl. hehehe. shared. went home. talk. bye. i hope everything will be over. tire..
8:29 AM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006:
life is very complicated lately. very very complicated. i hope everything can be solved. part of it was solved today i must say. some misunderstanding. daphne and i knew about it right? i hope it is solve. i really dun want things to go that way. i hope i have simple life. a simple life like just now. when i went out and talked without stress. sitting in the playground. on those exercise machines playing and laughing under the moon. it was always always so nice. those real laughters. i hope i can stop those real and happy moments. i believe things will change =) i really do. i will try too =)
6:19 AM
Sunday, June 04, 2006:
i dunno why i am thinking it this way if just this really make it this way.. alright i change. i change. although i have it first but since this is this way.. i change.. since it was repaired and papa take it back today considering two which one should i take but after i knew about this and i knew this give so much trouble i take back the one that is being repaired. i say a sorry if that make things turns so bad though i dun feel i am in wrong.. because it is just a mistake of taking wrongs things and having a switch. but that really give a big trouble. i'm sorry 1 dun feel good another wouldnt and another wouldnt I WONT. i definitely wont. so one person change is better than all staying unhappy isnt it? well and that goes with it. bye.. |